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Everything posted by Gnome_

  1. I'm trying veteran, but now instead of not being able to move, I just die while walking to him. This part of the fight doesn't even take skill, so I'm assuming it's my gear. Would anybody who beat veteran mode mind saying what level their gear was at? Edit: Turns out 5.0 resets your utility tree. Once I put points back into it, the fight was easy...which still doesn't make sense to me as none of the utilities help with simply surviving damage as you walk towards him, but I'll take it.
  2. I genuinely hate you people.
  3. is this guy purposefully awful? if i didn't play the game myself, i'd think it was pure basura. i'd mandate that whoever's testing my game has to actually have a brain.
  4. You know not everyone plays a righteous jedi knight. I really don't get why so many people act like Vaylin needs to be redeemed. My SW and SI do stuff that's just as bad. Can't you even blow up a city full of innocents just for kicks in kotfe? It's just a video game.
  5. i'm pretty sure everyone wants faster mounts and dyes added to our collections, but neither will ever happen.
  6. Bioware hates it when you make credits outside of the cartel market.
  7. Basically, everything in the op, also Bioware's obsession with nerfing every decent way to make credits. Anytime people find a skill or area or mission that nets a decent amount of dineros, Bioware comes in to **** things up. Can't stand to see their playerbase shine. I want Ralph, Bioware wants me in USPA. It drives me insane.
  8. This guy was cracking a joke, and anyone who didn't grasp that is an idiot. Continue.
  9. I love how the question was answered twice in the first page with the link to the Shaeeah Lawquane wiki page, but people continued to debate for 5 years.
  10. I'm always down for a kotor 3, but I'd be pissed if they made a swtor 2. All the time and money people have sunk into this game just for them to abandon it for essentially the same thing? Not with it. I bet people who spend money on the cartel market would be even more pissed.
  11. I second that. I've had to log just to make that stupid thing go away.
  12. You can complete everything but KotFE.
  13. I think if you reset the quest, it fixes itself. At least, that's what I've been told.
  14. Jesus Christ they need to get their **** together. See you guys next month to see whether their next attempt works.
  15. CCs are all I care about. Gotta unlock these armor sets for the legacy.
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