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  1. Hi! I've had the Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber for a while now, and have since long noticed a bug regarding the unstable blade itself. I have kept from reporting it in hopes of it already had been noticed, and thusly getting swiftly fixed. A few days ago, the bug seemed to have vanished but has since resurfaced. I thought it may be my graphical card that was the issue, but I have tested it on three different computers on both ultra/low/high graphical settings. The bug is that as you turn your camera around the saber, on several angles the white bit (core) of the blade seems to incessantly dim, or disappear completely, making the entire saber red/green/blue/Whichever crystal you've put in. It looks...Messy and silly. It may be a minor bug but this robs the saber of its most coveted effect, severily diminishing its value. You may already be aware of this, but thought I'd put it out there. Hope to see it fixed soon enough! -Myo
  2. Assuming this is still on, we might have a deal. I've sent you an ingame mail. My character is Caeulus.
  3. As per the title. I'm wondering if anybody out there is sitting on one, and wish to do away with it. We can go down that way in credits, or I could trade you the Unstable Arbiters Lightsaber + some credits, perhaps. In any case, hope to hear from you!...If you exist! NB! My characters name is Caeulus on Empire-side. Edit: No longer looking for the helm.
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