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Posts posted by BladeStrike

  1. I'd rather not see it, but I understand not everyone is an altoholic. Even in WoW - if I wanted a healer, I rolled a new healer. If I wanted a tank, I rolled a new tank. I always liked the individuality that players (used to) have in WoW. Creating your character for a specific role was a part of that.


    Thats how you chose to play the game. Enjoy doing the same content again and again but as you can imagine not everyone wants to.

  2. Its a decent poll but you can go back and revote as many times as you want it seems, Id image a lot of fanboys/haters will spam it to inflate the options they like.


    Unless im wrong and it doesn't count times after the first time please correct me if so.


    You're wrong.

  3. I probably enjoyed Rift the most while leveling. Sadly it didn't offer (me personally) anything else.


    I would still say WoW is the best overall out of the 3 but sadly its just got boring to me. Swtor...lots of wasted potential. I still have hope for it though! The class quests can be fun but the rest are dull.

  4. At the moment NO. Too many flaws. I am giving it a chance though.


    The big seller for this game, the story, is really good at times but overall its rather boring. Class quests are generally fine but they are only a small number of the overall quests in each area. Most of them are boring filler.

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