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Everything posted by Milishor

  1. i have to admit...im sooooo tempted to redo a Agent on Darth Malgus but im so bored doing the planet quets :c... ufff..decisions decisions....
  2. i dont know why anyone would need anyone else next to Arcann ...i mean....i am all for sharing and stuff...but no...he is mine anyhow...good morning everyone!
  3. :D:D:D:D:D ahahaah yup...yes...deffinetly.... i shall join you with the ice thingy
  4. honestly i would want that ...its not because i dont want it..but it would ruin his character...the sacrifice he made because of love would mean nothing...and i dont want that...he is such a great character...dont ruin it for selfish (i dont mean you lol...just generalizing ) reasons
  5. i rly like him...his story is so interesting and heart wrenching .... cant wait for him to come back
  6. naaaah....he is just hiding from your sorry *** ..or calibrating that big giant thing to kill ....prolly the last one i just realized something...i..i might have a thing for characters with burned faces :|
  7. oh he adores Arcann....its just,..you know..denial part :D:D just needs some sweet time for him to accept his feelings towards the "robotic hand from heaven" We'll be waiting right here at the bar with Garrus till you come to your senses Kal !
  8. ahahahahaha.....be carefull what you say in here! they might help me kidnap Princess and offer him up as a sacrifice for more Arcann content! :D:D
  9. i know..and i didint mean her ..you know who i was reffering to lol (lets not say its name ...dont want him ruining this thread again lol )
  10. well..it cant get worse then but in the end...who cares?...we're having fun and if they cant understand that...then im trully sorry for them :| lighten up ppl ! geez
  11. ohh c'mon....you have to understand....it was sooo clooose ..i could almost touch it!..and then ...then the delay happened lol Dont leave! ....we like you! pls come back
  12. well..mby now we can understand why he keeps trying to "impale" us
  13. You dont have to say anything.... how was that saying "actions speak more then words"? ahahahaah :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  14. im sorry in advance for this lol !!! where is that bucket of ice?!!?..i might need it aswell ))
  15. "i see you have awakened " somthing like that ...anyhow it involves waking up and ..stuff my mind goes too :o:o
  16. Oh and i absolutely adore Mr Ben former boss of swtor (im rly sorry that i dont remember your name!!..Sooorrryyyy <3 ) for giving me the option to satisfy my Arcann thirst lol :D i live for those cutscenes ) Edit : Just had a very entertaining click conversation with Arcann : :D:D:D:D
  17. i have this overwhelming urge to replay some chapters from kotfe and kotet right now lol :D:D
  18. ...well...i always do pick "you look amazing without the mask can i hug you now? "..option..so mby thats why i never knew about that line lol but i love how the writer made him so...sarcasticly funny ? )) ...
  19. also when he says "Hello"...i dono why..but its so funny....i always find myself chuckling at it :s Welcome ..back ? ...anyhow...i would love to see those points in the game..but sadly....i doubt it ...tis not a single player game sadly :c
  20. :D:D:D:D also i love it when you give him a gift and he says "this is amazing!"..its so cute <3
  21. dont rly care about them tbh..its just sad...and now i see "he" is going after Vaylin.....some people are just so....pathetic...anyhow... 5 more days ?! :D also i have a twitter account but i do not use it ....i just use it to "spy/find" any Arcann related stuff his VO is a very good and positive source of my happiness in these last few months lol Also...i play all my characters as versions of me ....and i realized something...im a horrible Jedi..i cant do Jedi stuff....im sorry to all you good and nice ppl ...but this game showed me that deep down inside im a sarcastic and short tempered ignorant sith lol :D ...im hopeless
  22. i believe they do...but when they announced the arcann romance i trully do not recal any drama ....there were a few "w.e" and annoyed ppl...but not rly the backlash we witnessed earlier this year ... And that may affect the romance..mby they will cancel it after this update and this will only be a one time thing all because of some negative feedback.....like with KOTET....they cut alot of content and made it shorter and why ? ....cause ppl who had a temper tantrum.....
  23. But on a more positive note.....one day down 7 left to go ...
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