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  1. My patching stoped at 99.87% . Anyone got this issue?
  2. Thx mate. So if i want bonuses i have to run Ops. Thats a bad news for a guy who isnt in a guild, like me. I have a problem with one of my fingers so i cant use the freaking keyboard like i should. For me is hard to be competitive in OPS because i use the mouse alot and im a little static.That is realy bad news...But a realy thank you for your replay mate.
  3. Hi guys. I'm a new player and i want to know how bonuses work. My first problem: If i get 216 moods and fit them on a custom gear (like the one that i get for suplies) i get bonuses other then endurance or i need to fit them on a specific set? I did find out on the web that for a dps sage the armor who gives bonuses is "force master" stuff. I didnt find that stuff on the GTN i can only buy rated War Hero stuff. My second question is: if i fit 216 moods (moods from the vendor) on that armor i will get PVE bonuses or not ? Thank you for your help.
  4. Thx mate. And ofc u are right: armor set is from Ziost. I will check the gear and change the accuracy enhancements with proper ones. As a lightning sorcerer i belive those proper enhacements will be crit and alacrity. If i understuud correctly i can use hi end augments without loosing expertise?
  5. Hi guys and thx for the info u posted on this thread. I started playing this game 3 weeks ago and i have 2 toons at lvl 65 (i love the lightning sorc). I didnt wanted to do PVP until i got killed going a mission (game mechanics are realy new to me) and now i want to try this side of the game. I read almost all the post and im ready to try the bolster system. I have an PVE armor set from Rishi with blue 190 gear. And now the question: Can i use that to get 1936 expertise (after bolster) or shold i use only green stuff? Any advice is more then welcome and thank you for your pacience with a noob.
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