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Posts posted by KahnyaGnorc

  1. Some Bounty Hunters side with the Empire, others do not. Your Bounty Hunter is one of the former. Just like some Jedi become librarians and rarely, if ever, see combat, while your Jedi does not. Some folks join the groups that you fight, like the Black Sun, White Maw, Ulgo's forces, etc. Your character is not one of those, either.
  2. Cantina's or Capital Planet Cantina's need GTN Terminals and Lockboxes


    More of an Imperial problem than Republic. The cantina in the Senate district is a very short run from the GTN and cargo access points. Not sure who thought putting the cantina on the other side of Kass City from the GTN and cargo access points...

  3. Why did you avoid the actual question and reply with something that doesn't have anything to do with what we were saying? You brought the example up, not me. Now you want to stray away from it cause you've realized my point of view actually makes sense and your world is crumbling down all around you?


    About what you just replied on the other hand, i don't want to roll an alt in order to play one of my classes specs. I can justify alts for actually different classes, and i have as a matter of fact 5 lvl 50s, but i'm not gonna roll an alt to play what's basically a glorified spec of a class that i already have.


    Besides, alts are just that, alts. And they get the attention they deserve: not much. I want to play the class i rolled, which is a trooper, to its fullest and i can't do that because half of its specs are denied to me due to this moronic ac system.


    Your arguments don't make sense. If you are a Commando, it is because you rolled a Commando. A Commando is a different CLASS than a Vanguard, just like a Guardian is a different CLASS than a Vanguard. I'd say Guardians and Vanguards are closer together, as they are slightly different mechanics to do the same roles, than Commandos and Vanguards, as they perform drastically different roles healer vs tank.


    "Specs" of a class are concentrating on different aspects of class elements that already exist. All Commandos have healing abilities, healer-spec Commandos are just better at healing. No Vanguards have healing abilities, which precludes healing specs. A healing-specced Commando is NOT a just another spec of Vanguard . . . it is a completely different class.


    Just like back in DAoC, my Wizard and my friend's Theurgist were both advanced classes of Elementalists, but they were completely different classes, despite sharing some abilities inherited from the base class. (The level-based Earth and Frost abilities were shared).

  4. Then do so, but why should i be forced into your choice as well? Me being fine to have a laugh in a group where some poor bastard just changed ac and does random stuff doesnt affect you in any way.


    That being said for the sake of argument, i dont believe that being decent with a class takes more than few minutes... maybe an hour.. MAYBE in extreme cases a day, so it's really a non issue.


    If i could change my commando into a vanguard at will i'd have 0 problems tanking or dpsing or pvping as i know how those specs work and how they have to be played, it's not really a big deal. Again, we're not talking rocket science here..


    Then, roll an alt. If I want to tank differently than my main tanks, I roll a Vanguard or Shadow to do so. If you want to tank and rolled a healer, roll a tank. You rolled a Commando, and I rolled a Guardian. Neither of us rolled a Vanguard.

  5. Well to be honest, complaining about a scene that is 2 seconds long over a *********** DECADE is really stupid.


    Except that short scene said so much about Han's personality (and as Han is the archetype of smugglers, the smuggler personality) when Han shot first. It is those quick "Blink-and-you'll-miss-it" moments that reveal more about people and characters than long expositions ever can.

  6. Or has he admitted they didn't turn out as great as he wanted them?

    Because I don't see how anyone In their right mind could be satisfied with how Anakin was handled in those movies.


    So yeah has he tried to address the criticism at all?


    He doesn't think they are bad. He thinks we are bad for thinking they are bad. Just like he thinks we are bad for not thinking Greedo shot first.

  7. I tried SWG (shortly after launch, pre-NGE . . . I don't think there was a single Force-user yet), didn't like it. It felt like there was no game there.


    I tried TOR, liked it, still playing.


    So, for me, TOR wins.

  8. I'd rather be able to have a healer that just switched from the opposite ac than no healer at all and wasting time not being able to do anything.


    Besides, playing a character is not rocket science, chances are that if someone sucks at playing a scoundrel healer after 15mins he switched to it, he would have sucked even if he made one from the ground up, and STILL, i'd rather go with that healer and do something rather than have no healer at all. Or at least have the options of saying well i could go with this not so good healer but i choose not to, rather than being forced to do nothing from having no option at all.


    Quite frankly, as a tank, I'd rather go off and do something solo or play an alt than to group with someone who never played their class before, relying on them to heal me. While I don't have a phobia about wipes, I don't actively seek them out, either.

  9. "There is no emotion, only peace."


    Similar to, yet not as strict as, Vulcans. Do not ACT on emotion. Find your inner peace, and act on logic. Think of the "codes" as spoken in the game as the Tables of Contents for the full codes, article/chapter/section titles, rather than the text of the codes.

  10. Yet, they surely are more valid reasons to allow it rather than not allow it.


    People wanting ac switch do at least provide decent arguments, while people against it haven't really come up with much so far in these months except "it's wrong" "i don't want it so nobody should be allowed" which are obviously pretty terrible arguments.


    I really want to group with a level 50 Scoundrel healer (for example) that has not actually PLAYED a Scoundrel and has just switched from a Gunslinger. (sarcasm, just in case) No, I want to group with a Scoundrel healer that spent 40 levels playing a Scoundrel. (not sarcasm, just in case)

  11. The game is playable with the w-a-s-d, space and mouse buttons only. So the 101 key example is just :rolleyes:


    So, what language do you use to communicate with other players that consists of only 4 letters?


    Also, if you never use hotkeys for in-game events, you are at a significant disadvantage. There is a reason behind some MMO players' scorn of "Clickers."

  12. I would be all for faction restriction for force users and free for all for the other 2 classes. It's ridiculous to see Sith brandishing light side colours. The only one who ever did so was Exar Kun and it was meant to mock the Jedi order of his time. Vader used it for a while too but that's because the events in ROTS are pretty fast, both used to be Jedi. Sith in this game are born and trained as Sith it makes no sense.


    Light side sith and Dark Jedi(no one could hide behind some of the atrocities you're able to commit. Not to mention the Jedi council does not seem to be weakening in this timeline.)


    "I realize that although it might be weird to see a light-sided Jedi with a red saber or a dark-sided sith with a blue saber from time to time, it's their choice, so let them go ahead."


    It's against both sith and Jedi orders, Sith with jedi sabers would be viewed as weak, sith lightsabers are potentially viewed as corrupting by the Jedi and red and blue/green represent them in a few ways. Besides there's a reason those guys( http://darthmojo.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/old_republic-sabers.jpg ) don't have any blue sabers or everytime some Jedi is converted to the Sith their masters give them red sabers. Those crystals are usually attuned to the Dark side during their preparation, with all the Star Wars behind us. It already looks wrong that there are Jedi wielding those I'd be all for a faction limitation at least concerning force users.


    Just to clarify, I do NOT advocate faction restrictions on color. I put forth an idea to make the raw materials of the other side's colors rarer to come by. I do not know if you caught the gist of my post or not from your post.

  13. What would make more sense is if the synthetic red crystals that artificers use to make the refined crystals to make lightsabers red be rarer on Republic (and the blue/green crystals rare on Imperial), with the reverse being abundant. Perhaps make it so that missions don't bring back the other side's color(s) (or as rare as purple materials from missions), so you have to find the raw crystals in areas that the other faction quests in.


    Alignment restrictions on crystals don't make sense lore-wise. Faction restrictions on the availability of crystals makes a lot more sense.

  14. DAoC implemented bonuses for the underpopulated realms on a server. However, players started to game the system. For example, on my server, once Midgaard lost its underpopulate bonus, Midgaard players vanished from RvR (not sure about the PvE side of things, because I was Albion). Midgaard regained its bonuses, then they miraculously reappeared.


    Bonuses for underpopulated factions do not lead to balance but to gaming the system.

  15. We don't get any corruptables on Bounty Hunters either (agents don't really get one, but Vector's personality is influenced by your alignment, either to remain a Joiner or regain his personality).


    Least your robot shuts it's mouth... He's a bamf healer/tank when geared, but he talks, alot. For example, on the D5-Mantis he stands right by the stairs. The second floor has the controls/piloting system. He talks every time you walk by him. Every. Single. Time. "GREETINGS MASTER, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING AN EXCELLENT DAY, AND FEEL NO DESIRE TO DEACTIVATE ME." As for the Torian romance, Torian stands by my cargo hold. The hold is across the room from the stairs. The robot watches you. It's creepy :o


    Oh, the Republic ship droid is also very annoying....

  16. I accept all this. Sure, the space games on rails, there's no stopping your ship, fine. All I'm asking for is some control over speed. It's very difficult for some people (Namely me) to duck under asteroids, ship hauls and dodge blaster fire at current speed. My mouse pad flops all over the place. Maybe I am a failed rail system pilot. I can accept that. I also can accept my punctuation is the suxxors. I embraced my FAIL long ago. That doesn't mean I can't ask for something I believe would make the game more fun for me.


    There was a day, a long long time ago at a keyboard far away, that my reflexes were the best in the galaxy and my eyesight was 20/20. Oh how the cruelty of father time has cast me down! :o


    Being able to slow down would DRAMATICALLY lower the difficulty of the space missions. There are bonus objectives that I have a hard time completing (getting all 10 Shield Generators in the Ice Fields mission comes to mind). However, if I could slow down, that bonus mission becomes a cakewalk. When I just unlock a mission, I have to use a number of tricks (toggling blaster boost and shield boost, immunity shield, etc) just to survive. If I can slow down, it would make keeping my shield up and still having blaster boost up very easy.


    Of course, adding this would result in space missions where you HAVE to slow down and speed up, probably causing you to have to dodge things at even greater speeds to finish in a time limit or some other mechanic that incorporates speed changes.

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