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Everything posted by AllisonLightning

  1. Disagreeing isn't the same thing as acting upon a disagreement, where Koth falls in that select group who do act on their interests opposed to the player's. I'll agree that there should have been an option to act on his sudden return but not the loss of the Gravestone. That said, people have disliked him since the beginning so it wasn't always because he acted on it. It makes me smile- I'm sort of cruel and find great pleasure cackling and forcing my minions... I mean companions and cherished allies to craft at my command- complaints just make it funnier. I love sending Vette to craft, she and Quinn are my absolute favourite companions. Her for being so lovable and him for being a fleshed out character, love him even not romanced, and he got me through Inquisitor and that romance... all my Inquisitors are remaining single from now on until they meet Theron and don't get me started on Corso Riggs. Is it too much to hope that in the last four stories, there's at least another good romance and then average one (Doc) ? Off topic- end of the day, companions are my crafting monkeys who will do whatever I command. Even Vette and Quinn...
  2. Background- this poster, the OP, showed up on my referrals and I'm sure I'd get more CCs by them staying subbed. I have migraines and severe anxiety, can't work full time and last week paid upfront for an extra six months (3 x2 month batches) on top of my current month's sub because I recognized I had the money I didn't need to spend on anything else, could afford it and was playing enough to justify making my life easier despite there being no content for months and buying a CC pack so when I'm unsubbed again, I've got more paid for unlocks. I'd rather pay for my expansion outright so I didn't have to worry about content, stuck in the middle of chapters but if they enjoy waiting months upon month, unable to level past the current level cap and not touching the new content- then it's their prerogative until this point next year. A lot of subs are genuinely disaffected by the cliffhanger ending of KOTFE and the expansion (I've a few choice words and a message for EA/Bioware that I resubbed for the whole game, not skytroopers), while others who while they echo chamber feeling the studio doesn't deserve their money, are the same ones who will try and sub at the end of the next one and are convincing themselves that the expansion was terrible so they can sit pretty. These aren't the people who will re-sub if part of the next expansion includes new operations- they're the people who would have bought this outright and don't have that big a problem with it, as evidenced by the 'I hated this expansion, but I'm going to sub at the end of the release cycle to get the next one' If you hated it so much, the periods you sub for are entirely divorced from the last chapter being released, you'd sub mid cycle or at the start for the higher level cap. Mine are.
  3. I was able to purchase the 5500 cartel coin pack on Wednesday without issue, use the workaround above in the interim and contact customer service after.
  4. They said they RP with it. I've never done RP with this game although I've participated in writing groups in the past, and having extra rooms probably gives them more to work with in terms of role playing.
  5. I feel for you, I do. My guild has a few dedicated members and so we can do runs for plans in smaller groups than usual. We were lucky today and only had a solo PvP player trying to get us all killed and we could safely get around him but were it a larger presence/whole guild out to grief us/anyone out to get plans, I imagine we'd have been done for. We were successful. I imagine this change has been made to sate PvP players on people in their instance and to increase direct competition between guilds when gunning for the Commanders. I didn't realize until you posted about the change- it could also be because of farming- when you hit up instance after instance for the plans. I've tried, on the faction I don't have a main guild in being in a big Conquest guild- I loathed the experience. No offense intended but I've always loved the idea of our guild being warm and inviting for all players and the big serious Conquest guilds aren't. We're a guild of several hundred though who fight tooth and nail just to occasionally make the leaderboard because we don't force people to do Conquest or make them feel obligated to us. It makes for a much happier, relaxed guild. For some guilds, Conquest is absolutely serious business- you also had the 25 champion guard objective and they might not have cared so much about you getting plans (try in the 24 hours after Conquest ends/before reset)- but you or any other guild getting the points across their members by making the kills or killing the Commander.
  6. I thought it was just lag or something- this happened to me previewing armour, I switched and suddenly I was without a head.
  7. He was true... to Baras though. It's an anology where here's the person you've known longer, who has worked to the Empire's interests or your company's interests for years- who personally saved you after a supervisor with too much power and too little sense nearly cost the company a massive contract, for example, and has done more for you than anyone else. This new person, who Baras assigned you to, they're talented, you want to trust them but they an unknown and suddenly they're at crosshairs, the new and the old. Do you sell out the person who saved you at the beginning and has saved you countless times (the real reason Quinn got off Balmorra by the way) and ignore the loyalty for the boss who supported you to throw it behind the new guy who might destroy the company like your deranged ex supervisor almost did unchecked?
  8. Collections can but GTN isn't on a starter world and dyes, which I put most of all, aren't in collections or just as a preview tab. I get why we can't collect dyes but I like starting the game exactly how I want to look at endgame.
  9. I'll add to the echo chamber of more stuff referring to my characters by their class stories and past actions. But I'd also like an outfit designer tool on the starter worlds, where you start out. One that lets me play with all possible dyes and outfits so I can know which dyes to use for my characters from the beginning.
  10. I would like to know what he should have done, on a character level that would have made him more tolerable to you. Because the argument just seems to be he should have simply betrayed Baras, his benefactor and saviour and signed on to a Sith amassing power very quickly and in a position to be quite destructive to the Empire.
  11. Doesn't Quinn apologize and dedicate himself to making up for his betrayal though. When you romance him, the message after KOTFE begins involves him thinking nothing is good enough for what he did than a lifetime and standing by your side. Even people who hate him get to Force Choke him and his loyalty there on out, brought to your way of thinking- Koth at the moment for some stole their ship and they couldn't stop him while he claims his (justifiable to his point of view) moral high ground on the Gravestone. I don't know- maybe there will be something in the first chapter that fixes everything for some as far as punishing Koth goes.
  12. I found out today by accident running through the guild thing that if you run through a story flashpoint like the Battle of Ilum with a group, it dismisses the companion but somehow counts for the kills with such and such character. It happened to me with Quinn while running a FP for Conquest points. So no talking but you up the kill count.
  13. Damn, no email for me... I'd have liked the chance at free coins but I guess they don't need to bribe me.
  14. Not mine, see 'contrary to player character' and not following the 'punished by the universe for not doing so'. I'd like Quinn back but not so much as an alliance alert, 'will never play a role in the main story again'. The Sith Warrior has already had a companion hit the 'can be killed/most LS see him dead'. As for what makes Quinn disliked, if he had simply turned on Baras because the Sith Warrior was so amazing 'sarcasm', it wouldn't have been earned, he'd be Lana- making comments but going along with everything you said- in defiance of what he lost his career and nearly his life for, defying Moff Broysc to do what was best for the Empire and a case can be made with a dark or light side Warrior as to why his loyalty to his savior (it's quite clear Baras saved his life between the lines) came first before his new lord. You get his loyalty, and either let him learn from it- or make him suffer every chance you get starting with a Force Choke. As for someone everyone wants dead, I don't think it'd be him unless Skadge was already up for death. While there are enough odd people like me who like Quinn, I've never seen anyone say they love Skadge and since Bounty Hunter is my second to last class I want to play, I'll have to settle for an alliance alert in the interim to see first hand what he's like that makes him so detestable.
  15. It's summed up as contrary to the player character. When a character has external and conflicting operating procedures to you that have an effect, I'm not just talking 'Nobody cares disapproves', it's a giant reason why some of the companions people ask to be able to kill off and thus remove from developmental focus shouldn't. We shouldn't be left with a character roster that makes us feel like a Gary Stu/Mary Sue, everything falls down to us- this person's unhappy and believes differently? Well, they can't do anything or if they do- they are punished like the heretic is, as are any who don't worship the ground we walk on. Real people don't drop their personalities and core beliefs for you unless there's something lacking and I want companions to have the same level of complexity. I mean, I've played through the entire story with my loyal LS Emperor's Wrath. She loved Koth's loyalty and she has always seen the need to win over Zakuul and show them who she really is and that's the person who will give them back their true Emperor. She didn't kill their emperor- she would have taken that blow for him. Koth is someone she can trust. But my Knight can understand it from Koth's point-of-view. My Wrath doesn't get along with Lana, she saves anyone she can and she won't be pragmatic about screwing an ally over- coupled with the fact any time Valkorian/Vitiate says jump, my Wrath's already up there but I don't hate her for it personally even as my Wrath's patience is eroded and although she's high influence, the second Valkorian tells her to kill Lana, she wouldn't hesitate or if she pulled a stunt for pragmatism's sake and dislikes her. She actively blames her for the Emperor's anger at her in 'Visions in the Dark'. Personally, she's as interesting a character in that story context. Love Scourge but she would completely be Kylo Ren's irrational 'traitor' outburst at the mere sight of him. I personally hate Kaliyo- still get her viewpoint despite happily planning a way for a DS character to off her or a LS in the future if I'm so lucky. But I wouldn't have asked for the means to get rid of her because of my personal contempt. I know my Wrath's a weird snowflake- and I know what would make her pause, the problem is the existence of the Eternal Empire set back the soul crushing doubts that had been plaguing her since Ziost. Releasing Senya and Arcaan and not wanting them shot down, she did intend to kill Arcaan right up until the moment she realized Valkorian's power still was inside her- then she had a change of heart because he wasn't telling her to kill him, once he was defeated. Senya was the only person who would willingly protect Arcaan and it upsets her how Koth treats Senya. It makes her wonder about Koth's loyalty to Valkorian and while the Playmonarch magazine makes me chuckle, my Wrath has seen his acts firsthand and remained loyal to him (long convoluted head canon backstory there)- she wonders what he'll do the second he sees what Valkorian/Vitiate will do. The fate/destiny thing makes her cringe- she's the Wrath, she changes things to make the Emperor's will manifest. As far as she's concerned he can go to his bunk for destiny and fate worship. When Jorgan went off on his 'taking a shot at the Emperor's personal executioner', I got 'Aric Jorgan disapproves' flashing across my screen because my Wrath didn't apologize. It still made me smile, no hard feelings. Frell, even Darth Imperius wouldn't apologize for doing everything she could for the Empire. Jorgan's a Republic man though, I don't expect otherwise.
  16. So you can do all the other dark side things as long as you don't let Kaliyo (whom I want to kill anyway) do what she wants? Edit: And not have Koth leave?
  17. ^This- my Annihilation Marauder dual lightsabers are an extension of her and having it cut down to one ignores her characteristic fighting style and personality.
  18. I'd still play on the preferred or F2P servers as a sub. I wouldn't want to play with the people who think they should be spared consorting with the 'lower' players who are part of the game's population. The game didn't work sub only, pre Cartel Market, so build a bridge and live with it. As an Australian who started playing after they took down the APAC server- this would hit my berserk button, no replaced, low ping/lag server but a gated community server killing the game without any benefit.
  19. Why doesn't PvP pop? Read answer above. I had three sixty-fives before I even touched warzones a few months ago... and am slowly upgrading gear on one character- I don't intend to switch out gear when I hit 65 on the healer I am good at with warzones until I have a full highest level PvP set. The 65 I have that's in a weird mishmash of gear can still kill full expertise players and contribute as long as I know my limits...and I'm slowly upgrading everything I have. Not everyone touches PvP before 65 and the reason people shy away from it? Idiots who think everyone plays PvP at the earliest level and tell the much needed extra players for pops to stop queuing- unless it's for ranked and cheap kills. I'm sorry you got kicked from a flashpoint by people who didn't know what you could do and honestly they sound much like you do insisting on the ability to kick players- looking at gear and reacting without a moment's pause. A kick at the start, just because you're wearing 208 PvP gear is stupid, especially since you pick up gear in these flashpoints and it's not like you're trying to go in with bolstered greens you haven't upgraded since level 20. Some people just get trigger fingers, and before a single wipe. You can't change them but as long as you're willing to upgrade as you go, a lot of people will be fine with you. You're much more likely to find a patient PvE player than PvP and like you've said, you've gone through the flashpoint three times before, so obviously you were in groups that didn't jump the gun. Find other players and move on.
  20. That list is way out of date. Preferred status, without having purchased any extra (post 4.0 sub) have a base of eight character slots, I strongly recommend buying unlocks off GTN for restrictions you can get around like artifact authorization and Section X access, your third crew skill- two extra quickbars (preferred have four) should you need them. No Ops, limited warzones and GSF- level restrictions hit on any character past level 20 but you've got access to all prior content released to that point, limited flashpoint loot. You can't get container/cases as rewards so for example if you've got any characters about to do Forged Alliance, do it now so you don't lose the common crystal containers. You've got a 350k credit cap and anything over goes into an escrow safekeeping you get back when you re-sub. Inventory slots are locked for credit upgrades so do any you need now, as well as cargo bay and so on.
  21. Three chapters of this aren't an expansion, I'm still wondering if 16 chapters of this counts as an expansion. I'd rather have paid for this upfront and then paid a sub when I wanted. I love single player RPGs and find this game worth the sum of its parts, trust me, I'm not spending $180 tonight with six extra months of sub time and coins for skytroopers 'starts rocking backwards and forwards, pleading with Bioware for no more' I loved Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Revan and the main class stories I've done- they are more like a single player RPG than KOTFE, which was my nightmare when they announced this game instead of KOTOR III. A eldritch mishmash of an RPG/MMO. I'm not saying KOTFE is a complete waste, I'm saying it was a disappointment and this is from a single player RPG geek who has learned to love some group activities.
  22. Increased supply- there's no need to do something as stupid as taking away credits when they can simply look at what on the GTN is an insane price, for its rarity and put them on the Cartel Market for a time to blow off steam or re-introduce them in packs. Notice how Satele's dropped? That's increased supply and if subs, yes I say subs because only people who are subbed can buy credits to any real effect, don't buy from the sellers, they will pack up and leave. People who buy credits are causing the problem where Bioware does a series of useless nerfs to try and fix a problem that's being caused by subs breaking the rules.
  23. What were you struggling with? My only serious issue was with the lightning and being hardly able to do a thing.
  24. You had to be subbed July 1st I think, I subbed end of June so I qualified.
  25. Skytroopers, skytroopers and did I mention skytroopers. I'm ready to vent the atmosphere of any ship I come in because I can't stand them.
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