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Everything posted by Arkhias

  1. Yea, I thought the design was utterly stupid as well.
  2. Unfortunately, I think Strayth is right regarding not expecting to see a fix any time soon. I have a feeling it's not a bug at all. After looking at it for a bit, I'm pretty sure the "bubble" around the *** was an intended cheap and easy way to fix the pants from excessively clipping through the cloth physics, aesthetics be damned.
  3. Multiplayer (and singleplayer) story is highly important to me and probably the primary reason I will pay for a subscription. If I wanted a PvP game, I would go play BF3 or something designed for balanced PvP. If I wanted to do the same boring new raid grind every 4-6 months, for 15-20 hrs/week, I would go back to WoW (or numerous other MMOs). This model of endgame has been the MMO standard for the past 13 years and its grown excessively tiresome (for me and most of my friends, at least). That said, I'll admit I don't see any feasible way a story driven model will be able to keep up with the content demands of a subscription based service.
  4. He had a valid point because you can't logically complain about player demographics and there is nothing a developer can really do to correct it (see Blizzard's attempts).
  5. He, among others others, is under the delusion that a tool/queue to assemble people into a group somehow erodes a sense of community while shouting in general for two hours builds it. In either scenario, no more than a few sentences are generally passed among group members. Guess which scenario will eventually hemorrhage the most subscribers (AKA the community), though?
  6. It's exceedingly difficult to take the Jedi storyline seriously when your character appears to be wearing a diaper under their robes (or a Victorian era dress w/ bustle). Prime Illustration: http://i42.tinypic.com/14w9ls4.png Another example (not mine, but also details the issue): http://i42.tinypic.com/1zp6s6v.png See also (thread): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=43334
  7. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease fix this. Looks absolutely terrible. Current options are: 1) Use outdated/wrong pieces of gear to avoid the robe model and the overall Jedi look. OR 2) Abandon any hope of taking the game's Jedi storyline/dialogue seriously.
  8. Shady, You REALLY need to get a new hobby. If you applied all the energy you've spent trolling this game's forum since release on something productive, I'm sure you would go great places.
  9. It's a bug that's been around for months. I wouldn't expect it to be fixed any time soon. It worked right for me after the last patch (probably something to do with server reset).
  10. The authenticator vendor on imperial fleet also has a moddable imperial dancer outfit
  11. Going #2 for basically all my characters. #4 is obviously comical, but once the original hilarity wears off you're just left with a fat character. I originally tried #3, before realizing that since the run speed is the same for all types, he looks like a lumbering troglodyte. Not to mention, he looks like an unintelligent meathead any time he opens his mouth (despite having the same dialogue). #1 Looks like an 8 year old boy with an adult head.
  12. Didn't you hear? Hours spent forming a flashpoint group from general chat are fun and how strong communities are made! (Sarcasm)
  13. ESC > Preferences > Social > Show/Hide Head Slot Item
  14. Let me respond like they respond to every other feature request: "We're not sure on this at the moment. It's technically hard to do and we don't really want to dedicate resources to it."
  15. Since you insist on parading your "knowledge" (emphasis on the quotes there) around internet forums, let me enlighten you. Using my main class (Bounty Hunter) as an example and including talented spells as abilities: Powertechs get 17 unique abilities and 28 shared abilities. Mercenaries get 18 unique abilities and 28 shared shared abilities. Thus, each of these unique, crystalline snowflakes of "classes" share 62% and 61% of their abilities with that other snowflake, respectively. The percentages increase when you consider only 2-3 of the unique talented spells may be taken at any one time. The other three classes show similar rates of shared abilities. While not quite the quoted 75%, it's clear to anyone with a basic understanding of fractional math that the majority of abilities are shared between the corresponding advanced classes. Now, I know what you're thinking - "But the advanced classes use this large shared bank of abilities, alongside their unique abilities, in different ways!" This statement should sound familiar, because it is precisely what talent specializations do and have always done. If you want to argue the semantics of the term "class", and claim that the statement in the preceding paragraph is what defines a class, then I have to ask why not just divide the current advanced classes into three more "specialized" classes that one must also select permanently from? TL;DR: Advanced classes are NOT identical to the traditional classes in other MMOs. Stop deluding yourself that they are.
  16. Idiotic logic. I don't know of any MMOs where two "different" classes have 75% of the EXACT same abilities/spells.
  17. Is this serious? The guy does nothing but say, "We hear what you guys want - but we haven't decided if we actually want to ever add features/content to this game - it's really hard to do our job!"
  18. How do I set this? Do I need that one tool that adjusts SLI profiles? or is it on NVIDIA control panel?
  19. No way to rename them. Their names are built into the story line and the voice over dialogues.
  20. That's the official stance. However, no one pays attention to it if it's in the same household.
  21. ? I'm level 21 and have 36k saved up. Got a big fat warning at level 20 saying "Speeders are expensive! Start saving now!" Of all the things that need to be tweaked right now, I don't think this makes the cut.
  22. Anyone have further info on when companion "dialogues"/quests are initiated? I'm level 20 w/ around 3200 Mako affection. I've had three maybe four maximum short "dialogues" (that end in quest completion) and just got offered a level 30 quest. Feels like I missed something?
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