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Posts posted by NeoTaintedAngel

  1. Whatever. Go collect your check from BW you have no voice here.


    Mature response. I'm trying to promote an actual discussion of the problems at hand, which is apparently beyond you. I want to see the problems fixed, I do, but spamming them with inane posts of "cancelled" isn't going to be as helpful as construction criticism.

  2. And so the most vocal of gamers have taken to the forums to spam things like, "QUITTING" or "LOL GG BIOWARE". This thread is to outline potential issues and the discussions therein. You idiots spamming, "CANCELED SUB" really don't do anything to further the discussion.


    That said, I think the Ilum issues need to be sorted out asap. Not in a week, not over the weekend but as soon as they conceivably can. There's nothing they can do to address the server imbalances in population for the factions. If anyone played Warcraft back in the classic-era, they'll know that the Horde was often outnumbered at least three to one, it was extremely rare to have a server where the population was anything approaching equal because everyone wanted to be a "pretty" race. In this instance, people want to be shocking fools with lightning with their "unlimited power".


    I am not sure how they can address this issue aside from making the Consular and Knight much more flashy. But that is something which might take time.


    Time is primary word here. I think.


    This patch could have used more time and likewise, this game will take more time to reach its full potential. People overlook this constantly and the most we, as a playerbase, can do is offer up constructive criticism and ideas. Will they be heeded? Maybe. Maybe not. But that's all we can do. That will be what determines the longevity of this game, however. Anyone who recalls beta testing WoW or even being involved in the early life cycle of that game can recall how deaf the developers were to the playerbase. It wasn't until later when the channels of communication were opened when more and more people took a serious look into PvP. (Post PvP bot grinding for Warlord/Grand Marshal)


    TL : DR - Things take time and this is a discussion thread, please use it as such.

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