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Everything posted by Jellax-Jedi

  1. Agreed, I don't mind 350 being considered 100% but I'd like to be able to put something on every hook. Also can we please lift the limit on how many Rishi Idols we can have? I don't want to have to share 1 or 2 between strongholds!
  2. Just a thought but what about Companion Customizations that make your companions look like those and other characters from KOTOR 1 and 2? Examples being Kira and Lightside Jaesa as Bastila, Doc, Issero {I probably spelled that wrong} and Theron as Carth, Bowdar as Zaalbar, Torian and Pierce as Canderous, Vette as Mission{even though she's already a dead ringer for her }, HK-51 and 55 as 47, etc. Again just an idea
  3. HK-47 Customization for 51 and 55. That is all
  4. I'\d love to be able to play as a Wookiee, I just find the idea too tempting, also it would be nice to go back to Kashyyyk and see what Zaalbar's been up to. He should be a chieftain by now. Female Wookiees could romance Bowdar. I Don't think I need to go into why an HK-47 skin for 51 and 55 would be awesome. Also how about Class missions being revamped in the style of KOTFE up, where you can replay them on harder difficulties with greater rewards. That would be awesome! Also I'd love to get the KOTOR 1 Swoop bike as a subscriber reward again. I missed out on it every time it was on offer. Finally {not really necessary in my opinion but a fun idea anyway}. How about "Historical Companions" From KOTOR 1 and 2, Revan and the Exile's crews, + Malak, Sion and Nihilus. It's an admittedly stupid and nonsensical idea, but it would be at least interesting. May the 4th be with you all.
  5. I'd settle for a customization for 51 and 55 that made them look like 47
  6. Should they? Yes, will they? No. Too much time and effort that could be going towards new content.
  8. How about a version of Revan's Armor with the cape? Like we see in KOTOR cut scenes
  9. Oh trust me, it gets worse. One ticket took almost a month to get resolved.
  10. I tried the repair tool, with multiple scans I'm STILL getting no where. I'm on Darth Malgus
  11. I lowered it to as far as it will go, he still just stands there idly.
  12. So I came close to completing my chapter 3 Sith warrior quest "Declaration of War" but upon returning to my ship and using the holoterminal he just stared at me with no dialogue or even t mouth movemert, just the idol animation. I redid the mission and it still doesn't work.
  13. How about making the beds in our strongholds more than decorations? I'm sure my characters would appreciate some shut eye
  14. Sadly I've been asking this for YEARS and EA has yet lo listen because the customer is always wrong in their opinions. You want to have all your companions back? We'll think about it. You want us to buff enemies? Too bad, we'll just nerf the players. This Op boss needs a nerf? Well let's boost those stats further. You want an HK-47 customization for the anniversary? How about a statue of Valkorian's ugly face instead?
  15. I'd settle for an HK-47 customization for 51 and 55
  16. So we have Corso and Risha back, great can we now have Kira and Jaesa please?
  17. I'd rather have all the old class companions come back, Kira deserves her own chapter and Jaesa should have a mechanic where you can either redeem her in the light, or {if you were a light side Sith who went dark} have her fall to the Dark side. Also I'd like to be able to have Marr back on the impatience terminal.
  18. I had a thought: Why not let us play on special servers where we can take our already level 70 characters through the class stories and side quests again, but this time the difficulty is ramped up to level 70. Make things more challenging where even if your level is dropped you are still tearing through npcs like a lightsaber through cheap margarine
  19. I have to agree with Crossward. I'd love to have a neutral option of telling the Republic and the Empire to either play nice of get the F*&^ off my planet.
  20. Well at least my smuggler crew will be complete, how about Kira and Jaesa now? With the option of having Jaesa light or dark.
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