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Everything posted by AceMasterSoul

  1. I"m about to unlock all the doors on my Crew Deck, and I'm looking for good items or themes any suggestions?
  2. I"m trying to make a bounty hunter themed cantina in the crew deck area of my Guildship. The goal is to have it look like an exclusive place to pick up and return marks. Does anyone have decoration suggestion, Or images of similar themed projects you've done?
  3. It looks like y'all are focused on the CM as the main sore of money making. Having a Subscription token that could be purchased or traded could have real benefits with guild contest, guild building, bring older players back to sub level etc.
  4. Yeah, I've uninstalled and reinstalled this game several times, I usually only pop on for summer and Christmas breaks. It normally takes around 11 hours, though my surface pro 3 downloaded in in about 1.5 hours. However I can honestly say I haven't experienced majority of the issues people post about.
  5. I never really buy any of the armor sets, though I do spend cc on decorations, tuning, flairs and cartel pack crates.
  6. I'm for making these solo-able. I would also suggest making the achievements have a CC reward, say 100cc?
  7. Yep, I always doubt the CE when I see it selling online for less the 70 US Dollars. I to am in favour of this, though I would prefer a New CE box. With new voice acting content in the works EA/Bioware would have a great opportunity to create a New CE box.
  8. Signed. You may want to add your signature to these. I also made one recently. Bring Back NPCs for Heroics on Starter Planets.
  9. Has anyone done this recently? Aside from the republic fleet datacrons, is there other non character specific puzzles that require groups like this?
  10. I am no longer in need of assistance.
  11. So, you listed some pretty legit reasons. I want the extra stronghold so I don't have to delete the one on Dromund Kass I spent years decorating...
  12. I acknowledge it's frustrating to see people post threads that cover a topic that someone has already started addressing. However I felt that my suggestion differed enough do start it's own thread. I"m not interested in returning all removed content, and I'm only asking for a small portion of content from the category removed. My thread also highlighted a possible reason the content was removed, how that could be addressed, and why i felt it was a good idea to return it. I don't expect people to search pages of forum before posting a thread, This coming from a guy who made a thread titled What's the Laziest Thing You've Done in Swtor. I do expect them to support exsiting threads when they are brought to their attention. Thank you for the links! I supported the ones I agreed with.
  13. I support returning the initiation/completion cut-scenes. I would prioritize starting planets though.
  14. Hey y'all. I'm trying to buy some Universal Prefabs but could't find them on the GTN. I need 5 of them. I'm willing to pay 3 Million credits for a stack of 5 or 500,000 per individual. You'll get a bigger pay out if you have 5 to trade. FYI i'm on the Imp side.
  15. To clarify I'm talking about a guild having the capacity to have 1 guildships and 2 stronghold active at the same time. It would be nice to show off your guild's decorating skills in more the 2 environments
  16. I can understand removing NPCs, but they should definitely keep a cinematic archive that players can access. Though NPC cinematic activation is still something I strongly prefer. Especial if the cinematic scenes are from playable missions.
  17. Yeah, I don’t know what/if there was a specific reason. If I’m gonna be honest I think it was for server space.
  18. I've seen a few threads that request NPCs to be returned. I am creating this tread because I want NPCs back, but don't believe it’s realistic or valuable to return all of them. I believe the most realistic and valuable NPCs to return are those on the starting planets. Here is a few reasons why 1.) Instant "new" Content. Players, customers cough cough, that started on 4.0 never got to experience the cinematic awesomeness that is “Man with the Steel Voice." The sequences of dialog, music, and choices made this easily my favorite mission to play. I know people liked this mission and sure new player will too. (To whom it may concern, if you have another favorite starter planet npc, that is no longer present, please share.) 2.) Aesthetic Appeal. The first few pages/paragraphs of any written work are arguably the most important. Often called the hook, they greatly impact how much time and money are spent on any given work. For Swtor the starting planets are your first few pages/paragraphs. Especial since they are the only planets you can play on when Swtor is downloading. You'll want those planets to be your best or close to it. As a returning player who played on Hutta when it was downloading, I was greatly disappointed to find out that cut-scenes from "Man with the Steel Voice" were missing. The only reason I continued playing was because the BBA Event was going on. 3.) Role Play Appeal. A Hero/Villain’s origin story is often the most fascinating or sought after pieces of information. The Heroic Missions added choices, cinematics , and dialog that were not class specific. This added personality, freedom and depth to my bounty hunter characters as they started their journey. I'll be honest, after the first planet heroics became less important to me. I haven't completed every heroic, but I have played every starting planet’s heroics. The choices I made in those determined what type of person I wanted my alts to be, and every time I played they weren't the same ha ha ha! I'm not sure why the NPCs were removed or how hard it would be to put them back. A fellow player Phazonfreak hypothesized that it had to do with changes to the Heroic System and the New Activity Finder. If this was the case I have a suggestion that I feel would be beneficial and realistic. Though some players might not be happy with it. (If they can comment on this post they shouldn't be that mad...) If you were to make the Activity Finder a sub only perk this would give you a reason to put the NPC back as well as generating another reason for people to sub. If the activity finder were a sub only perk free to play players would have to go to the NPCs to start and complete each quest, this would mean the NPCs would have to be there...
  19. Ha ha ha! I to am surprised I have not been squelched:p
  20. Thank you some much for the clarification! I had the wrong impression. I thought the currency tap that the bounty contracts were added to was unique to each character rather then shared. Though I'm still pissed that I can't sell contracts and rep, things are better then I initially thought.
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