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Posts posted by Dawginole

  1. So, this whole myth of people sitting around waiting is just retarded. Not once in the two years have I ever seen people actually sit around and wait for someone to gank. They might go cruising around looking for some pvp. But I have never seen people actually camp and wait.


    I do a lot of digging in Outlaw's Den. Lot's of Sins, Ops, and Shadows waiting to gank. I don't know why, as it doesn't seem fun. I mean if they would put a damn terminal outside of the area with a "Get 10 kills in Outlaw's Den" daily quest then I'd get it. But otherwise I don't get those peeps.

  2. The game has vastly improved since a month after launch.


    Yes. But the problem for him is that he said PvP was very important to him. PvP has has Open World removed, 8x8 removed, and only 3 new maps added since launch almost 3 years ago. So if PvP is very important to him... then well... lolz

  3. Until they come out and say that it's being pushed back, I'm expecting it to drop at the end of the year.


    After all, they've said, repeatedly, that they have multiple teams working on many projects simultaneously. What happens with 2.8 shouldn't effect what happens with 2.9 and those efforts shouldn't effect 3.0(new expansion.)


    So, until I see some word from high-up, I'll just expect the new expansion at year's end and not run around like Chicken Little.


    What your saying about various teams working on different projects makes total sense. I'm sure there's departmental cross over, but yes, there's definitely two different core teams dealing with the big patch and let's call it the "level cap expansion".


    I think the problem that you may not be considering is their content pipeline.


    For instance if they have two main teams working on large patches it very well may be that you have something like: Team A: June patch deadline; Team B: November patch deadline. When Team A hit it's deadline then it moves to start working on conten for the next major patch in say February. So by not only having their patch delayed, you delay the work on content due three or four patches out even if Team B is still on track.


    Another thing to consider is that BW may not want to realease two massive patches within 2 months of each other if they don't have anything else ready in the pipe. At this point they may feel that they are better suited to release a major patch August-October and then wait three of four months to release the next major patch to be able to better spread out content throughout the next quarter or two quarters.


    The latter is I think the bigger issue. Because this is a business. So the question really isn't about how much content they are able to release at once or whether or not the level cap expansion team is still on track to hit their target release date. The question is going to be about retaining or increasing subs over the 2015 fiscal year. If they can better do that by delaying the level cap expansion, you better believe they will.

  4. According to BW, 2.9 is the big content patch. So my guess is 3.0 will be Jan or Feb at the EARLIEST.


    Right, I think that's what we're seeing. 2.9 > 2.9.x will be GSH which as far as content outside of dollhouses will have some sort of ground based content that will affect both factions and continue the new story line. I don't think this will be a new FP. I think it will be open world.


    Then 3.0 would be the RotHC style expansion, like you said Jan/Feb earliest, though I'm betting dollars to donuts it will be March/April.

  5. Back in March at the Boulder Cantina event two things were stated by the team there:


    1) The level cap would be going up and we would be hearing about it "sooner than later".

    2) We would be getting a new operation this year.




    That was all said at the end of March, which was two months ago. Obviously we know that Bruce told us back in February that we would be getting a RotHC style expansion in 2014. (http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20140203)


    We also know that Galactic Strongholds is being pushed back by a little over two months. (http://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20140423)


    But keep in mind that GSH is part of BW's new strategy of staggering content launches in order to spread content over 8 week periods so that they can essentially release the same content twice to cover the start and end points of an 8 week cycle rather than having new content in week X and then new content 8 weeks later. So the completion of the roll out of GSH will not be until October 14th. (http://www.swtor.com/galactic-strongholds)


    This puts a new 8 week content window around December 14th.


    However, I just can't see BW releasing back to back major expansions. The original delivery cycle for these two expansions was to have one in the Summer (June) and then the RotHC expansion in the Winter roughly six months later (Nov/Dec).


    I think it's fairly obvious at this point that the large expansion will not be released this year because they will want to have both time between large content patches so that they are not dropping too much content in a small window. They will want to spread this out over the year, and additionally, they will just need more than 8 weeks to be pulling people off GSH projects that will need to be moving over to join the team that's already working on the big expansion.


    Going back to the original part of this post I think that's why two months after the comments about a new raid this year and hearing something about the level cap increase "sooner than later" we have heard nothing about the expansion, level cap, raid, etc, because it's not coming and they don't want to announce the delay yet.


    I'm thinking we will see the RotHC expansion sometime between March and April 2015 based on the time they were hoping to put between GSH and this big expansion.


    My big concern with this is that will mean by the time this thing launches, assuming that there are no other raids/etc in the works seperate from that expansion, that it will be 18 months between new Operations by the time this big expansion drops and will also be around 2.5 years with only one new WZ.


    If that is the case then we are currently looking at a 9 month content gap from this month on outside of doll houses and whatever this Guild Ship support for some type of Ground Battle is going to be. That is a massive amount of time without any traditional content. The bulk of players aren't going to spend hours in their doll house every day for 5-6 months. So the new Guild Ship/Ground Battle thing better hold players attention, or we are going to start slowly bleeding out players over the next 9 months and it's not going to be good.



    CN: Big RotHC expansion most certainly has been delayed to 2015. Potential for 9 months without new operations or warzones or other traditional content. Could cause massive hemorrhaging of subs.

  6. 1) Legendary Weapon Quest Chain - Quest chain would be by weapon type and there would be a quest for main hand and off hand. Weapons would be orange gear so that they could continually be upgraded. When main hand and off hand were combined it would give the user a 2-set piece bonus.


    2) Guild Cross Faction Chat - Guilds are expanding across factions. Giving these guilds a way to communicate with members on both sides to organize raids rather than having to depend on third party comms would be beneficial.


    3) Open World PvP Dailies/Weeklies - No big organized system. Just provide a daily/weekly, "Get X number of open world PvP kills," that would award comms. Even if this was limited to a planet like Oricon to earn complete that would be fine.


    4) Expanded End Game - End game should not be limited to the current status quo of Operations. Most MMO's at close to 3 years in have 3-4 different types of large scale PvE end game content to participate in.

  7. People are bored on all servers.


    Just wait until they announce that the expansion has been delayed to 2015 and there won't have been a new Operation out for 15-18 months by the time it drops.

  8. Well, bolster is actually pretty easy to explain for beginners:


    1. If you are below 55 just make sure that you wear a piece of gear on every slot. Make sure that each piece has the correct main stat. Bolster takes care of the rest.


    2. If you are 55 do the same as before; additionally make sure your gear rating is below 162.


    3. In one piece of gear either all mods (armoring, modification, enhancement) should have expertise or none of them should have it.


    4. Never use a piece of gear with expertise on it, that has a level requirement lower than 55


    5. When entering a warzone, check your expertise stat. If it is 2018 or very close, everything is fine. If it is lower than 2000 one of your gear pieces is either an old pvp gear, higher than 162 rating or has mixed mofications.


    If people just follow rule 1 and 2 respectivly they would be fine already.


    If people get more experienced and want to start optimizing their gear (and make maximum use of bolster) they will find the needed information with a little bit of research. But as a starting point the above rules are more than enough.


    You're not wrong. But you also just gave me 5 points I need to follow to be successful. And while your directions are both thorough and succinct I still don't understand how this is less complicated than sending folks a set of starter gear with a warning message about wearing it in wz's.


    It appears to me that the plan from the get go was to Bolster every aspect of this game further putting it into easy mode and that Warzones was just the test bed since it has a lower percentage of players than PvE content. Essentially a version of Bolster is being used in Tactical Flashpoints, and according to the PTS notes it is currently being tested for implementation in Operations, though I believe that is just for older OPs at the moment. Can't remember off hand. But I'm anticipating that in the near future all PvP and Flashpoints and Operations content will have a version of Bolster and only HM and NiM OPs will be excluded from this.

  9. Wait? So you're now trolling your own thread? Doesn't that defeat the object of having an intelligent debate about the supposed disparity between PVP and PVE?


    Just having a bit of fun at this point. Like I said earlier, I made my point, Eric responded and that's all that can be done. We can hope he takes some of these suggestions to the next internal meeting that deals with such stuff and a solution is considered. There's really nothing else to be done from the consumer POV. Once the producer acknowledges the concern of the consumer it's just a wait and see.

  10. I do not like clutter in my inventory. I prefer to keep it as empty as possible. This includes the mission items tab. I had three Matrix Shards there, so I assembled them into a Matrix Cube, only to find that I can't drop it, sell it, or stash it in cargo bay! (I have Brutalizer relics equipped, so there's no chance in heck I'm using a Matrix Cube relic). I know I can disassemble the Cube (if I find some kind of power core, but I have no idea where to find it), but I don't want the shards either! I just want them gone.


    Is there some way to get rid of both the Shards and the Cube? Thanks =)


    I'm not sure you'd want to do that. I would think that at the lvl60 cap increase that a new cube will be introduced that may be viable in PvE. Would you really want to collect those shards again? Eek!

  11. It is based off the rating of players that you play against/with.

    Either you were playing with high rated players on one toon during your wins, or played against low rating players for your wins or alternatively:

    beat high rating toons on the other char.


    I can assure that the actual ELO works, now as for the matchmaking.... That leaves something to be desired :/


    Yes but that's not something you can plan for. I can't purposefully pair myself against higher rated players. I realize what you're saying is correct, but to check this I would literally have to load into a match and then on my other screen look up the opposing players on the leaderboards and if they were lower then I still couldn't do anything. I mean if you leave you take a big hit, right?

  12. And Hypergate STILL doesn't have a turn in on the imperial side!


    Also, the republic PvP vendor in Hypergate is an imperial droid that asks you if you are "off to destroy the republic?" Hilarious.


    And on one side of Civil War, not sure which, after the match starts the terminals disappear. So if you forget to grab your daily before the match starts on that side you can't get it after you respawn even though it will show the terminal icon on the map. :rolleyes:


    These are things that I don't understand how they make it through Quality Control. I mean I recall the dev saying he was adding in the terminals on his lunch break. Once that's done, on internal PTS why wouldn't you just load yourself into each map on each side and see that they work instead of not checking and risking a bug sitting there for an additional month? /shrug

  13. I don't think we will get another new WZ this year, but next year I think we will. The Devs have been focusing more lately on pvp, so this is a good sign.


    They have? Eric just gave us a huge post in March referred to as a "road map" that was completely a list of things they don't plan to do rather than a list of anything they do plan to do. Not buying that they're focused on pvp at all. They are focused on doll houses that will burn your cash into cartel market gold.

  14. how should a casual like me practise and improve? every time i que for solo ranked i feel sorry for my teammates.


    Look you don't know those people. You're going to run into the occassional basement monkey that screams "Go back to regs" because you didn't do something he was trying to get you to do via osmosis of his thoughts to your brain 1000 miles away. Shrug it off. IMHO the only way you learn ranked is to go in and play ranked. Or find some guildies so you can be in voice comms and play with them. Watch what they do and ask them to tell you if you need to do something different.

  15. How exactly does bolster work? I tried finding a bolster guide for dummies,


    See this is the perfect example of why bolster does not work. it just doesn't work. This poster is obviously a very capable human who is skilled at both typing and reading things. How is it then that the devs determined that Bolster that doesn't work correctly with all gear, doesn't have an explanation to players that they can't use Cartel Market crystals or end game raid gear is easier than sending him mail with a note that says, "LOOK GUY, IF YOU DON'T WEAR THIS FREE STARTER SET WE ARE GIVING YOU, THEN YOU'RE GOING TO GET STOMPED"?


    I mean the whole point of bolster was so people didn't have to worry about starter gear, they didn't even have to know starter gear existed and could just walk in. But the reality is that a new player has to understand an astronomically more complex system of do's and don'ts to properly compete without any pvp gear. This is the kind of fail that would get me fired in my industry. It may be enough that I would have to switch career fields.

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