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Everything posted by CprlKlinger

  1. Strongholds are great. theyre a lot of fun to decorate. they also help with conquest except the last few, that have no openable doors Can we get some new strongholds with some actual openable doors?
  2. So, about the Kuat Drive yards. There is an entire reputation focus around KDY, but really only one flashpoint. We should get more story around it, maybe even some missions outside of flashpoints in KDY and even on Kuat itself. Would be interesting to see this delved more in to.
  3. I own my own pubside guild. having been in a few that ended up ending due to nonsense and drama, i decided i wanted my own that was just me. im not planning on starting drama with myself, after all. That being said, it's gotten so much more expensive to open rooms. Frameworks are almost impossible to get without such a grind that it's almost not worth it. The cost of 50 encryptions to get one framework is excessive, and the price of frameworks on the GTN is... extreme. Let us buy frameworks on the cartel market, or my suggestion is lower the encryption amount from 50 to 10
  4. there's also the fact that Kira and Scourge killed his original body during kofte/kotet as well. I imagine he lost a lot of power in that case, too
  5. Marr will be restored to life and make Malgus his pet dog
  6. I'll be the first to admit I don't understand the mechanism behind threat generation. I will say this, however: Healers should never ever in a million years generate more threat than a tank or a DPS I run heals and tanks mostly, and have found that when running with a healer, maintaining threat, even while vomiting out taunts as fast as I can, I'm still frequently losing aggro. DPS I can get it back from more easily than heals. What can be done to fix this?
  7. make sure you're using your tech pieces at the vendor on the fleet to get gear, too. the unidentified gear vendor 100% of the time gives upgrades. I believe most are at 375 tech pieces, with mods, armorings, enhancements, barrels, and hilts at 175
  8. I can't honestly say I've ever been able to solo an MM. run a couple here and there with 2 people and comps, yes, but never solo.
  9. it sounds like a basic incompatibility between the XBox Companion app and SWTOR. perhaps they use some of the same communications ports. You might want to try completely shutting it down and seeing what happens then.
  10. we're gearing. if they want to do flashpoints they should do it with their guildies. Or maybe, their guildies don't like doing fp with lower levels. I have roughly 2-3 hours a night to play at most. I don't have time to deal with teaching people. When I want to teach people something, it's people in my own guild.
  11. I would have done the same damn thing. we have no way of discerning whether or not the fill in the blank low level has any idea what they are doing, and aren';t going to jump in the middle of 100 mobs and get everyone killed with stupidity. That group got lucky. they were able to boot the low level.
  12. ya'll aren't grasping this concept. I come here to enjoy my time. I'm not here to be a teacher or trainer, and while I HAVE repeatedly tried to tell people to stop doing specific stupid ****, they refuse to stop. Again I ask, why should my gaming experience be impacted by people who are so self centered they demand others carry them so they can level faster. and yes, I have had lowbies say, in group talk in flashpoints, that they prefer being carried by higher levels. Getting people to agree to a boot is friggin impossible, because of bleeding heart stupid attitudes like are being shown here.
  13. I've encountered that a few times, but way less often than fill in the blank lv 25 jedi sentinel that decides to jump into every single mob and gets killed repeatedly, while also causing any and all planning to be shot to hell.
  14. I actually do, when I can. during some of my playing time, which is limited because I have a job, they aren't always available, so I queue. Why is it so hard for people to understand that some of us don't want to carry bad players?
  15. not my job, my job is to do my damage, or heal, or tank. nothing else.
  16. I'm going to reiterate, again, the need to remove the ability to do flashpoints before level 50. When I'm queueing for Random flashpoints, it's so I can get gear. I'm not interested in getting killed, having failed runs, or having to cover someone else's lack of ability because some level 15-20 decided they have to do flashpoints instead of story like a normal human being. block them from doing flashpoints except for story mode.
  17. Sorry guys, we had to kill it during a vet run of The False Server.
  18. I've helped him die a lot. I'm fine with it.
  19. Did you read the X-Wing series, Trixie? There are whole sub cultures on Ryloth itself that would make it way better than the stereotypical Twis we get in SWTOR
  20. there are quite a few planets I would love seeing added to the game ,especially for dailies, flashpoints, and ops. Kashyyk: An operation here would be wonderful Mon Calamari - They are already in game, would be great Mandalore: can build 2 or 3 flashpoints here, maybe an op. Great advertisement for The Mandalorian, too Ryloth: Twi'leks are already all over SWTOR Haruun Kal: would be a wonderful spot for an op
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