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Everything posted by Wynn

  1. First the game does not have smart heals and we been asking for that since closed beta checking if they ninja added to make up the nerfs seems silly, smart heals would be a game changer for us healers and I'm sure it would have been in the notes if all 3 healers aoes got a revamp that big. Also we can't see all the data the buffs they added might not be tie to your spec and could have been done through other classes or gear. Q&A from Friday stated they wanted to bring the two other healers in line with IA/Smugglers and I can tell you if I can heal the harder raids as an IA it won't be the end of the world if you guys heal at are level. Even if the nerfs are so massive that no raids are clear when the patch hits they will buff healing. Healing always been about two things Triage and "mana" management, I truly believe that a healer with a UI they like can heal faster and will help all 3 specs. Take Wow I use a heavy heavy modded UI, days I had to use a stock UI after that I felt like I was healing 1 handed. I have a merc leveling it now and trying to get it to 50 before 1.2 so I can work on my Sorc healer after. Just like WoW and many other mmo's I've played, I'm all about being the best healer. I can tell from my level 35 Merc that the new missile should mesh better with raid teams. It buffs 4 people that should make it faster for raid teams to get the raid back up this is compounded with IA/Smugglers healing for more with there aoe and really believe its going to help. As a non Merc healer in hard mode raids I rather have 4 targets get plus to healing over 3 that just my view as an IA healer. As I level my Merc I have been prepping for the nerfs and trying to heal with out using the aoe or super charge gas, I have also started to weave in the free heal in more to factor in the heat change. So far from 20s to 30s healing been fine is it harder sure but nothing we can't get over. My issue isn't even with the Merc and Sorc that are posting finding from test and fighting for their class. Its the very very Vocal Minority that saw the notes or saw a post and have turn this in to end of the world/sky is falling debate.
  2. If you can only see negatives in healing from the patch notes your not looking at the whole picture. IA/Smugglers are getting buff in a few places BH/Troopers aoe going to hit 4 targets over 3 and the after buff of plus healing leaves looks like a nerf when it going from 5% to 4% but keep in mind that now they are adding another target that will be gaining the buff. Finally something that all the comments that talking about the sky is falling when it comes to healing are not covering. We can make our own UI's which will allow healers to see fight data better and allow for faster healing, also target of target should allow tanks to now know that if they really have aggro or not which should lower damage.
  3. Healing wasn't balance look at warzone totals or read any hard mode raid strat they all talk about using force users. Hell has anyone heal Soa with two Ops that was not fun. MMO healers always get buff and nerf in cycles if you think everything stays the same in mmos your playing the wrong type of game. Raid aoe healing is going to go up with the changes they did so its not all bad with the buff they are doing to 2 out of the 3 aoes. Also healing is a team sport we not dps we heal as a team don't think that anyone is looking at the whole picture I'm pretty sure the buffs to smugglers and Ops is going to make life easier for the other healing specs. It's so disheartening as an IA healer to have my best merc healer up and quit as soon as he saw the patch notes he didn't even try them. It's the same merc healer that was bragging on how much more healing he could do over me and that he had "endless heat". I've always hated healer nerfs but when I see endless threads and comments of people raging over having there healing brought in line with my spec it makes me sad. If something wasn't change no one would take IA/Smugglers to Progression raids as they got harder. It's already happening now with raids calling me half a healer vs Sorcs. Bioware looks at the feedback I was one of the closed Beta Ops that got us fix at one point the dps spec was out healing the medic spec(do to better regen). We all keep testing and posting feedback and got Ops/Smugglers fix.
  4. Healers get buff and nerf since mmos started, so sick of the Sorc/Mercs quitting the game over patch notes and wont even look at the big picture. Right now 95% of the hard mode raid strats talking about Sorc healers, which was great for me as an IA when I knew the guild is hurt taking me do to healing output. The merc healer that I heal with that brags that he can out heal me and dps at the same for weeks. Days before the note he was going on about "dps its fine standing in bad I have endless heat." He unsub as soon as he saw the notes. Aoe healing for raids teams is going up not down if you look at the big picture the sky is not falling.
  5. Maybe if your a Sorc, I have 17k health as an IA healer. That's more then most tanks in hutt ball with stacking cunning/crit. Me stacking endurance would be overkill
  6. I've always went with skill(my class stat) mods and have 17k+ health. Also keep in mine the higher level gear doesn't have armor slots, they just have mod and enhancement slots for high end pvp and pve gear. We are there to heal and not take hits if your getting beat on there is something going wrong. Get uses to using your cool downs I'm shock with how few IAs don't use shield prob all the time its only a 45 second cool down.
  7. I've heal a ton and all but the last boss in KP Best thing Smugglers/IA going for them are the mobility we have, 3 of our heals can be cast on the move. Also I say our biggest weakness is aoe burst damage with the weakest aoe of the 3 healers with it being a HoT.
  8. You have I point I can kill level 50s on my 28 baby BH but that's not the class, player skill means a lot in pvp
  9. How about you dont ask for nerfs that hit us healers because 2 50s took out 4 low levels. My girlfriend(Jug tank) and me healing with guard on has held a node for 7mins vs over half a team. Trying to prove your point with low levels is silly. 2 50 OPs can not take on 4 50s one of which has you stated a healer.
  10. So after doing my daily for 3 wins took 4 hours and I saw one other IA and like me he was a healer. It was all Hutt ball so didn't see any cowboy aka smugglers. One match the field was 70% Sorc/Assassin I have a feeling people are getting own because its a rare spec. People just don't know what to do vs them is my guess. I mean how many Lethality IAs have you seen running around. I still don't think I've seen one. Got to say this again as a healer I fear range Merc/Commandos way way more then melee IA/Smugglers. That stacking debuff they do get nasty and if I don't have some way to LoS them they melt me. Escape or Shield prob gives me breathing room with the stealthers then I run across the map to friends with HoTs ticking on me. PVP is team base they going to look for the target that alone or in a weak state use tactics vs them. Most IA dps are not picking there targets at random I know I wont
  11. I pray Bioware does what they did in closed beta a few time and just tells us what the metrics are showing them.
  12. I don't know in mostly pvp gear as a healer I fear range mercs/trooper more then OP/Smugglers CC break or Shield Prob tend to allow me to just kite them with HoTs on me
  13. Never said I was a professional player but you do not get anything for passing or other support moves also healers are already fighting with the UI and I tend to roll hots on anyone that needs healing that doesnt leave a lot of GCDs for damage. Its Hutt ball the other ones are more healer friendly/ Now take my BH throw random taunts as a dps gets me free medals on top of the damage ones.
  14. I've top healing the last 5 days in pvp, pass the ball, stun and snare people on my IA level 50 medic then on my level 22 BH just doing damage and throwing random taunts around gets me 3x the rewards Its a little disheartening since I work so much harder during a pvp match as a healer then a dps.
  15. Please yes my Kaliyo has a over size BH helm, she looks like a bobble head
  16. With closed beta I'm been healing as a IA/Smuggler for months and my biggest fear is hard modes with the enrage timers. I pray we don't have to dps because how are regen is I can't see us helping the dps like a force user healer can. But loving healing so much as an IA since been healing with "mana" bars since EQ. This game would be perfect if I could have some of my healing mods from WoW, or a better stock UI.
  17. So Plusheals is one of the greatest forums for all things healing in WoW. They have a sister site for Star wars! http://www.forceheal.com/forum So come on by and join us so we can make it as big as plusheals.
  18. If you mouse over the stat it will tell you all it does, also there are no armor or weapons we would want that come with aim on them so you got to go out of your way to to go for aim.
  19. For the love of god why is this thread still going, if you think its a bug post it in the right forums your just going to confuse a new player with a title like this. I just took my level 18 blaster and replace my cunning mods with level 1 aim ones and then level 1 cunning mods to double check and my white and tech damage went down like we been saying for day. So all new IA/Smugglers keep stacking cunning Level 1 aim mod 1183-1453 Tech damage bonus 103 level 1 cunning mod 1184-1454 Tech damage bonus 104 As we level that gap is going to get bigger
  20. With a title of "Aim/Cunning And Snipers " in the AC boards and not the bug forums your going to confuse new players that's why I posted Let me repeat for new players do not get aim gear, one time we use aim but we talking months and months ago.
  21. I just double check in game to make sure because some new player is going to roll on aim gear and make a BH cry. Getting aim is like getting int for a rogue type of bad in wow. So Aim adds some range damage, crit Cunning adds range damage,crit, tech damage(most of your dps), tech, crit, healing, healing crit. There isn't going to be sniper rifles, medium armor with aim on it since that stat is for BHs, and they can't use sniper rifles or would want to use medium armor. I can not stress we are all about cunning, I get that real snipers would want aim but this is a game and mousing over the stats would have stop the OP from making this thread. Also as you level you start using your "free attack" less and less. It also says in the codex that cunning is our main stat.
  22. Best thing to do is talk to each trainer and look at your codex they will give you all the info, if you can't get in game for the info just look them up on torhead
  23. Mouse over aim and then cunning you want cunning over aim always and there are also better secondary stats over aim. This has come up every build in closed beta I've seen it come up over and over you do not want aim. Every base class has 1 main stat
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