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Posts posted by BladeStrike

  1. Nah man I wouldn't I enjoy the immersion that comes for your party making choices.


    Your party has to make choices anyway. Skipping dialog is optional. Don't be a nazi and want everyone to have to watch them...for the 10th+ time. -_-

  2. My male character has seduced a sith and a married woman. Most of the flirt options don't lead to anything though. The amount of options isn't worth worrying over and at the end of the day it doesn't matter. It is only a tiny part of the game.
  3. I like to close General chat when such pointless conversations occur. If you are asking a question, looking for advice or a group thats fine but having a conversation with your buddy is annoying and pointless (in a public chat). Why aren't you grouped with him, thats the question. Sorry but the world doesn't want to know your life, just saying :rolleyes: Dromund Kaas is the new Barrens btw.
  4. You have a LOT to learn about women.


    You're pretending to have sex with other women. Get a clue dumbhead, women expect you to be emotionally committed as well as physically committed and having even play/virtual sex breaks that commitment.


    Apologize, tell her you understand her feelings and don't freaking do it again.


    You are a doormat. Not all women are the same and doing every little thing they say can be a major turn off. As for this...PIXELS!

  5. Palpatine fanboys, he wasn't even a real sith hahahahahaha.


    You've got nothing to add so you just laugh? You already lost the argument.


    There is far more to Sidious than the movies. Also G canon > your opinion. Its fact. Sidious isn't my favourite Sith Lord, but at least I'm not an idiot pretending I know better than canon. He was the most powerful, there is no point debating fact.

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