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10 Good
  1. It's still not working for me, toggling DS corruption on and off does nothing
  2. Andronikos, literally just him. I would say some other comps too but since I'm only playing KOTFE with my Inquisitor, I really don't care what happens with the other classes' comps.
  3. Yes, you can thank Bioware for that. And by 'getting them back', you actually want to understand, 'getting SOME of them back if you're lucky (or if you're patient enough to work your *** off on ****** missions for three days straight) or getting some others back but they will be completely useless and irrelevant to the story and only here to be pretty and assist you in combat'.
  4. I don't get why we're supposed to even care about Vaylin and Arcann. At first their story had something interesting to it, now I feel like it's taking us faaaar away from the actual spirit of SWTOR, I get the point of a new storyline and new contents but this is too much. Feels like the entire universe is going to blow up and the rest of the story will take place on Zakuul only. At this rate, they're going to rename the game Star Wars: Zakuul after KOTET. Considering how awful they both look in-game, I'm not even sure if you're referring to Lana or Vaylin here. I want to say it's actually a positive hint at the return of the comps/old LIs, but... yeah. Not getting my hopes up. Guess I'm never seeing Andronikos again My poor SI is going to have to stick with Theron for the rest of her life. Too bad there isn't a /suicide option for characters that want to take the easy way out and don't want to live through yet another expansion of "boo the evil guys have daddy and mommy issues".
  5. For a company that loves to make 'amazing' storylines (because KOTFE had such an amazing ending of course...10/10 would play again on every toons...but I digress) Bioware sure ****ed the whole companion thing up in KOTFE (but I guess everyone has already complained enough about that by now), and soI hate how insignificant everything we've done pre-KOTFE is, romances and friendships with the comps included, like... Can they at least give us our romanced comps back? I know some classes got theirs back already but some of us (cough, SI, cough) are left here with a billion new recruited comps from other classes and this bunch of 'new' main comps that have no charisma whatsoever (and those three romances... don't get me started). So, any hope of seeing more of our old comps in KOTET? Kind of a rhetorical question here because I'm pretty sure it's doomed.
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