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Posts posted by Lammia

  1. In Iokath Malavai Quinn and Elara Dorne customisations don't work at all.


    In Copero, Raina Temple customisation doesn't work for the first cutscene.


    Since you fixed Lana Beniko customisation in the initial cutscenes of Nathema, why not fix the others, too? Apparently, it's possible technically.


    Please fix the missing/not working customisations.

  2. Hello Theronmancers!


    This conversation about Theron's eyes made me curious, so I went internet hunting, and have come to the conclusion that Theron has hazel eyes. Here's what one site I found says:


    "Hazel eyes mostly consist of shades of brown and green. Much like gray eyes, hazel eyes may appear to change color from green to light brown to gold. Individuals whose eyes appear to be one color closest to the pupil, another color a little farther out, and another color around the edge of the iris are likely to have hazel eyes."


    Ignoring that last sentence, since SWTOR's graphics don't really do multiple colors in eyes, I think this nicely explains most, if not all of the different colors people are seeing in Theron's eyes.




    Actually, since the eyes update, they do show multiple colours now. Some don't, but some... my Inq lost his sold red and now has orange and yellow patches (which in this case I don't like).


    Golden, hazel, brown... Honestly, those all are different shades of brown or brown mixed with something plus light effects. Those names are more cultural than "factual" (I know a language in which brown eyes are never referred to as "brown" but "beer colour" :rolleyes: ). So they're all correct :)


    Also, different graphic settings can influence such detail as intensity or depth of the shade. In my own, his eyes are sometimes simply yellow.


    They're not blue. We can be sure of that. :D

  3. Now I need to make another light-sided warrior just to allow Baras to live so I can have him insult me in Nathema! Does he say he lived out his exile in a pie shop? :D



    I messaged Keith the other day about fixing Iokath customisations and added it to the roadmap. Nothing. Pisses me off too. Just because he hates Quinn & Dorne doesn't mean he should be allowed to ruin it for the rest of us :mad:


    But the holy waifu got fixed within a month! :mad: Apparently, someone understands it matters to some people, and knows how to fix it.

  4. "Lana Beniko will now properly show Companion Customization options in Cinematics during the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint."


    Less than a month to fix her.


    When will you fix lack of customisation of Malavai Quinn in Iokath????? It's over a YEAR. :mad:

  5. Curious, I thought Mortis shows up for everyone seeking Lana's head, and Sith Warriors specifically get either Baras or Ravage who'll rant at them. There's a third option to get Mortis for that segment, before you fight the beastie?


    My memory is poor, so I might have put Mortis is Ravage's place and vice versa. I'd have to take a look at my screenies and recordings.


    But even on the station, the Sith lord that appears isn't for all. I think he's replaced by Indo Zal, depending how you treated rebels in KOTET 6 (not sure they are either/or but Indo appears only sometimes too). Same with the knight vs. someone else, depending on whether you killed Senya or not.


    I think the only "everybody gets it" is Theron and Beniko babbling about spying on people, which happened on Iokath. And Theron talking to Vinn. The other two options are dependant on your choices (or default, if you skipped KOTFE/ET).

  6. Who was your nemesis character in the latest flashpoint? For my LS V SW it was Darth Mortis. :D Kind of ironic that as he's supposed to be responsible for Laws and Justice :D I forget his actual lines but he was pretty steamed at my SW for using the Eternal Fleet as a peacekeeping/policing force instead of conquering the galaxy :p Nat took the Galactic Peacekeeper route at the end of KotET.


    Mortis, too. My SW is DS V, but it's not dependant on allegiance, but whether the other option is alive or not. I honestly don't know many people who left the other option alive, so probably most people will get Mortis.


    Some classes get an option that makes perfect sense (has beef with them), and a disapponiting option that is pretty forced with their reasons out of the blue. I think IA gets the most disappointing version of that.


    Shame, I liked Mortis. Looks like a lot of Dark Council will be fried by Zildrog, judging by other people and classes. So far I've seen only 1 Jedi, too, but the "higher ups" are getting decimated. I wonder if it's by design to prepare for the faction return, or they just ran out of people to kill.

  7. Okay white knights;


    I am subbed to Star Trek Online and regardless of sign in status I receive ALL goodies.


    Bioware needs to change their metrics centered policies unless they value that more than money.


    I have been mercy subbing for the last couple of years supporting this game when I rarely log in anymore, that's how I missed the memo.


    Maybe they could add a "Mercy Subscription" for those that have supported them from the beginning.


    For those not white knighting, I appreciate your input. My latest toon I've been just using whatever I get for drops, just appreciating the stories. I have all the stuff I've unlocked on a high level toon. I never pvp.


    I call BS on that. There were plenty time-limited rewards in STO, and if you missed and didn't log in on a given day, you missed the rewards. So unless you log in every single day anyway, there is a chance you missed something, or you kept an eye on all promotions to make sure you didn't. It has nothing to do with the sub status.


    Go to the STO forum and see that there are topics there similar to this one. Recently most commonly question asked "will you give away DSC uniforms again?" They were time limited. They weren't only for subs. Very much like the droid in question. Only a lot more useful and unique :p

  8. Just finished act three on my inquiz because I’ve finished all the content before just wanna skip to knights of the enternal throne.


    Can this be done?


    If you skip Ilum, Oricon, and Makeb, you can do them at any point in the future.


    If you skip SoR (icluding Prelude and Ziost), you can't do them in the future.


    So, you can. But there can be consequences.


    You can also skip KOTFE/ET and do Iokath and the FPs.

  9. A) No one is forcing you to do anything.


    B) Aren't you supposed to clear the whole operation and not just the first boss to progress the mission? Don't know, haven't done it myself, but all the other operation intro missions work that way, and the name of the mission does say Machines, and not Machine...


    b) Unless it changed with releasing Izax, no. The quest completed after Tyth, before the sisters. I haven't done it on a toon since Izax was released, so not sure there.

  10. I read once having the weekly in your quest log can cause this to bug out.. I've also read that you have to be in the same group as the leader of the operation. Mine completed so I can't say.


    hope that helps.


    The bug with the leader group was fixed a few weeks after Iokath went live. I don't think it's an issue any more.


    OP, this is pure guess, but maybe it didn't complete, because you did HM version, not SM. It shouldn't matter, but who knows how they have it coded, maybe it makes the difference for the quest.

  11. So realistically how much Theron/Lana do you guys expect in 6.0? I know we got that Dev post but was curious as to what everyone expects. For me I believe we'll see them but only for them to make a comment about the situation and not actually be involved with it, I reckon we'll have new characters that will be tagging along with us now, new romances? I do also believe we'll see Satele again, I would love her thoughts on her son marrying my SI/SW. ;)


    I hope that there's going to be an option to have only Theron in the story. I don't want to see blondie ever again. Just give me an option to fire her for incompetence, remove from my story, and keep in others, if they choose so, just like I keep Theron after my choice on Nathema.


    As for new people and romances. I hope to hear Valss/Vin VA again in any capacity. If he's a new LI, all the better. That said, I'd be very weary attaching myself to anyone new, in case they share the fate of those I already like and "lost" due to kill options I never took.

  12. It's a bug - no need to be watching over your shoulder unless you're a Sith Warrior who broke up with Dark Jaesa to go out with Arcann or Theron :)


    We'll fix the conditions in which it's sent in an upcoming patch, aiming for 5.9.1 on May 22nd. If you already got it, and weren't meant to, feel free to delete; let's just assume that sometimes Dark Jaesa forgets to double-check the "To" field in her emails when she's particularly angry, so your character received it by mistake. ;)


    I'll assume she realised whom she sent it to by mistake, and decided to disappear from galaxy for her own safety, because no one crosses Darth Nox or threatens his Idiot Spy Boyfriend (still waiting for an option to punish Beniko for her vile letter full of threats). :D

  13. I could confirm today something I first hoped for (before Nathema went live, but after Umbara traitor mess), and then suspected seeing the rewards for Nathema:


    If you skip KOTFE/ET, and go straight to Iokath, Theron and Beniko naturally aren't your companions. You can't summon them to run around with.


    After Nathema, Theron becomes a summonable companion for non-KOTFE characters :)


    Theron for all! :D

  14. I don't have a consular that can run it, so I watched both versions (continue the romance, and break up) on YT.


    And damn, the break up phrasing left me furious.



    She essentially tells him: "You've been through hell, so I will help you heal by dumping you and breaking your heart on top of everything". :mad:


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