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Posts posted by _Shaddai_

  1. I always took breaks, even at my lowest and most irritated with BW, for instance during 4.0 when they gutted the old gearing system after spending years improving it to a point I felt it was perfect. I was able to gear alts, and adjust gears easily on alts and they ruined that entire part of the game for me.


    I was angry. I just stepped away though, for 1-2 years let my sub run even though I no longer was playing. Came back and found they had rolled back some of the grind with CXP. I hated it still, but I was willing to compromise and continued playing.


    Then they do 5.0. I never felt more disgusting and resentful at BW. I then dropped my sub, something I have never done no matter what. I had just reached my point though. No more passes for them, no more benefit of the doubt.


    As for players blaming other groups of players for the awful game designs SWTOR has added to the game, only dumb or immature people actually think it's PVPers fault, or PVE players fault, etc. Obviously the fault is BW for coming up with solutions/game design changes that destroy a lot of the fun factor and enjoyment on the game.


    So for the record, 5.0 was the start of the Command Experience. This was not a thing in 4.0.

  2. but it is not hard to swap tags for Izax only. So please be in this conversation with me as I am setting up the stuff to track it.


    Yeah I know what the post said, and so I'll narrow it down. You literally said "swap tags for izax" meaning for a "guild clear" when I already explained to you that nobody cares. This is not a big game anymore. There are not enough raiders that do serious content and will likely heavily overlap between teams. A lot of raiders will be in several guilds for multiple reasons. Who cares what toon they were on when the boss died?


    So you should stop worrying about what the tag says when the boss dies, or who did what first, or how to track all of that, and just focus on what you need to do to kill it with your group.

  3. You're literally like the only one that cares about "which guild does it" which is why you constantly get trolled over it.


    Nobody cares. The only thing that matters is that "your group" killed it, regardless of whatever guild "that toon" happens to be in at the time. Even then, who really cares about that? Most of us just want the title before it can't be gotten. Who really cares who did what, when? We all raid and participate in multiple guilds. This is no longer the age of loyalty and instead the age of being in guilds for conquest or friends or whatever.


    Honestly, get over it. This hasn't been a thing for a while.

  4. If you're putting in almost as much time in SWTOR as I do in my day job, well, I think you're working too hard at it. That's awe-inspiring at the very least.


    There were a lot of us on Christmas vacation (or retired in some cases) at the time, so no jobs needed and lots of time was put into rushing the levels.

  5. Since the cap was emplaced as something to stop "exploits we haven't thought of," I doubt it'll ever go away. I fyou hit the cap, though, say something. It's supposed to be "impossible to hit in legitimate play," though IIRC someone did manage to hit it with legitimate play by grinding a LOT early in 5.x; one of the reasons they radically reduced kill-reward CXP, though they've been tuning that higher recently.


    There were a lot of people who hit the cap in the early stages of 5.0. It required about 39 hours of Fractured farming in a week to hit it. At the time, there were groups that would run 10 hours straight per day to farm the levels.

  6. Are you lacking in reading comprehension? This is getting really tiresome.


    I literally reference PvP right before my sentence about the stance bug.

    Are you really trying to tell me what I'm saying in my posts? Stop making a fool of yourself.


    The entire sentence was referring to his reference of mistaking the PVP comments with the PVE. Read it again. You were literally talking about increasing damage in PVE claiming he mixed up his information with PVP. Then you immediately jump into the stance bug (STILL ON TOPIC) of the PVE mixup. I don't know how much more blatant it needs to be.


    Also I'm sure a few assassins still have screenshots of their damage in WZs if you ask them nicely to post. 4-5m in voidstar in 5.0 as deception is pretty good. 5m is still considered pretty good and is usually achieved with aoe specs, not single target burst.


    Assassins, do not need to go back to how much more damage they were doing in 5.0, there was a rather large gap there.

  7. And I will repeat the part where I said the post was aimed towards PvP, so was the statement about Marauders.


    So maybe I shouldn't have snipped literally the sentence prior to what I copied. You were literally talking about PVE, so stop making that claim. Quote below, verbatim.


    "You probably got this idea from my PvE section, but just because we might do more damage in PvE doesn't mean that would directly transfer to PvP as well. I mean do you remember the double stance bug? Do you really think that players affected by that bug were doing massive amounts of damage? Marauders were still ahead then. And I think we should strave to achieve the numbers we had under that bug.. except maybe another way that is less.. buggy."

  8. The post you are referring to was talking PvP.


    And other classes were also capable of parsing 10k in 242's. Namely Operatives and Snipers.


    So I'm going to correct this again since you are vastly misinformed. Before 5.1 came out and the stance bug was remedied, the ONLY class that had a parse uploaded over 10k at 2.5m was Deception/Infiltration Assassins/Shadows. (Go look and you will see). The 2nd highest was IO Mercenary at 9.9k. The difference in top parse between Assassin and the IO merc was 700 dps. (Top Assassin was at 10.6k at 2.5m and the merc was at 9.9k) The next class besides those 2 was a Lethality Operative at 9.6k.


    Sins were simply overpowered due to the double procing from voltaic slash. That's just the way it was.


    For reference, http://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard/all/all/2500000/all/5.0/0/


    Edit - Just saying, they were by far the highest parsers in 5.0 and saying a marauder was capable of doing more is just simply not true.

  9. Snip...

    I mean do you remember the double stance bug? Do you really think that players affected by that bug were doing massive amounts of damage? Marauders were still ahead then.


    So for clarity sake, this statement is incorrect. During the double stance bug, Assassins were anywhere from 750 to 1k above the next highest classes in similar gear. (Parsing over 10k in 5.0)

  10. Snip...


    Raiders LOVE new gear, and they want things to work towards. There are plenty of players who were already full 242 by the time 5.2 rolled around and there are plenty of players who are already full 248 and I am one of them =] Keep it coming.


    I'm going to disagree with this. I enjoy raiding but I don't want to be chasing gear every 2 months trying to keep up. I already have to work on 3 different sets of gear on a Jugg alone, along with a set of gear on a merc, and 2 sets on a sin. (Not including left side for each alt of these same classes) I will never be min/maxed on those 3 classes before 6.0. A lot of people enjoy several classes, and the more gear you throw at them, the less this game becomes alt friendly. (It's already struggling in that aspect anyway) Some classes are just strictly better at certain aspects of the game, so playing multiple classes proficiently is what I prefer.


    The end goal is clearing content, not chasing gear. Once a toon is min/maxed, it's inherently done and I don't want to have to worry about having to mess with it again a month later.

  11. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/104974851 the upload date verifies it's a 1st week kill, you can see the raid composition of 1 merc dps,1 sniper dps, 1 marauder dps, 1 pt dps and.... no assassin dps :)


    Now stop embarrassing yourself by making claims about content you don't completely understand.


    I can link you a playlist of our pre 5.2 nim kills of every boss none of which contain a single nim crystal too :)


    So interesting video. What I've learned from this is a few things:


    First I have a video myself of a partial pug group doing Styrak 4 weeks later and failing with 1 million more raid wide damage (~20m) and 3k more dps (41.2k) hitting enrage before you. So total damage done being 1 million more on the same boss makes me think there were some changes between first week of December and first week of January. (I also have a kill video, but using the fail as a closer reference point since I can compare the enrage.)


    Using your video you had roughly ~18,964,000 raid wide damage at time of kill. At time of death of mine, we had ~19,909,000. (No this does not include the first groups of adds, those were cleared and reset.) (On our kill video we had ~19,975,000 total raid wide damage.)


    So with that much of a disparity (~5%) something changed between December and January.


    But on the flip side, I do retract my previous statement since you do actually have a video of the kill. Well done.


    However, I'm now wondering what was changed.

  12. A standard complement would probably have a dps spread of 4k per tanks and 1.5k per healer on Styrak HM. This leaves 7.5k per DPS to beat the enrage, which you don't even need to beat. Styrak enrage is manageable with cooldowns, and even without he picks people off one by one and doesn't wipe the whole raid at once. I'd say those numbers were easily reachable and even toppable in 5.0 for competent groups.


    //I would also think all groups that can honestly say they beat all master mode encounters by the second week of 5.0 would not have needed and also would not have used NiM crystals. But hey, if it lets you sleep at night. ;)


    You won't hit 4k now unless you have DPS left side and Lethal Bs. You will hit around 3.5k. if we're talking back in 5.0, that would not have been available and they would not have been fully geared. So at that point you expect what you would get in 4.7 which would be about 2.5k per tank and maybe 500 dps per healer. That puts the DPS requirement at 35k which then makes you need 8,750 and there was only one class available at the time that could do that, that early in the patch.


    Edit - Also keep in mind that styrak has phases and downtime, so uptime on boss is not going to be constant.


    Edit - Also uncapped reflect on assassins were also a thing to 1 shot bosses and avoid mechanics entirely so yeah.

  13. No offense but your claims about tuning seem to be complete bs. You quoted groups needing 6 dps to clear HM styrak. Our team cleared it with a standard comp (2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 dps) in the very first week of this expansion. All 26 nightmare bosses were downed before the 2nd lockout of this expansion had even ended (before groups were 242 geared, before 240 schematic gear was widely available). Multiple teams before 5.2 were able to achieve every nightmare timed run showing that in at best 242 gear they were able to clear every nightmare boss in a consistent and timely manner. Nightmare is tuned for a highly skilled group in 236s and probably tailored a bit more towards 240/242 for some apex bosses. These bosses most definitely were not overtuned with the assumption of a later gear tier increase.


    So the only way you would have been able to do it the first week with 4 dps is to have 4 assassin DPS which were bugged in 5.0. Because you need 41k raid wide dps to clear styrak. So abusing a double stance bug to clear bosses, doesn't mean it wasn't intended to require a higher tier of gear. And if you don't have a video of clearing it without several sins, then good luck trying to prove it.


    Edit - Also nightmare has crystals available and people racing for server/world first always pop them at the start of an expac. But grats on your clears nonetheless.

  14. Yeah I know and my post stands. They did not retune the ops to reflect the drops they now offer.


    IMO the reason they increased the drops ratings is so that people who normally only run SM Op can do the new Op on SM. for Tyth 236 is recommended


    That's been discussed actually if you see my post above. A lot of the ops bosses seemed a bit overtuned for the gear rating they should have recommended in 5.0 and it's suspected that they were overtuned for the purpose of releasing another tier of gear when the new Op was coming out. It was especially noticeable on the tougher DPS checks before 5.2 hit. (including Styrak HM/Grob'thok NiM/Dread Guards NiM)

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