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  1. I don't normally post on the forums but I felt this time there was a need to make my voice heard as im starting to see a pattern between every major update. The pattern is rather than take time to fix what is broken it is lets just swing a nerf bat and screw some class up. To start, I play a Vanguard as my main and yet im compelled to post because looking at the changes I too feel sorry for Shadow Tanks. These changes according to past statements is done via mathematical equations and spreadsheets and no matter how you look at it, no amount of spreadsheets can tell the full story without actually playing the actual class in question. The Shadow nerf seems to be like a knee jerk reaction to PVP, and this is disappointing as no matter how hard you try you will never please everyone in PVP and your fighting a losing battle trying to balance what you cant. As long as there are winners and losers the losers will always whine about something. I must admit im not a hardcore PVP fanatic but what this change does and previous changes are doing is taking away PVE diversity. Sometimes you will get Vanguards who prefer the dps spec and sometimes you get Shadows who prefer being a tank. So in certain groups you may get the role reversal and in other groups you might find that due to server numbers or lack of a certain class, guilds can make use of Shadow as a tank for a group when nothing else is available. As I said I don't play Shadow Tank, but even I can see that this change is way too extreme and basically ruining a class spec, just because someone with a fancy spreadsheet and mindset that light armour tanks shouldn't be main tanks is in charge of balancing and not taking the time out to garner feedback or test the class out. I feel it is wrong and with server populations the way they are, sometimes its not viable to get a raid team the way the developers envisioned and as such these type of changes not only hinder the game but hinder the community who has this diversity taken away. And ive seen this pattern before in many games and feel if I sit here and accept the changes then next big patch its another class being ruined then rinse and repeat for every patch. The game isn't perfect and there is glaring issues with both pvp and pve yet alot of the issue's brought up either gets swept under the rug or feel like they are going in one ear and out the other. Vanguard has already been hit. Sage has been hit, Shadow is being hit, Commando has been hit.... when does PVP stop interfering with the PVE side of things. Have it so that the skills and stats are adjusted when your flagged for PVP and then revert back to PVE stats when your not flagged. That way you can make as many changes as you like for the PVP side without effecting PVE. In a time where the game is witnessing a decrease in numbers and with other major mmo's coming out shortly, these type of unwarranted changes are only encouraging people to leave. If the object of this patch was to see how many more people you can get to unsubscribe then kudos as its working a treat. What's the point in having a group finder when there aren't any groups left on the servers any more as they have quit with disgust.
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