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Everything posted by bluehufsa

  1. We all know that won't happen, so basically, since my JC is with Felix ( the only politically correct F/M option for that class..) she has no reason at all to touch 5.10 or 6.0 . Trouble is i wish i knew this before investing so much time into her too).
  2. That's exactly what i was trying to say ! It makes me sad to brick my BH after investing a lot of time in her ( full 248 gear & accessories, max craft level, almost all Mandalorian armors ever released, Mando-themed stronghold ) but will do it since she is not willing to leave Torian for any other man/woman.
  3. So at the moment we only have 3 alternatives : - be playersexual with Lana, Nadia,Jaesa because is a new trend and as the newspaper horoscope article it should work for everyone - mandatory save & romance Arcann - be alone for the rest of your SWTOR life You will say " hey, there's also Theron" . Nope, i don't think Theron will ever say anything again, after all this is just a speculation, something allegedly posted on Twitter by a developer, on Twitter and not on the official forum. Jonas Balkar/ Aristocra Saganu : NOPE and NOPE, they work for smuggler & IA, not for every class, again this is not Madame Soleil's horoscope in the local newspaper. Paxton Rall : he is obviously a replacement for Zenith, will say his part in Huttese and then be bricked too.
  4. No worries, you will probably get Kira, Mako & Akaavi too as sgr. Soon, in about one year, this game will address only to the LGBT community and will have nothing to offer to the heterosexuals. I bet Darth Malora & ( when introduced) Padawan Fia will be ofc sgr's. Twilek lady with cannon too. Yeah.. 0 stuff for straight females, unless they romanced Arcann - i highly doubt there will be any conversation with Theron at all. Yeah.. but i can have a new PLATONIC relationship with the new twilek dude.
  5. Someone said in another topic there will be more romance with Arcann & Lana in 6.0. That should make everyone happy
  6. When i did the achievement he spoke in Huttese - same voice you hear in all the Rep side Balmorra heroics +2 ( or maybe was Valkorion messing with my mind? )
  7. Yay.. can't wait to download a huge patch,wait a few more hours because of "extended maintenance" , play the content in 20 minutes ( ofc a gazillion trash mobs from the opposite faction pouring from every corner) and then have nothing to do whatsoever because all that's left is to "head canon" the interaction with "X" or "Y" unpopular companion that of course wasn't part of 6.0
  8. Hi, is there any,but any way at all to deactivate the female voice talking about pizza topping & tea ( chay) on Nar Shaddaa & Coruscant ( Jedi Temple ruins) ? Is annoying and the advertorial repeats over and over again like a broken record. Thank you.
  9. You'll be disappointed.. Paxton Rall speaks Huttese, not basic
  10. Hi. It could be the keyboard ( German layout) or someone indeed trying to break in. Anyway, i changed the password to Yahoo activation key ( thing sending log in messages to my phone) . Don't know if this is better tho.
  11. Hi. Today i had to reset and change my password, because the old one wouldn't work anymore. Anyone knows why do things like this happen? Anyone else having the same problem?
  12. Hi. I think the flashpoints system should be a bit reorganized in order to avoid a multitude of issues like repeated wipes, inability to complete & others. Don't get me wrong, i like to help lowbies & newbies, but i doubt they will learn anything if the just follow my BH while she is storming through the FP. The newcomers & low levels should be encouraged to group and learn the tactics and mechanics together. This is how i see this new system, split into 3 branches: 1. lvl 15-32 ( bosses HP could be slightly decreased to give the players a fair chance of winning and get gear) 2. lvl 32-50 3. lvl 50-70 Thanks
  13. Speaking of Mandos: - Khomo Fett - Vorten Fett - Valk & Jos Beroya ( i liked Valk's battle-cry I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!) :D:D EDIT: - Ceta Farr ( Revanite quest on Dromund Kaas) - Clan Rennar Mandalorians ( from Imp side Tattooine bonus series)
  14. Wish i knew the coordinates to his swamp.. believe it or not, but for him my JC would drop the Alliance and everything else.
  15. New romances for everyone: please tell me your ideas? Thank you.
  16. I fully agree.There are so many possibilities out there!
  17. I always wondered why wasn't Senya the new Empress of Zakuul, since she was Valkorion's wife and the mother of his children.
  18. I would have like that too. As an example, since Torian & Arcann know each other ( my BH is LS) , i would have liked a cutscene about the both of them learning new things from each other ( crafting armors, combat techniques and so on) . Or Vette & Risha reunion ( my Smuggler saved Vette) and the two of them talking about the times when they were both members of Nok Drayen's crew.
  19. That was the worst thing to do and affected a lot of people,some of them rage quit . I see no way out unless they retcon KOTFE/ET or create new LIs for all tastes.
  20. Yes, there are a lot of M/F & F/M , but none of them says anything at all. And about potential new ones : i don't remember who's that Jonas Balkar everyone is cheerleading for ( also had a hard time remembering Cole Cantarus) and i certainly don't want Aristocra Saganu, it works only for a chiss IA, not for every class. And about bisexual women feeling discriminated : it is not my fault there were no SGR in the class stories, i don't see why i am punished for that by having every hetero LI bricked.
  21. Doc: Darl'in ! Denavin : ok buddy, call me darlin' one more time and i'll stick my lightsaber in your caboose! *activates lightsaber* :D:D
  22. So only M/M & F/F is accepted? I wouldn't oppose to it IF any of the original class heterosexual LIs would still have a part in the story or any kind of interactions with the PC. Two for each class, one M/F and one F/M ( for example, Ashara & Andronikos) . But this won't happen and i refuse to change my character's sexual orientation because Lana is the only option left.
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