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Everything posted by Diefexor

  1. Arena > RWZs. I played WoW. Kids were getting 2k plus rating in RBGs when they could only hit 1.5k in arena. I bet the same is going to happen here.
  2. WHAAAA WHAAA WHAAAAA premade vs pug is not fair whaaa whaa. Signed - The Trophy for participation generation. Get better.
  3. If they keep taunts/mindcontrol usable in arena I bet it will be classes with said talents.
  4. rofl *** are you talking about? I nuke people on my assassin..... There are plenty of viable builds. Go to the assassin forum and find the Madness/deception build. Has good AoE and keeps hard hitting maul. There is your hybrid. Now to the topic QQ thread QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ MMO players have to be the biggest cry babies ever. Maybe its not the games fault there is a balance issue. Bioware can not balance people inability to play the game at a high enough level to compete. Love this Trophy for everybody generation. Wimps.
  5. Another scrub that hates arena cuz they couldn't reach 1800 let alone 2k +.
  6. 4v4 Arena. Healer, Jugg tank, Assassin, Jugg lolsmash....... Everybody has a tuant/mindcontrol.... 4v4 lends itself to lonnnngggggg matches in my mind. I wish bioware well on there efforts to balance the game around 4v4. Going to be rough. Bla Bla Bla is OP QQ arena sucks! lol
  7. First. Is Waka's junk in your hand while your typing this? Who are you to tell people what to do? Because you know some guy named Waka? haha move along? Why is it people always think you have to be raging to talk ****?
  8. This thread turned into the topic of you being a tool. ; ) Good job at being good at 1v1? /clap? Why didn't WoW or SWTOR think of rated 1v1 before? What fools! I don't know anyone that claims anything at 1v1. Why would they, its worthless. Now you cant even take ownership of a loss.... rofl sad. Way to rationalize. Wasn't your healer, who was good, on you "team." How many times did that healer save you from 5% killing blows? lol 1v1! rofl
  9. ^^ this Lets also get something clear. I don't think I'm the best ever at this game. I'm also not the one with "1v1 master" and " "Mosh- Master of all characters" under all my posts. I'm not the one talking **** after getting destroyed. I am saying this d.ouch.e is not as awesome as she thinks she is because ive seen it with my own eyes. Welcome to The Bastion Chubby.
  10. ROFL 2v1d? You are delusional! I'm sure having a pocket healer counts as 2v2 buttermuffin. So funny. You are so good at nuking down people with no heals, no CDs who are Dotted up! SOOO good! Like you were just soloing the whole team hahahaha. Silly chubby cakes! Cakes.... I had 600k damage most on my team (Second most on the team was 300k) and most medals. So two facts you can not turn from. You went 0-3 against pugs I was in and you couldn't get through the FIRST door in voidstar against people doing -300k damage. ROFL. You are so cute chubby cakes!
  11. Haha this clown.... Fat, you and your premade went 0-3 against my solo queues yesterday. Our pug got to the last door on Voidstar while this guys premade couldn't pass the first door with 2x more healing. Then he starts talking **** after getting dominated because he had 900k damage. LOL. Fat'faceroll. Maybe if you take your face off the keyboard and look at your screen you can stop a door cap or two. I bet you would be the best warrior! you could lolsmash to 1.2mil and really be awesome! You are so good. Please teach me. -Agonist p.s. IM SOOOO MAD BRO haha <3
  12. Field respec is much better than dual spec... So it takes you 20 seconds to pick talents? so what!
  13. First, Nobody is forcing you to xfer. Second, its cheaper than WoW and you can use the extra CCs on something else. Last, Get a better job so 10-15$ isn't a huge deal.
  14. WoW Arena was awesome till they turned the game into World of Magecraft. Bioware should give Arena a shot. Getting 3-5 GOOD players together is much easier than 8. Its harder to get carried with 3 man teams. I bet most people that dislike arena couldn't break 1800 in WoW.
  15. We have very different ideas of how assassin should be played. This Deception build is centered around Discharge and I make up the low crit by hitting my targets more with the extra energy from lower cost skills. I will lay it out for you. "Electric execution is very close to useless." How is 18% buff to our hardest hitting ability useless? I get 9k crits with it. My build is built bursting people down with discharge and shock, so why do I need ES when I'm critting enough as is? I don't. Torment is awesome. I get more dps with it, thus, killing my target quicker. You exaggerate the stuns and how much energy you get from them. Avoidance, shroud, jolt, resolve, ect. cut down on the CC a lot. I guess I just don't get CCed as much as you. In other words, I find I get low on force after nuking down my first target and going on to my second so lower cost abilities help. Deceptive power is very useful, it gives me a free assassinate I otherwise would not have had. Like I said above my energy gets low..... I don't get CCed in my openers,... shroud, avoidance bla bla bla. Magnetism gives me a free slow every spike I use. Less energy I spend to slow the alliance puke i'm killing. One less force slow I need to toss on the target. Eutropic field is nice. 8% the way you want to spec with sith defiance. I do not use either and I find my current CDs are adequate. I do not die more than any other class, and I have more energy to nuke.
  16. I have found these specs work best for me Darkness/Deception. Deception: 8/36/2 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bc0cZfMfRkGrRbdzzZ0M.3 Open with spike (to activate Duplicity), 2x voltaic slash (to activate induction), maul, shock, ( by this time you should have 2-3 stacks of static charge), Discharge, pop recklessness, Discharge again, cloak, low slash, voltaic slash, maul, shock, discharge, pop recklessness, discharge, assassinate. Kill and collect. Use maul when duplicity is active, electrocute, knockback, force slow, and defensive CDs (shroud ect) as needed. Darkness: 36/8/2 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcrsddfzGdoZcMcZ0M.3 Use maul on opener and every time conspirator's cloak is up. Maul is good. Stack shock with Recklessness and Energize. Use force lightning when you have 3 stacks of harness darkness. Use assassinate when possible. Use Defensive CDs smartly. Staying alive = more damage.
  17. Yes. Dps and tanks are different. Shadow strike hits harder if you spec dps. ok, how does force pull change any of that? you have a little more up time on a target? The CD is 45sec and there are plunty of ways to defeat it. You could even increase the CD if its that bad. This a good utility i think all specs would enjoy.
  18. lol thats what he was saying about spike. You have to spec it....... Having to spec spike to use it out of stealth is fine with me. You can still use it in stealth with other specs. Unlike Force pull, which is darkness only.
  19. BW, it is silly to me you guys didnt design force pull as a baseline talent for assassins/shadow! Just like force charge is for warriors. I see no reason deception and madness speced players shouldnt be able to use this talent. To me its what makes assassin fun. What is not fun, is having to spec into the tanking tree to get it. Im sure as soon as people who play other classes see this, the QQ NO WAY THATS OP deal will start. Dont be so close minded. It would make the game better. That is what counts in the long run. I would be fine with BW nerfing other ablities to make up for this "OP" change. Though, in my opinion, it wouldnt be OP at all. People dont like change, so the QQ world keeps moving. +1 to make this change happen! See if BW listens to something!
  20. BW, it is silly to me you guys didnt design force pull as a baseline talent for assassins/shadow! Just like force charge is for warriors. I see no reason deception and madness speced players shouldnt be able to use this talent. To me its what makes assassin fun. What is not fun, is having to spec into the tanking tree to get it. You can still keep an upgraded version of force pull in the darkness tree....... There are many ways to work this change in the game. Many fair ways i might add. Im sure as soon as people who play other classes see this, the QQ NO WAY THATS OP deal will start. Dont be so close minded. It would make the game better. That is what counts in the long run. I would be fine with BW nerfing other ablities to make up for this "OP" change. Though, in my opinion, it wouldnt be OP at all. People dont like change, so the QQ world keeps moving. +1 to make this change happen! See if BW listens to something!
  21. Game is pretty well balanced imo. People become sad pandas if they cant top the dps/heal charts even though they can still contribute, in often more important rolls, then just facerolling buttons.
  22. Sorc have nothing? ROFL.... talk about a nice try! You must be the kid that thinks mages need buffz in WoW. All the sorcs i play with have no problem topping dps/healing charts.
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