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  1. And it probably should be, kill the healers instead. If it's more effective to focus on a tank that's getting heals than on the people healing him, something is wrong.
  2. I would say that's exactly backwards, in premades you can decide ahead of time what you mean by right-left. (based on facing the enemy or based on the map) In PUGs you need to be explicit or you'll be misunderstood.
  3. The difficulty in obtaining of materials bothers me less than the lack of anything worthwhile to use them on. Items that require 400 skill, rare materials, and drops from heroics are only as good as the drops from those heroics and are easily outclassed by anything from ops. Even while leveling, the gear you can craft isn't all that much better than what you get for quest rewards making the whole thing seem like wasted effort.
  4. What needs to be done is get rid of expertise and cap gear at 126 rating. (high enough to require work, but low enough to not require operations) Any mods or gear above that would act as if they were an item of the same type with 126 rating. The other solution (that I wouldn't recommend) is to enforce the same sort of restrictions that apply to PvE progression. In PvE, people are generally not allowed to join an op unless they meet a minimum gearing requirement. For warzones that would have to be automated, grouping people based on the most expertise they can equip, taking current gear and inventory into account. (but not cargo hold) This would result in PvE players dominating the 0 expertise bracket but extensive PvP would allow you a level playing field in the higher brackets.
  5. The result of your suggestion will likely be the same as what was happening before with people swapping caps to get points as fast as possible. My suggestion would be to require people to visit all 3 center areas and stay at each for a period of at least 2 minutes. However, in order for the time to count, you have to control the point and there can be no enemies in the area.
  6. I think the better solution would have been to make a PvE stat and have no gear progression for PvP. PvP should be about player skill and gear choice (meaning which stats they favor while gearing) rather than about who's done more PvP and who has better luck with drops.
  7. If you're consistently losing, check to see if you're playing with/against the same people in each match. It happens frequently since everyone in a warzone will queue for the next one at about the same time.
  8. The problem isn't the 50s, it's the 50s with expertise gear, making a 50s only bracket just makes it so they don't have to deal with the underlying problem until more people try to pvp at 50.
  9. Any PvP progression that makes your character more effective in PvP should only be implemented if it is accompanied by a matching system that puts you against people that have also progressed. This is the way it works for PvE progression as well, people without appropriate gear don't participate in high end content. The point of PvP should be trying your skills against those of others, not comparing how much PvP you both have done on that character. To this end I would suggest having stats capped at whatever you would get from rating 126 gear that had the same stats distribution as your current gear. Either that or make high end PvE gear have a special PvE stat that increases damage/armor/healing for PvE encounters.
  10. How much damage do your upgrades say they do? I've gotten a drop that said it made them do 4 damage. (as opposed to the 45 my current one does)
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