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Everything posted by NHBabe

  1. I'm not as put out about making new characters as I had to switch servers anyways, the one I was on was DEAD! With that being said, I transferred my main to TEH and am creating the rest from scratch. No, my biggest issue is that the drops from the Light Box mean NOTHING to me, pretty much. I'm a Medium Armor and it keeps giving me Heavy or Light. The weapons themselves are useless as I'm not getting guns, only lightsabers. Thanks, but no thanks! I'm a Smuggler! The only things I received that I could use were the Crystals for my current guns and the XP boosts. That's pretty much it. The rest goes in the Cargo Hold to sit uselessly as I can't wear it except for aesthetic purposes, and even then, I wouldn't. It doesn't go well with my Smuggler.
  2. I hear ya as that is happening to me with my Smuggler, but to make it so much worse, even the rewards on the FP and Heroics, not to mention regular class and explorer quests, keep giving me Heavy or Light equip, instead of MEDIUM! At the rate I'm going I'll have to purchase gear/equip with Crystals just to have my Smuggler perform efficiently. I'm on my 4th planet (Nar Shaddaa) and I still have gear in the 30 range due to drops not matching with my toon.
  3. For those that still haven't received the email, make sure you're checking your spam or promotional folders as for some odd reason this email went there for me, and a few others from what I can tell. All other emails from them went to my inbox, BUT this one. Go figure. Also, the Subject line should read: Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now! The CC of 1050 code and the friend code are in the 4th box and at the end of the newsletter.
  4. I'm really sorry to those that may have missed out as it was only posted/talked about in a few places, but that is what makes it a reward, tbh. If EVERYONE that was a subscriber was to receive the reward, then I doubt they would've offered it. They'd prefer people to spend their cold cash and buy cartel coins then to be giving them away for free. They probably knew that a % of their subscribers would see the message in time and that they could account for, but for ALL subscribers???? That would be pushing it, hence it not being mentioned on the launch page.
  5. I didn't exactly dislike Koth but I wasn't a huge fan of his either. My Jedi Consular is all LS and even though we agreed all of the time, he's annoyed me greatly. What really gets me is.... Now, with that being said, I like to think of my character as a Jedi Consular still, not the Outlander. Her role was to protect the innocent and the Republic, even if it didn't exist any longer. Her code of honor and morals were to uphold the Republic and its ideals or try to bring it back to the way it was before she was frozen and all went to hell. With Koth being a deserter, AGAIN, over one decision really boils my blood. Zakuul is NOT part of the Republic. It never was. It was home to the Eternal Empire which has done nothing but try to DESTROY the Republic I've been defending for the last 65 levels! Why in the galaxy should I have to sit there and take his lectures and trying to make me feel guilty, for not saving a few Zakuul that if they stubbed their toe they'd run crying to their mama to kiss it better? His hero destroyed a planet, not to mention tried to kill her multiple times. He nearly killed her Master and many others with his Children of the Emperor plot. His hero has done nothing but made her life a living hell but she's expected to bend over backwards because Koth may storm off if she doesn't? Her responsibility is to the Republic, not to Zakuul. The people of Zakuul don't even like her - she's the OUTLANDER and must be destroyed! Koth expects her to stick her neck out for people that would sooner see her head chopped off and neglect her duty to the planets she'd sworn to protect at the beginning of her Jedi career? I'm sorry, but I'd have the whole Alliance against me then, instead of just Koth. If he can't see and understand that this is a war - and for a soldier he must not of been a very good one - then tough. He can go and hope the door doesn't hit him on the butt on the way out. People say to see things from his point-of-view, and I do and have done since the beginning because I could understand it may take him time. However, the time has come and gone. It has been long enough for the rosy glasses to be removed from his eyes and the true reality to set in. He either learns to handle it, or not, but I'm not going to bend over backwards for him just to keep him happy any longer. My job is to win this war, not coddle one companion that can't face the truth. So, now he's gone to make his own way in the galaxy. Good. If there's anything that's going to open his eyes, maybe that will be it. The suffering, and have been suffering innocents on all the worlds can't be ignored by him forever. Arcann wasn't the ruler all that time so now Koth may hear/see what happened over 5 years ago when his beloved hero was actually the perpetrator and not Arcann! He can't go back to Zakuul, so he'll now see the Republic worlds and the suffering and agony they've lived through while he had droids catering to his every whim. His holier-than-thou attitude and superiority aren't going to cut it on the Republic worlds and certainly not on any Empire worlds that may be left. We may not even get the chance to kill him, someone may beat us to it.
  6. For those that get to the "Play" button, click it, and end up back on your desktop with the game closing down, try what I did - as I was having the same problem once the patch was updated and the server issue resolved. I opened the launcher again and when asked for my password, I used all lower case. When it finally came back and said it was the wrong password, I input it again the correct way and when I got to hit the "Play" button again, it finally opened the client - though I'll admit it almost looked like it wasn't going to. It was slow in opening it compared to usual.
  7. Just sayin' but that would still make it a Bio problem that they need to resolve by contacting the provider of that router to figure out what the issue is or re-routing around it, if possible. Fact of the matter is, most of us can't login no matter what Server (EU, East Coast, West Coast) we use, hence nothing we can do but make Bio aware that the 5-10 minute and try again doesn't cut it. They need to get on this if they don't want another 200+ angry thread over the lack of playtime.
  8. I'm having the same problem. Can't get passed the username/password/security key area. It goes on an endless loop of blue circle then "Unable to retrieve patch data. Please check network connection. (208)" Funny, my other games play just fine so I know it isn't my internet. Nice try though in making me think that was a possibility.
  9. If anyone runs into a similar problem, you have to exit the flashpoint then go back in. When I did that it took me about a minute to defeat the two droids. There is something definitely odd with this flashpoint when you have to exit in order to beat an area.
  10. I've tried six times now to get passed the two droids (Prototype A-14 & Prototype B-16), but have been unable to do so. I've had the Combat Droid, my companion, and myself within the shielded ones area as well as even pulled the active droid away from the shielded one to be out of the range of the damage the shielded one could still apply - nothing works. As soon as they get one or two hits on either myself, my companion, or the Combat Droid, we're all dead. This never happened on my other toons when I had to go through this flashpoint so I don't understand why it is happening now - when my stats are even better on this toon than they were on the others. I can only think there is a bug in the flashpoint to allow such a thing to happen. I can barely even get one hit off before we're all dead, and they only get one or two hits on any of us and we're dead. Has anyone else tried to do this flashpoint since the update yesterday and run into the same issue? I really want to continue the storyline in order and not jump ahead by putting this aside for now, but it seems like I won't have much of a choice if this flashpoint is going to hold me up.
  11. I tried that, changed my signature and the time is still off by 6 hours. I'm on Eastern US time and at 3:43 pm for me the forum reads this post as being logged at 9:44 pm.
  12. Thanks again to everyone that replied. It has made my gaming experience much better and I think I actually get the hang of adequately gearing my toons now.
  13. Thanks StevetheCynic, that makes sense and you won't read me complaining about it. I'm about 10 levels above what I should be right now for the planets I'm on for my storyline and the run-of-the-mill baddie goes down so quickly I've barely had to move. Qyzen usually has taken them out, buried them, and even laid the tombstone before I could even take any action. I guess I just don't know what mod or enhancement to put on each piece of my gear. That is when I get confused. I look at the vendor for my current and soon-to-be level and the options are so vast.....some offer alacrity or absorption or defense or power........I have no idea which is better for each piece of equipment. I'd assume I'd want anything with a high power for my lightsaber, but for a head piece, leg piece, boots, and etc....????? That is where I'm like "Um, ok, now what?" It is one thing when you're getting the gear that drops, as you can just see if the stats are better than what you're currently using, but when you're using the Legacy Gear and upgrading the adapter/mod/enhancement, it is a whole other thing. There are too many options and I can't find a guide that is up-to-date with 4.0 standards on what is best for each piece. Does that make any sense or am I just confusing myself by looking too deeply into this?
  14. Maybe I'm confused on the stats I was reading on duffy and tentonhammer....It wouldn't shock me. I think I figured out part of my problem and will be testing it when I get to level 38 and input the new mod I've purchased on the Fleet. I was using the ward mod that is blue (probably because that was all that was available to me at the lower levels....mastery/endurance/defense), and now have access to the red lethal mods (mastery,endurance,power).....I'll have to see if this change will change any of my stats. I just don't seem to have enough kick in my attacks, lightsaber or force related and I need to figure out how to get my critical hit and damage numbers up without losing too much in health. Primary Stats read thus: Mastery = 528 Endurance = 599 Power = 76 Critical = 6 Alacrity = 49 Accuracy = 18 Defense = 56 Absorb = 0 Shield = 56 Expertise = 0 (haven't done any PvP on this toon yet.) Presence = 830 Secondary stats read thus: Damage (Pri) = 273-348 or when I'm on a planet with a companion (219-267) why do they change? Bonus Damage = 123.1 Accuracy = 110.91% (not sure why this is so high or if it's even necessary to be so.) Critical = 10.62% (same as damage and changes on planet with companion to 12.43% why?) Critical Multiplier = 50.21% Health = 7426 Armor Rating = 2799 (changes on planet with companion to 2192 confusing me a lot.) Damage Reduction = 25.92% (changes....rinse/repeat...26.76%) Defense Chance = 12.74% Shield Chance = 24.68% Shield Absorption = 20.00% I'm hoping that some of these numbers will change for the better once I reach level 38 and put in the new mods......Oh, and my power crystal is +6 Critical Rating in my lightsaber. It's the best one I could find so far. I've tried looking on the GTN and Cartel Market but haven't been able to find the lightsaber crystals. Do they hide them in some place special? I know that on my other toon that HK-51 has a +36 that I'll nab from him once I get him on this toon, but until then......*sighs*
  15. I want to thank everyone that has replied to the original poster, it has helped me with some of my questions. I still have a few though, and I'm hoping you can supply me with the answers. The toon I'm playing right now is a Jedi Shadow with the Serenity option. I decided to wear the Republic Pilot Legacy gear and just modify it as I go along. Right now this toon is @ level 36 but my stats are not what I would've expected. I must be inputting the wrong mods/adapters/enhancements into each piece, including the double lightsaber I'm wielding, to have the stats as messed up as they seem to be (based off of what I've read they should be). Can anybody give me some advice on exactly which pieces should be put into each slot on my gear for my level (and I'll assume subsequent levels would be the same pieces just the next level up) to get me the most bang for my data crystals? I feel like I'm floundering with this toon and my companion(s) doing all the work in my fights. When the Presence Level is at 830 and the Mastery is only 528 and Endurance at 599, I figure I must've done something wrong....somewhere.
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