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Everything posted by ununubium

  1. Hi guys, can someone write me your utilities for PT PYROTECH for TR ? BTW I THINK BW SHOULD GIVE PT ONE MORE DEF SKILL (LIKE REFLECT or something like that)
  2. I do not want to offend anyone, but you do not have to say that he is hideous, I really like him and I want to get him. I've been looking for him for many months.
  3. U are hideus. I like this helmet its great.
  4. Hi guys, I've been looking for this helmet for several months and I can not find it anywhere in the game. You could bring him back, because I think it's one of the better helms you added to the game, the more it suits the bounty hunter. Please, add it back. In the link I put a photo of helm. Regard :D:D
  5. https://www.google.pl/search?q=swtor+bounty+hunter+helmets&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj75JPyrorcAhVCkywKHfC5DWAQ_AUICigB&biw=1684&bih=824#imgrc=fFoiHpKnm9hWOM: I want get this helmet, it is still in the game ??
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