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Everything posted by parchedgoose

  1. But only after listening to all of the complaints did they even bother to look at it....otherwise they would have play tested the companions prior to the release,,they had plenty of time....so they were working as intended.
  2. unsubbed...15 days left but since the comps are now useless...won't even bother to play much with the time left...holidays are upon us and plenty of RL things to do,...and no my stuff is mine, no one can have it.
  3. "Some of you will certainly ask, why the need to nerf Companions? This is something that we definitely saw the community be divided on, and it was good for us to hear feedback from both sides" well, we now know which side they listened to the most...don't we? sort of like the CSM incident a while back..
  4. been reading quite a bit on this both before and after the nerf.....this is a game, its supposed to be fun and entertaining....not tedious and overwhelming....before this last patch it was fun actually even with the level synch...now its just tedious again....for some reason they just don't understand how to balance....this same thing happened with the slot machine...over the top to begin with and nerfed to uselessness in the end...and to be honest,,,going through KOTFE again and again with useless comps on my alts no longer holds any interest and seriously you destroyed Treek as a comp ....was doing the Gravestone chapter with Kothe and he keeps getting killed time and time again...now useless and boring. thanks for all the fish BW fortunately there is FO4 and the new Battlefront for fun and entertainment now.
  5. [unfortunately they have listened to a vocal minority once again since there are lots of folks who don't even bother with these forums but play the game just the same and are never heard from.....wouldn't hurt that maybe they should send out a survey to all accounts for feed back prior to such a radical change....just to be fair
  6. so true..once again the squeakiest wheel...the whiners...win once again...they just couldn't leave it alone like so many other things they have messed with over time, like the you know what from the CM, just because they can.... thanks oh so much...really.
  7. Customer service forum no longer works so posting here...log in and go to characters and now for some reason it thinks I am downloading the game for the very first time...which I am not. All of this since the latest patch. all characters on server are either still level 60 with two level 65's that have finished the new story line so far... Seriously though.....bug or working as intended?
  8. Most likely one of the oldest here at 63 .....remember back in the 70's while in college writing my first code in basic to get a stick figure to walk across the screen, pick up a box and walk back the other way...took lots of lines of code....we sure have come a long way since those early days.....blows me away every time I log on to play.
  9. unwad your panties Nancy...my sub ends soon enough.
  10. Simply...since the release of the last expansion its been nothing but a mess and BW has done absolutely nothing about it and until they do people will continue to un-sub.....some will still play as F2P or preferred but the subs will slowly diminish.
  11. actually I love the game. just tired of playing and paying for something that is as bug ridden as this one has turned out to be. Been here since Beta and have supported the game as much as possible but with this last release, enough is enough. This is supposed to be a big year for Star Wars and the road map so far looks more like a trip down a dirt road. When BW decides to actually put our money back into the game with bug fixes and really decent content why should anyone continue to pay....are you doing it out of blind devotion or in hopes the money is being spent on making the game better because right now,,,the game is not better, it keeps getting worse. So, until I see some effort spent on actually fixing the game and efforts put into real communication to the players my sub will soon expire....I won't play preferred or F2P since I pretty much have all my toons at max level and have no real desire to run broken FP's and OP's. For those who wish to continue to pay to play....I understand, you have hope and hope is good but demand more than what you are getting now, that much you deserve. If your car starts to break down, do you continue to drive it till its completely broke down or do you repair it when you notice something is wrong...right now the folks at BW seem to want to run this ride till it completely breaks down. Don't let it happen. Stay vocal.
  12. just had to respond....you are wrong on all parts.....my other game is F2P, I have 12 toons, in 2 guilds, housing, mounts, over 4B in game money, access to the entire game, everything. the cash shop prices are the same for all whether you are free or subbed, free stuff weekly and events every month and if I subbed it would be even more. the grind is more so here than anywhere else i have seen..especially for F2P, its actually horrendous and overall the way F2P is treated by BW it should be treated better because FYI the game was hemorrhaging subs so badly before they implemented it it was the only way to save it and though lots of people claim subs are not going down...well just because you see people playing doesn't mean they are subs......either they rethink how they treat the players, both F2P and sub, in regards to this latest mess, this game will end up in the trash can...its happened before to others. Its been a good run but seriously, the wheels are getting a bit thin and worn.
  13. actually there are other games out there that have a F2P model that works very well without all the limitations found here and the companies who are doing this are making a killing with cash shop sales and there servers are well populated as well... The model here most likely pushes more players away which overall hurt the entire community....less folks in ques and less folks to group with....I have been here off and on since beta and the longer I am here the more I see BW doing less and less for the game or the community other than more cash shop garbage/money grabs....I will stay on as a preferred account for a while to see if they pull their heads out of their backsides since I have a security key and will continue to be rewarded with CC's but nothing more.....not another credit till they fix so much that has been wrong since day one and continues to this day to remain unfixed including their F2P model. I know, their are fanbois that will find nothing wrong no matter how broken it is but then again some folks believe the Earth is only 6000 years old as well....you just can't fix stupid. Last post....the goose is signing off.
  14. But, But....there's a new crystal.....everybody must stay for new crystal...right? seriously though, with all the crap that is wrong I would hope they would be fixing those things instead of more CM junk...the market is flooded enough and most is just the same thing over and over and over with name changes being the only change.....yes, our patience is thin
  15. my latest attempt with 2 stacks generated 1 Cartel cert, 1 green JJ and a bunch of rep certs and nothing else which I capped out my weekly gratuity with fairly quick. pretty sad really. Think I will stick my machine in the corner behind a bunch of dancers...better yet...I will put a Massasi guard in front of it
  16. mine died quite a bit...especially during the mandalorian blood hunt on Rishi......Bad Robot!
  17. would have to agree....sadly, way too many bugs, way to many things done half a_s_sed and the complete lack of response to known issues and complaints....well, IRL most of us would be fired for acting this way to our customers. Personally I get the feeling they just don't seem to really care about what they are doing or what we think anymore. This last bit of fuss over the slot machine and tbh the latest expansion was overall really lazy. From what I can gather a whole lot of subs are going from pay to play to F2P/Preferred and a lot of folks no longer trust the CM anymore so maybe, just maybe, lost revenue will wake someone up over there.....maybe.
  18. seems to me the simplest way would be to have an appearance remodeler in fleet where for a couple of thousand creds you could reskin/remodel the appearance of an item by using another item that you like....destroying said item but creating the new appearance....so for about 14k creds you get the appearance you want and they get the money sink they want..dye slots would remain the same as well as mod slots. Just my 2 cents.
  19. GOOD GRIEF what is wrong with you people....now you don't want folks to have money... are you one of the gold spammers who can't sell your credits anymore for real money cause folks don't need you...I bet that its and I also bet you are one of the tools that got the slot machine nerfed as well....FYI, you can't make a million in slicing on Yavin in an hour no matter how hard you try...at low pop time the mobs will eat you and at high pop times the competition will eat you....it just can't be done. AS a 500 slicer I have tried it numerous times so I call BS on you and your so called made up numbers. As for the slot machine....it actually was helping the crafting community by providing low cost mats for crafting and everyone was benefiting, mods were once again cheap, expect gold spammers. Guess what.....next time you want to say something, raise your hand. This is why we can't have nice things, all people like you want to do is whine about one thing or another.... Tell you what BW.....nerf the nerf whiners, they are ruining the forums and the game.
  20. Shadowlands is no better.....we gots us some serious issues here as well.....it high time they did some server upgrades if they expect to correct any of this. Spend some of that coin they made of of CM sales.
  21. One way I have seen these issue addressed in another online game I play is through in game surveys...whereas they ask a number of questions related to an issue or a game mechanic and the entire gaming community is allowed to weigh in...herein they gather all of the responses and can formulate a plan based on actual numbers from those who actually play the game....its really a win win in that overall its by majority rule and not just because a few highly vocal in the minority... Just because you whine the most or the loudest doesn't make you right.
  22. Here we go again....someone else complaining that folks are getting credits only this time pal....we are using crew skills and not the slot machine....seriously, why should you care how folks get credits..its a game, get over it and FYI it took a whole lot of effort to get a slicer up to 500 and like all of us who have done it what we get is only a portion of what it has cost us to get there whether it was in time spent gathering or money spent sending our comps out on missions...and no you can not macro slicing in either Rishi or Yavin....mobs will eat you for lunch and your little doggy to. You whiners really need to quit trying to ruin the game for everyone else because you feel slighted.
  23. Look at it this way....If you went out and bought yourself say a new Lexus and the next morning when you went out to get in your new Lexus to go to work and discovered a VW instead because your neighbors did not like your new Lexus....wouldn't you be pi-ss-ed? understandably people are PO'd
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