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10 Good
  1. There is no armor in the game currently, that has a kind of realistic military look to it. This armor is already being used in Mass Effect 3, meaning assets exist. They would simply need to be converted to swtor, and et voila we could have a realistic army outfit. Picturelink for those who are interested: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Explosive_Weaponry Obviously Im not advocating to just port the armor into the game, since mass effects factions dont exist here, but an armor like this, or simply this one without its faction decals and symbols, could be a great addition to the game. Peace out
  2. bump. Ive been playing me agent as kind of a ciri in star wars, because the voice actress is the same, and would thus really also like the ability to switch sides. That in itself would probably be an entire expansions worth of code, tho. Not likely at this stage with bioware, sadly.
  3. So the shadowsilk aegis vestments right now have a very visible, bright hem at the lower end of the chest part above and again below the belly. Especially with darker dyes this can be annoying, and since the outline of the left pauldron as well as the outline of the lowered hood take on the secondary color of all dyes, I think these lower hems should too. Otherwise it just looks awkward. I dont know if this is something that would be hard to do, but it would certainly make dying the armor easier. Visual of which parts I mean: https://imgur.com/a/M6fqOrz Actually, the hole for the right arm could use a small patch of fabric that goes around and dyes to the secondary color as well.
  4. /bump, had 320k latency during a bossfight recently. Get your **** together, bioware.
  5. For about two weeks now, many players on tulak hord have been experiencing extreme latency issues every day. This was annoying, but acceptable at first, but since the update launched, I personally get regularly disconnected at latency of up to 320k during a bossfight as of today. This is no longer tolerable. Please fix this, Bioware.
  6. Title says it all. Logged back on after the last maintenance, and immediatley noticed improvements in all textures, character models, etc. Kind of surprised, since this wasnt announced in any way. Does anyone have more infos, maybe if there is going to be more like that happening in the near future?
  7. jaocxxx

    T3-M4 Down !

    Er ist wieder online, Leute! Schönen Abend noch!^^
  8. jaocxxx

    T3-M4 Down !

    Ich hab jedenfalls n Auge auf den Dev Tracker und den Serverstatus. Falls das nicht sowieso jeder hier tut, sag ich Bescheid wenns was neues gibt
  9. jaocxxx

    T3-M4 Down !

    Keine Ahnung, gab vor n paar Tagen Verbindungsprobleme, vielleicht deswegen. Im Dev Tracker steht aber auch noch nichts
  10. jaocxxx

    T3-M4 Down !

    Meinst du?! Aber.... DER IMPERATOR! ER IST ZURÜCK! Ich wusste es! :D:D
  11. jaocxxx

    T3-M4 Down !

    Ja... hatte grade Tatooine H2s gemacht...
  12. Dear Bioware, I just wanted to inform you that the T3-M4 Server has gone offline. Could you please fix it quickly, or at least inform us why you have taken it offline if thats the case?
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