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Posts posted by BladedEdge

  1. I doubt this is ever going to be changed for the best. Your either looking at adding a potential role to the current 'can only be DPS regardless of skill-tree picked' which would mean your Jedi Knight or etc would have to either be a dps/tank or a dps/healer..as healer is the only role that makes sense to add since they can already choose a line that lets them DPS or Tank.


    Or you make a point of saying that No, there will never be dual-specs either. Which I think defeats a point the OP made of the game not allowing for people to play what is needed. (ala Be a tank for a raid, go back to DPS when thats needed.


    While we are likely to get dual-specs sometime soonish, there is clearly a not much to gain for a class who doesn't have another role-option (tank, dps, healer) to switch/dual spec into.


    That said..if I am going to play such a character..I wanna kill people using 2 light sabers, and I do not want to have to tank/heal. I want to be DPS, I -only- want to play DPS, and that's just fine with me. WoW clearly has classes that play out just like this..why is there being a single advanced path for both sides that does too such a bad-thing? If you want versatility, you know the path to choose. If you have a clear other reason to play the pure DPS class (ala the reasons I just listed for example) then you can. I just don't see this as a bad thing.

  2. I think its just straight up the nature of forums that attracts the more vocal negative part of a community. Its easy to troll due to anonymity. There is not nearly as much discussion to be had through civil discourse as there is in bashing people. Much easier for a thread to get to 5+ pages if people being treating it like a chat-room. You see poeple repeating the same points over and over again a lot more if there is negativity going on then otherwise... And so on!


    So yah, nothing to be done about this. This is a massive game. Other games with better forums/communities tend to be smaller and attract a specific audience (ala adults!) who are by nature more mature/able to discuss things in a mature manner. Your right of course..but this is never going to change in a game this big, especially not when there are many many different problems to complain about in this game at the moment. Everyone has a soap-box issue, and the louder and more annoying you announce/defend it, the more attention you tend to receive.


    Also..its much easier to go 'GO back to WoW herp derp' or to completely ignore the topic being discussed in order to go 'Whats a mount/auction house/other universal MMO term that isn't specifically called that in TOR'....can you tell that's my personal pet-peeve of annoying forum responses?

  3. I'd say its..


    A-Not everyone has the massive massive influx of credits provided by slicing. Certainly if you've a skill which means your gonna have 2 to 5 times as many credits as your more casual player (just doing quests/selling loot to vendors) then of course these prices seem low!

    B-The game is very -very- young. Prices have no where to go but up from here. Come back this time next-year when there are 100s of lvl 50s able to buy up gear for their alts, and prices will be unattainable for completely new players (baring the use of slicing which I am sure by then they will have nerfed into uselessness. )


    So yah, right now prices are super-cheap. That's common for a just-launched MMO. Enjoy it while it lasts!

  4. As someone who doesn't do anything that requires other people (i.e. pvp, heroics, flashpoints) I can say that I seem to be right around where they want me to be, though since I am doing everything else, I was a bit over-leveled around lvls 17-23 as a BH. Of course I was also playing through all the space-missions I could at that point, which if I had continued to do so I think I'd be over-leveled somewhat for my current lvl 25-26 questing.


    There -is- too much exp I'd think then, if someone like me can be a bit over leveled (mind by only 1 or 2) by just doing all the content on a planet that is single-player only..and one extra thing. for me its just space combat, but then I'm skipping pvp, heroics and flashpoints.


    That said I am -glad- I don't have to grind in this game to get to the next bit of story. I'm treating this like a fully single-player game, and so far the game is setup to allow me to do so.


    I think an option to turn off xp for those who don't want to be earning it would be a easy-ish fix for this then. If you want to be at the right level for the content, get there and stop leveling for a bit.That seems like the best option to both A-allow the game to remain the way it is now for people like me. And B-provide an option for others who don't play like me to be able to play in a manner that best suits them. Anything else seems like your going to have to take away from one group of players enjoyment, to boost the enjoyment of another group.


    Then again, I likely won't be here 6 months from now when I'd played through the game enough times to run out of single-player content, so perhaps by then there will be a heavy incentive to provide a more traditional MMO experience. Only time will tell I guess.

  5. Chances are we are going to get 'yearly events' of some sort in the future, it seems a tradition every MMORPG I've ever seen/heard about has. They will likely be in-theme however. Something like 'Remember the Signing of the peace-treaty' or "War Veteran Memorial Month' or..well something better/more creative. I mean why wouldn't they have specialized limited time events that everyone on the game can participate in? Certainly wouldn't have to be R/L holiday themed to be put into the game.


    That said, I do not think we can expect this sort of stuff for a few years at least. I don't think anyone wants them devoting development time to something like this when there are a bunch of other things many people would like to see first. Still I look forward to such things in the future! Will be fun to see what they come up with!

  6. Ok, I've absolutely no idea what to believe. On this forum alone since the stress-test weekend I've heard that alignment points...


    ...track separately, I.e. if I have 1k points in dark and 1k in light, then I will qualify for dark 1 and light 1.

    ..are based on the running total, so if I have 1k dark points, and 50 light I won't qualify for anything. and thus need 1050 dark points to hit dark 1 assuming no more light points are earned.

    ...are caped, so if I make a mistake I'll never be able to hit dark 5/light 5.

    ...eat into each other once one hits 10k.



    I've absolutely no idea what to believe at this point. People are saying one thing, and others immediately disagree/say something else. Is there some dev comment on this out there? Some facts put down on a 3rd-party website that should be reputable? (if any such exist right now) or is the game just so young and the system not well documented enough that no one really knows?

  7. Yup, gonna echo the 'what, exactly, do you expect them to do? You want the factions to have a more even split you could..


    Lock people out of playing anything but republic...

    Give the Republic classes big boosts for PVP or so on compared to their Empire counterparts..

    Give players some other in-game bonus, a big boost of credits, early access to mounts or so on.

    Offer r/l incentive, play Republic? Free game time for you!



    Or none of the above, because all of those are -horrible- options. Maybe someone else has better ideas but those are the only sorts of things I can think that the developers could do to actually address the problem..and they are all horrible ideas!


    So yah, live with it, nothing you can do.

  8. Ok, I've only gotten a bounty hunter to lvl 22 so far, so I'm not as far as the OP..but. I've not done a single heroic, I've not done a single flash point, I've done exactly 1 pvp match...and I'm on par with/exceeding the quests in my current area. Does the amount of singleplayer doable content just die off at higher levels?


    Mind you, I find I enjoy the space combat mini-game, so I gained about 2-3 levels purely off exp from that + rested exp. I've been treating this more or less like a single player rpg, and so far nothing has stopped me from enjoying the game at my own pace.


    Yes Yes, i know its an MMORPG, I know I'm missing content and etc, no need to point that out. My point is, I'm not running into a leveling problem playing like this. From what I've seen leveling is stupid-easy, and this is the first mmorpg I've ever seriously put time into. I'm skipping like, what, half the aviable exp giving content, and I'm still doing great? I can't imagine how someone who PVPs, does heroics and flashpoints isn't 4-5 levels above all the content they run into, assuming you don't skip stuff.


    To the OP, if you really are hurting for exp.. do space missions, go back and complete content you havn't done yet, kill the mobs! The way I play, I kill pretty much every mob I come across, this helps too!

  9. Someone fill me in here, as this is the first big-scale MMORPG I've been involved with. Why is the current 'servers with long queue's' better than 'add 50 or whatever servers, merge low population ones when things settle if needed'. Aside from the logistics of that I mean. Is there precedent of that being very ugly in other games? Worse then the current outrage right now?
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