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Posts posted by asiasusanna

  1. With a new story segment coming out soon, I was disappointed to learn that our character will not be able to openly switch sides (within the self contained story phases of course, nobody is asking for a functional faction swap). The fact that we were able to ally with the Empire as a Republic character in KotET or reject them as an Imperial character and then on Iokath openly ally with and fight alongside the opposite faction to fight your own faction got me interested in story possibilities. Since we won't be able to openly switch sides in the story and can only "sabotage from within" our original faction I wish the game had never given us the choice to side with the opposing faction previously. They could have made it so you had to ally with both to take down Valkorion and then all 3 factions went their separate ways afterwards leaving it open to go back to your original faction or they could have just not brought allegiance to the original factions in the previous story at all and it would have had the same effect. Or alternately we could have had the choice to support the opposite faction subtly and secretly so our original faction didn't know about it rather than allying with them publicly. As it is, for those characters who supported the opposite factions (especially imperials whose actions lead to the death of Empress Acina) it makes no sense for the original faction to take them back or trust them in any way. It pretty much makes me want to abandon the characters who made those choices and only play staunch loyalists.


    Before some of you freak out at me and claim I was hoping for something impossible that would never happen: a functional faction swap where you now have access to separate faction areas, flashpoints, operations, guilds, etc...that's not what I'm saying at all. What happens in the single player self contained instances stays in the single player self contained instances and always has, I was just hoping for more of the same. I just wish they hadn't set up something they couldn't or wouldn't follow through on.


    The real issue is that our choices never really mattered. Even if you kill someone in your story, it doesn't affect the general flow of things (because BW went out of their way to make everything and everyone not Lana or Theron-related inconsequential). So realistically our choice in regards to faction won't matter in the end. Plus if we're gonna get a new Flashpoint, it's probably gonna assume that we went loyalist. Anyway, all we can do is wait and see.


    Good luck and happy hunting.

  2. New playable species would be great, but the options would have to be limited to aliens that speak Basic and have enough humanoid features that their introduction either wouldn't contradict lore or causes problems with cutscene content.


    As cool as it would be to play a bowcaster-wielding Wookie, that is sadly not a possibility. Neither would a Gaffi-stick wielding Tusken that does

    every time you defeat someone in PVP, which would be my pick. :D


    The most likely candidates would be humanoid aliens that already have some existing character models in the game. Nautolans for instance, which were the third most requested playable species behind Togruta and Cathar, Devaronians, or Weequay.


    Exactly this, except the Weequay might be too tall for female toons. Species must be humanoid so there is minimum effort into programming them into smiling, kissing, grimacing, etc

  3. Seeing as the new species would need to be able to do the same animations as the ones that came before, a lot of the ones listed by the op would be impossible. But now I wanna see Quinn make out with a Wookie, or Kaliyo with a Rodian :D .


    Anyway, good luck and happy hunting

  4. The wait and see line of thought seems to be most applicable then! If only people could leave the "and preach doom and gloom in the meanwhile" out of the "wait and see" that would be truly wonderful.


    I was never one to go for the extremes, or to fight needlessly (could explain why I mostly do neutral characters in terms of Light/Dark decisions). Anyway, conversations like this thread are pointless, at least until we get to 5.10 and beyond.


    Good luck and happy hunting

  5. Basic knowledge, that's how polls work... when news stations poll people on the street, they don't poll an entire city of 250.000 inhabitans but only one sample group of, for example 1000 people. Surely that's not difficult to understand?


    That's the point though- for example I can say that I have 600 members in my guild, out of whom only 250 are active. Out of those, only about 60 like what the new expansion is about to bring. Can I say that 75% of all gamers are unhappy with the direction of the new story? I have a LOT of people ranting about the fact that they don't want their Siths/Mercs/Agents to be tied down to either faction. So who's numbers are more valid?:rak_02:


    P.S.: A lot of the 250 people are actually alts, but you couldn't know that if you didn't have that information from me, so my "observations" are as valid as the poll is. The only real indication of the success of the expansion will be how many subs remain 3-4 months after the hype is gone. As for my opinion on the actual story... I'm on the fence- some of my toons will be glad to be finally home, and for the rest I'm just gonna have to headcanon it.

  6. I would be up for a neutral choice as well for certain characters. My smuggler never fit in with the Eternal Alliance. Seriously, when Theron says I have something for you and has my ship flown in, I just wanted to hop in and ditch them yelling out YOLO B*tches :D. Even if I never found my crew, I could get by with HK-51 and we'd be fine. :D


    I agree with you. That whole chapter Visions in the Dark made no sense in many aspects.


    You know what would be cool? If we seriously got 3 stories- one involves Rep vs Imp from both perspectives, a neutral criminal vs policing faction. Maybe if you're a NFU and you chose to stay with either Rep or Imp, you get to try to take down the criminal faction (which makes more sense than having an agent duel a Jedi or something, but wait- said agent killed the greatest Force users in history...:confused: ). Anyway- the point is that it would be kinda cool to have multiple story threads to follow (5 in this case: Jedi, Sith, NFU Rep, NFU Imp and Criminal faction). It's definitely beyond the devs' current budget, but it sounds more exciting than what they seem to have in store for us right now.


    Anyway, good luck and happy hunting

  7. I wish that they would give us a more neutral faction for our NFU to join. I just don't want my toons to get shoehorned into a faction that they've shown clear disrespect/hatred for. My Smuggler hates both sides as I've said before. My Merc would love to keep open contacts with both sides for extra money. My imp agent just wanted to get away from it all. Obviously Bioware can't make my desires become reality (it's my head canon so naturally it should not be inflicted upon people who see things from a different perspective) but I wish that there was maybe a third, criminal faction that we can join, from which we can manipulate both factions at the same time (starting up conflicts, raiding their ships, etc). That way we could get away from the one shoe fits all type of scenario. I also find it weird that Satele ENCOURAGED us to become something beyond Jedi/Sith because both philosophies are apparently incorrect in their interpretation of the Force, and we embraced that mentality, BUT now we have to go back to being a good Jedi/Sith for the others to control, like an obese, overly slow lapdog.
  8. Pretty sure they just vaguely mention Tenebrae, I don't remember anything about an specific date for his death. I think for the purposes of the legends "timeline" as it is, his final death is likely KOTET. Unless the writers decide to resurrect him again.


    They would NEVER do that. We've NEVER had to fight an enemy that should have been dead in our timeline, only to be kept alive for centuries for cheap shock value, we've never killed said enemy, and then didn't have an entire expansion dedicated to fighting him AGAIN... :D

  9. I wish that my smuggler could become independent or something. She hates both factions because they make her life harder. To be honest though, I find it hilarious that Valky could look my smuggler in the eyes, say that she's the most interesting person that he's met in the last 20k years, and not explode from laughter. Honestly, with the way that KotET ended (and KotFE began) there was no way for this all to end well, and no reasonable way for the next expansion to come out without either mocking our achievements, or flat out ignoring the previous expansions. My "Empress" of a smuggler would not take orders from any politician, spy, soldier or whoever. And the fact that imperial toons are gonna have to be submissive in front of a Droid of all things... RIP Sith self respect.
  10. I was gonna stay out of this, because I promised myself that I wouldn't say anything beyond my first comment, but some things here drew my interest, and for the sake of my own entertainment, I'll just say a few things and leave it at that.


    First off: Quinn has been accessory to Attempted Murder (and respectively murder if Baras had succeeded) from the moment that he started reporting your actions and movement to Baras. Darth Fat-a-lot knew how and when to set up his traps precisely because of said betrayal. Does Quinn feel remorse? Apparently if his behavior later is to be believed, but all of his remorse would have meant nothing if you had ended up dead. Do I hate him? Hell yeah! Do I want him dead? No-because I'm not certain that my 30 seconds worth of satisfaction would justify him being removed from the stories of people who like him.


    Onto Theron, I feel like he really fits the "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Basically he heard that The Order of Mentally Disabled Monkeys wants to kill us, and his desire was to protect us. So his idea includes restarting the Galactic war all over again, potentially kill his own parents over this, try to fry your brain, followed by killing hundreds of people on Umbarra, with the possibility of killing you (very high possibility if Lana had not jumped in the way of him shooting you), followed by even more death and mayhem. Then he decides to provide the Order with the map that they seek, starting a civil war in Chiss space, leading to the death of hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people, and FINALLY deciding to help activate said weapon, then realize that he in over his head, and beg for backup. Of course, he does it in such a way that you aren't prepared in the slightest for fighting a Machine God, on foot, with just Lana on hand. So yeah, he's proven himself to be unreliable in my eyes. Some might find mass murder romantic, but to me he just came off as arrogant, amoral, short-sighted and not all that intelligent, which was the opposite of the Theron pre-Iokath. Do I want him dead? No, because again, someone out there loves him and wants him in their game.


    And finally, the actual topic of Lana. I just wish that more companions played a role in our adventure. The reason why the vanilla stories worked so well was because WE were the main characters in our own stories. No companion was more integral than us, but after SoR, Theron and Lana took over the show, and not necessarily for the best if you ask me. We're basically back to square 1, but we can't move forward simply because we're filling a hole that apparently everyone from a dumb Smuggler, to the wisest Jedi, to the terrifying Sith can fill. We're interchangeable, but Theron and Lana aren't, and that hits our egos.


    Basically everything depends on your perspective on the matter at hand. Sorry for the long post, good luck and happy hunting everyone.

  11. OK, I regret using the word "Casual" now because i think its interpretation is too subjective :p To clarify, i meant someone that does not play for many hours daily, or every day due to life balance. Just because myself and many others may not have hours of endless time to invest in playing the game, does this mean that we shouldn't be able to remain competitive in a warzone because we cannot spend X mount of hours grinding for gear? There are other solutions to this for PvP.


    If you look at other games, such as ESO or GW2, they help their player base that do not have time for endless grind by:


    1. In GW2, they make gearing for PvP unnecessary and keep the competitive nature to exist based on skill. This is also very ALT friendly

    2. In ESO, for players that do not log on every day, the provide an auto XP boost for when they do log on


    The PvP is superior gameplay in SWTOR imo, which is why I remain a subscriber to this game however I wish the developers facilitated flexibility, not rigidity in class choices or stopped making decisions which promote endless gear grind which should be unnecessary for PvP.


    I think that you're trying to use the word "casual" when you actually mean PvP player. I understand trying to reach out to a greater demographic to inspire more pity for your scenario, but that's a tad bit misleading.


    In any case, I agree on that front - PvP players (since basically this gear only really matters for them) should have a bit easier time getting said gear. The current system DOES cater to people who basically don't even need the stat boosts, since if they're getting the mats for the crafting, that means that they can already deal with the most difficult content PvE wise.


    I do wish that they'd rework the system, but BWA are not famous for... Paying attention to what we (the consumers) say. I hope that my tone or words did not offend you, because that is not my intention. I wish you good luck, and with any luck, things won't be as bad as we fear once the actual patch comes out.


    Good luck and happy hunting.

  12. From Oxford :

    Not regular or permanent.


    2.1 Employed or established on a temporary or irregular basis.

    So means also just that. People have jobs and life but can be competitive in end game due to for example experience. Having 3 hours a week to do a NIM ops or Team Ranked but not really time to farm dailies.

    Any changes should be made for a reason or have a justification otherwise they are pointless. I wonder the reasoon behind this, And no time is not a luxury many people have.


    Also why ignore flexibility of charaters and roles to fulfill ?


    At this point aim of changes should be to bring players to the game, give them options and enjoyment not to allienate more.

    I am yet to see someone say: OH G this change is amazing I amma get into Swtor to grind RNG gear and then grind more 14 pieces of gear over 3 and a half months, this is a change that I wanna be a part of!


    But on the other hand seeing : OMG Why we need more changes that kill alts are new ppl unfriendly and make me commit more time then I have to play what I enjoy ...


    Then why change for the worse ?


    I mean... That train left the station a long time ago. I raged like mad when the Loot Crate gearing system was introduced. God knows that I didn't gear up my two mains via said system. In fact, on my Operative, out of 400+ command rank 300 crates, only 2 had 248 gear, and they were duplicates.


    Realistically speaking, a person who plays 3 hours a week is unlikely to even get 248, let alone 258. As for Nim raids... Don't think that I've seen a hardcore raider that only logs in once per week (I'm in a guild that has 2 NiM teams, though I'm just a scrub HM raider).


    Anyway, this gear is only gonna matter for PvP-ers, and those make UCs like it's nothing. Supposedly it takes about 25k UCs to get a full set (take my words with a grain of salt), so just farm TR for the next 2 months and you should be set.

  13. Isn't the definition of a casual gamer someone that isn't competitive? No offense, but why would a casual gamer need BiS gear? Not to mention that 248 currently is more than enough to do NiM raids (which, realistically a casual would not have the time, skill or dedication to do anyways). The fact that there ARE ways for casuals to even get gear is already more than enough. Is it gonna take a lot of time? Well, tough luck, but you aren't rushing anywhere anyways. Does it suck that it's gonna be moderately difficult to get said gear? Definitely, but again- all you have is time on your hands.


    Ultimately, the point is that beyond said gear being shiny, it's not something that a casual really needs to aspire to. And if you REALLY wanna be able to do ranked PvP from the get go, you're not a casual, and you should have enough UCs saved up to have the entire set in about a week, seeing as it is legacy bound.


    Good luck and happy hunting.

  14. I'm hardly worthy of note- this is pretty much my very first time posting on this forum, but do we really need "We wanna kill X", "I really hate X" or "Can we remove X" threads every other week? I can understand that you find X boring, or annoying, or you despise them (though why pour so much energy into pixels...), but you gotta remember that this isn't a single player game, and when you want something, you have to consider how that will affect everyone else's game. So far, killing companions off has only made the game poorer. And the reason why Lana is "inflicted" on people is EXACTLY because you all wanted kill options, so towards the end, most of the main characters in KotFE/ET are as likely to be dead, as they are to be alive. We'd have more diversity if people we're a little less hostile towards the poor pixels.
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