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Posts posted by trendiee

  1. Pt or Sin, it's definitely not worth it.


    Jug: Any potential benefit of having the dps procs to help FD effects goes out the window if the proc isn't up when you need to use the CD, and you can't plan around having the stronger CD. The passive defense alone is more worthwhile than a ~30% chance of getting a benefit to FD. Bonus damage does nothing to saber reflect., and the amount of extra effective healing from scream will be negligible. If you're still progressing, just go for tank relics.

  2. This argument might hold weight if the one shots didn't serve a very specific purpose. They are there to ensure you must do mechanics or fail the encounter. If you take away the one shot mechanics on low level content then you might as well remove all mechanics and allow people to beat on a parse dummy for loot.


    Just because that's the way they currently design encounters doesn't mean that's the only way to design encounters, which brings us back on a loop to about 15 pages ago (or all the way to the OP).


    As long as fights are designed for one healer to heal all the unavoidable damage and a second can basically just cover for people screwing up, of course nothing short of a oneshot is going to seem punishing.


    Frankly, with all flashpoints and all operations being upgraded to max level, I think the initial gradient we had at launch will come back into play. Someone wanting to get their feet wet with endgame can start with HM FPs, getting familiar with the mechanics and coordination required, and then move onto SM EV and KP as an excellent next step.


    That gradient existed because FPs were a vital part of the gearing process. There was no legacy gear and FPs dropped relevant level gear, so it encouraged people who already knew the basics of group play to run the FPs and (as an extension) pass some of that knowledge to anyone they grouped with. It doesn't matter how many max-level FPs there are in the xpac, there are also going to be 9 SM ops and very likely little reason for people to do FPs (just like in ROTHC/SOR). The best place for people who want to get into raiding to learn group play will still be SM raids.

  4. How would it limit the fight design? By not allowing people to screw up mechanics? That is the purpose of making a nightmare difficulty. You screw up, you die. Plain and simple. Perfect execution of mechanics along with tight DPS and healing checks.



    This sentence doesn't even make sense to me. It sounds like you want things to be dumbed down and made easier (in your words, forgiving to make mistakes). If you want that, do Hard mode and stop complaining about mechanics design in difficulty you can't handle on tier/when its relevant content.


    Can you really not conceive of challenging mechanics that don't involve a oneshot? There's a huge grey area between hello kitty island and ikaruga.


    I, and a bunch of other people in this thread, can't wrap my head around how wiping due to an instant kill vs. wiping later in the fight due to a series of failures of mechanics is any different. The only small difference that I can see is that your "non one-shot mechanics" gives more leeway for marginal, overleveled groups to complete the content .

    For a lot of people it makes fights more interesting. It's the same argument for soft enrages vs hard enrages. Look at master/blaster for a current example. Almost nothing in that fight is a oneshot, but it still manages to be very challenging. Would you prefer a version where the mechanics were "if 3 people are standing in rain of pain the entire group dies to a 0dmg hit"? How about one where "if two people ever get hit by blaster's knockback the group dies"?


    Oneshot mechanics have a place, but if they get overused it's boring, and most of them could effectively be replaced with more interesting mechanics that have the same purpose (for instance, I would have loved to see a brontes without a lightning beam in the clock phase, and instead have the droids do meaningful damage that builds rapidly, forcing you to kill them all before healers get overwhelmed).

  6. It was "overrated" by a handful of people who, on the first day of release, claimed the fight was "mathematically impossible", argued it to death, and got into nasty insulting matches.


    One of the complainers was a guy who used to spend time on the forums desperately bragging how easy everything in the the game was. I had a delicious tall glass of schadenfreude as I watched 7 guilds clear that fight before it was nerfed.


    I more mean the fight itself still being referred to as the hardest fight ever when it really had very simple mechanics and was just a dps check (especially compared to the current ops).


    The rest of it was really funny as it was happening, though, that's for sure, and I'm sure the hype is why it's still talked about.

  7. I'm trying to think what this might be :confused:

    Taunt pre-cutter and vanish the cast. Alternately, shroud/vanish shroud a single cast, but you'd only do that if you were worried about the extra attacks going out when ion cutter would normally be casting, and by taunting/vanishing you still have shroud up for the next cutter.

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