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Everything posted by ArkhaanPremiare

  1. It was the same for me, yeah. Something about his bloodthirsty personality increasing his overall effectiveness. Not a very long interaction.
  2. I'm not acting, it is idiotic. Why am I going to pretend it's not just because you somehow think it's normal to have a thousand versions of the same character running around? Why in the world would you want to see that? Seeing a bunch of troopers and masked Jedi/Sith in place of a bunch of companion clones is a million times preferable. I don't want or need to see the crap people are dressing their female companions in, nor do I care. If you think it should be optional, fine. I never said anything about that. But why you'd ever want multiple clones of your companions running around with other people is beyond me.
  3. I recently restarted my Consular and went through this again. I got the dialogue for HK-55, but then I was completing the story mission along with the flashpoint. Maybe you don't get it if you only do the flashpoint without starting the storyline with Master Oteg.
  4. I'll start off by saying I've thorougly enjoyed KOTFE, much more than the dull Hutt story and the convoluted crap that was the Shadow of Revan. The male Consular's voice actor has much more character in all of these expansions as well, choosing the occasional Dark Side option doesn't feel nearly as out of place as it use to unless it's just totally heartless. Now, I don't really care about any of that "endgame" stuff or the alliance side crap, my only concern is the story. I took my Barsen'thor through it first like always since he was my original character, now I'm thinking about playing through it with Darth Nox. I'm aware that class is totally irrelevant save for a few differing lines, but how much different is it for Empire players, if at all? I don't want to bother doing it if every version of the Outlander is just going to play the role of the righteous hero.
  5. My boy, nobody said anything about that. There are two arguments here, one side saying that her character and relationship with the Consular is portrayed in a way that makes her seem younger than she actually is, and the other side that's somehow completely oblivious to this blaringly obvious fact.
  6. What does that have to do with anything I said? If you want to dress them up as droids, fine. That doesn't mean I have to see your droid Mako or droid Torian.
  7. They're not allowed to love because of how difficult it is to let them go and not jeopardise everything to protect them. Satele was able to do that with her son, but that's just her. The Jedi aren't supposed to engage in erotic relationships, period. When the JK sleeps with Ranna Tao'ven and confesses, his master tells him that there will be a lot of beautiful women and to make sure it never happens again.
  8. Nonsense. Even Consulars have flaws. Satele Shan is a Consular, yet not only did she break that portion of the code, she got knocked up and abandoned her kid.
  9. Yeah he won her, but he still had to reprogram her to recognise and love him though.
  10. It wouldn't be pedophilia even if she were real and she were actually 16. She'd have to be prepubescent. I just thought it was really odd how they portrayed her and the relationship. It's even weirder since the Consular always has such proper and professional dialogue. The romance is fine, she's supposed to be 22. It's just the way it was portrayed that makes it weird.
  11. Haven't thought about it yet. Probably Emperor Vitiate, I just started KOTFE and I'm curious about his apparent immortality.
  12. I take it this was discussed often in the past? Like I said, I like Nadia and I like the romance, but it just too often feels like a high school student wanting to sleep with her hot Social Studies teacher.
  13. Of the 5 characters I've played so far, Nadia has been my favourite companion, with Sith Jaesa being a close second. Unfortunately she was handled poorly in the Consular story, so your boy is here to complain about it today. Of all the companions, she seems the most rushed. First of all, she was introduced way too late into the story. She's an important part of the Warden's path as a Jedi Master, yet the devs didn't bother to give you any companion missions with her, which I found extremely odd given that Qyzen Fess, the most boring Consular companion, has 3 companion missions that are about absolutely nothing. The overall lack of Companion missions in this game is disappointing, but even more so for Nadia. Secondly, why in the world did they try to make her seem so young? Officially she's 22, the oldest female companion behind Elara, yet she acts more like she's 16. The game goes out of its way to make her seem like a daddy's little princess that needs to be protected. Under normal circumstances, this would be okay. But then...They went and made her a romance option. The only romance option for the Consular. Not only do players have the image of an innocent 16 year old girl in their heads by this point, but she's also your student, which gives her an even more youthful appearance. I had to keep telling myself that she's actually 22, which is never a good sign. Ever. I'm 19, I'll be 20 later this month. If a 19 year old is thinking a 22 year old seems too young, something's not right. It has nothing to do with how she looks, she could physically pass as 22, it's the way the devs portrayed her that made it seem that way.
  14. But it's true, I have to agree with them. Literally everything she says has an erotic tone to it, half of everything she says is innuendo. I know it's meant to be comedic, but I can easily see why it would creep people out and why people would say she has "bimbo programming".
  15. If companions were handled the way the temporary ones are in ESO, we wouldn't need to change their clothes. ESO changes the companion to look like a generic NPC for all players but the one using the companion. That's what SWTOR needs to start doing. Can't believe they haven't, unique outfits or not, it's just silly to have a million Kira Carsens running around.
  16. I'll assume you're talking about the character in KOTFE, though his name has a "c" in it.
  17. Why not? In fact, I have a thread about Nadia Grell coming soon. Probably later today.
  18. Ignoring you being an *** for no reason, it's obviously not my opinion. I don't like her either, I said she was popular because so many people were requesting that she return along with Nadia, Kira, and Jaesa, who are fan favourites.
  19. That isn't possible. It defeats the entire purpose of being Sith. The dark side abilities feed off the negative emotions of anger and hate, a Light Side Sith should be incapable of using them and he/she shouldn't want to. That power always corrupts, Revan is a perfect example of this.
  20. Blech. They're perfect for each other then, Light Side Sith don't make sense either.
  21. The only reason people like her is because she's a female Togruta. But her face isn't even unique. Like Kira Carsen, she has the generic female face for her race. Back when I played the Inquisitor story, she reminded me of Strong from Fallout 4, in that nothing she does makes any sense at all. She says she's a Jedi, yet she has no problem cutting down hundreds of Jedi alongside Nox. Then she rejects the way of the Sith, yet recites their code alongside the Jedi one while she's cutting down Republic and Jedi forces. Point being, it's clear they were trying to have a grey Jedi-like companion, but it really makes no sense. The whole point of the Grey Jedi was that they didn't take sides, Ashara is clearly siding with the Sith no matter what she say. There should've at least been an option to fully turn her to the dark side, her hypocrisy is both odd and annoying.
  22. Pretty much everything the female Inquisitor says. But my favourite line would have to be "Oh no you don't. Nobody kills you but me" from the Consular if he decides to kill Toborro the Hutt himself.
  23. This is different. 15 minutes, really? That's a complete waste, might as well just throw the $15 down the drain. Sure you wouldn't notice it financially, but you'd still hate to lose out on 15 good dollars.
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