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Everything posted by kladza

  1. Yeah I agree. If you want more difficult games just play dark souls. And the eternal championship was not easy it took me a lot of time and tactics to complete it and most people would agree. So if you want something mor3 challenging just go into a HM FP solo with no comp and done or just do the HM OPS with a group of noobs
  2. Thats a great suggestion! All their trailers are with the jedi knight they should show the other classes some love
  3. I done the eternal championship with a dps jugg 220 geared and lana as a healer at lvl 50 and it was easy. Its important to stay out of aoes in the last bosses and also very important to keep you companion out of aoes and close to you. You need to keybind your passive companion ability cause you are gonna have to use it a lot to get your companion out of aoes fast. If your comp dies you die too, so having a high level companion is very important. And just look up the bosses on youtube for tactics
  4. kladza


    It will happen season 1 episode 16
  5. You dont have the option to kill her. Only in KOTFE you have the option to kill some companions, in the class stories you cant kill any of your companions. You can only turn jaesa to the dark side by making her kill her master but you cant kill her. Either way she becomes your apprentice the only difference is she can stay light sided or you can turn her dark
  6. For me it always seemed like Lana makes the first move. Even in SOR in the cantina scenes she gets all ,,touchy". Lana appears to be really flirty with the PC but also shy, so it didnt surprise me when she made the first move in KOTFE, even in chapter 5 when you say something like ,, you've been looking for me all that time?" She comes close to kiss you.
  7. Destroying the codex leads to the almost same fate as deleting your identity, in either case you become a rogue agent and dont answer to anybody.
  8. omg its like you read my mind on this I've seen a lot of threats about this issue, a lot of people are complaining about the lack of romance and I hope they will improve it for the next chapter.
  9. You can check it out on youtube. I know the scene where you kill jorgan if you romance him is epic. He says something like ,, you cant do this... i love you...." and he says it in the saddest voice and then the face he makes when you shoot him is priceless and theron and lana are just like omg in their face expression. And kaliyo adds a comment like ,,thats quite a way to end a relationship"
  10. You can check it out on youtube. I know the scene where you kill jorgan if you romance him is epic. He says something like ,, you cant do this... i love you...." and he says it in the saddest voice and then the face he makes when you shoot him is priceless and theron and lana are just like omg in their face expression. And kaliyo adds a comment like ,,thats quite a way to end a relationship"
  11. I had a DS smuggler, I cant really say for certain cause it was a long time but I dont think the ending was ever mentioned. What you did at the end of the story had no role in the expansions or at least I dont remember any. I know the LS smuggler gets a medal while the DS doesnt, I dont remember getting any medal or anything so I guess thats the only difference
  12. It was good but was disappointed at the lack of romance. I really hoped this chapter would make up for the lack of romance scenes for the past couple of chapters but nope. Since you locked it the romance with Lana, Koth or Theron its like they dont know you exists anymore, I was really hoping for at least one cutscene or something :/
  13. I would want to kill Quinn because of what he did in the SW story and Koth because of his actions in chapter 10 and how he is with dark side characters and also because I'm romancing Lana and I dont want her ex running around or even near her lol
  14. I know in Lana's letter she said she was gonna throw a search party for you but Theron stopped her. The LI was gonna search for you and send people to search for you to but others stopped them from doing so.
  15. Lana is an inquisitor, Sorcerer to be exact. She uses lightning and heals, I remember in shadow of revan in the revan fight Lana was healing, which makes her a sorcerer. idk why they made her look like a marauder in the concept art when they already made her a sorc.
  16. Just a discussion for fun, since we know Lana and Vaylin have those Sith dark side corrupted eyes, what do you think was their original eye color? We know Arcann and Thexan had blue eyes, Senya blue, Valkorion brown. What do you think for Lana and Vaylin?
  17. Lana is actually a healer not a dps. Senya is a tank, Theron dps and Lana a healer. Even in SOR against the Revan fight she healed, so that means Lana is a pure healer. Her dps might be good, but not as good as her heals and her dps is not as good as Therons.
  18. omg yes! she is the best! i saved her on my trooper and hope i will see her again
  19. Imperial Agent is the best story in the game. It has amazing plot twists and so far the best story I've played and the only story where your choices have an impact and matter. Sith Warrior would be 2nd and Inquisitor was also very good. Smuggler and Trooper however I found boring cause there were no plot twists or anything really interesting happening.
  20. I would have to say Senya. She kicked Vailyins *** on Asylum and threw the PC like nothing
  21. Completely agree. There is literaly no acknowledgement of the relationships, they all act the same around you its weird
  22. Vette will return in chapter 13, but I highly doubt she will be romancable for female characters or any characters other than the Sith Warrior(male) if he was previously married to her, but I would really love it if my female warrior could be in a romance with Vette
  23. It has nothing to do with Valkorions power, I accepted it all the time on my inquisitor and still locked in the romance
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