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Everything posted by Alexisshade

  1. I don't know... I have meet some challenged people before ha ha seriously though i don't really check the dates
  2. if your looking for a challenge to flash point solo they are tough even with healing PVP is good
  3. that sad to hear hopefully you have a ship now you have till Tuesday to get some contracts
  4. yeah i am afraid your right it a shame starting heroic pay a lot and huttas are the best
  5. Bioware needs to fix a major issue within the game one that leaves the entire player base vulnerable and its not funny... we need more Pets allowed for players and their guilds. Not just any pet specifically the Gizka with a million of those bad boys running around your base No one is going to mess with ya. Bring it to biowares attention we need 999 slots for each pet as a decoration. And lot more Gizka
  6. I hear there are website online now where you can pay people to be your friends they charge by the hour apparently. If you are super desperate i'd look into one of those....well for the right price I might be interested in helping you out How much is that price you might ask? Um its a little complicated but generally if you have to ask you can't afford it. But.... just this once the details can be found in here.
  7. I am not sure what you mean with the quote but its been way more then 9 days
  8. ok cool no problem make it to have the option to see them in person or as a holo whether or not they are your current toons companion yest it would be cool to have them in guilds
  9. I can see your points especially the part about enjoying the story i would encourage playing it in full I am currently playing with a boosted character that started at level 70 and allows me to do all class mission and bonus missions with the credit boost and all abilities witch feels way better then when I first played. that kinda of affected my judgment I guess it depends on the type of player you are. i still stand buy my suggestion. I like playing with friends and story mission kinda of got in the way building up a guild and crafting end game gear to get the reward from the end game content. my friend in pretty far in the game when i starter so i had to play catch up and i build speed runs for multiple l toons and my list was the most effective way to do it. as for the strong hold thing my inventory filled up pretty fast and the storage on the fleet is nice but to have it in a Strong hold is better you can return right back into the game were as when you go to fleet you cant add the legacy storage box and with multiple toons it was essential to treading items back and forth for crafting now that you can store money that just awesome
  10. clarification I meant armor flourishing like mounts. A temporary glamour effect like a rain cloud of flaming body to show off. the rendering performance would be the same as when using toys and other abilities each as a timed action that is rendered
  11. 1 Allow all legacy companion to be seen as people not just holograms. 2 have armor stands and weapon stands to show off all the cartel armor and weapons we bought. 3 mats/decorations with programmable paths so pets can fly or move around and personal can patrol around to make the bases more lively 4 Strongholds with built in farming nodes for crafting stronghold themed decorations, armor, pets and mounts built in ( you can farm once per day per strong hold you visit using a key) 5 emoji and toy stations to show off those items for the weapon, armor and emoji stands you buy the item on the cartel market then bind one item to it that way you need to buy more then one to show off everything you own but you should be able to donate the bound items to your guild with a limit of one for each armor, Weapon, emoji etc... this ideal will save time and money on developing decoration because the models have already been created
  12. 1 Allow all legacy companion to be seen as people not just holograms. 2 have armor stands and weapon stands to show off all the cartel armor and weapons we bought. 3 mats/decorations with programmable paths so pets can fly or move around and personal can patrol around to make the bases more lively 4 Strongholds with built in farming nodes for crafting stronghold themed decorations, armor, pets and mounts built in ( you can farm once per day per strong hold you visit using a key) 5 emoji and toy stations to show off those items for the weapon, armor and emoji stands you buy the item on the cartel market then bind one item to it that way you need to buy more then one to show off everything you own but you should be able to donate the bound items to your guild with a limit of one for each armor, Weapon, emoji etc... this ideal will save time and money on developing decoration because the models have already been created
  13. Swtor need armor flares MY toon should be on fire or at least have a rain cloud following him. I know we can because of the plague effects from the events
  14. I hate how a fully leveled crew skill mission starts at the highest level with it ok leveling but is annoying when fully leveled we should be able to choose the the page of the level of scavenging missions then click a box to lock the level page and one click to send our companion all on the same level mission with out having to scroll through each level or companion
  15. I think there should be Emojis for companions and they should also be able to use toys as well
  16. Hello everyone this is an old post and its been modified. Here is a new player stater guide with a list of things i wish i knew when I started. I have also add links to other tips also i think they would be useful for players on the new sever. The guide is found in the spoiler. Recommendation for earning credits List of heroics that can be done in under an hour Feel free to leave a comment or give thanks
  17. I would agree but to double check look at the mount in the decoration menu and see the limit
  18. This is a list of a things i would like to see in guilds. 1 Guild tax on credits members taken automatically when there earned nothing crazy 1% or 2% 2 a Guild GTN account so multiple members can manage the sell of items within the guild. The GTN kiosk having the option to choose the guild to set to. 3 More incentives for members to be in guilds. exp is great and all but an extra row of inventory or storage would be better. Maybe a utility row for stems and grenades only for those in guilds 4 A guild kiosk to request and find guilds maybe host guild mission and other things 5 smaller guild competitions maybe PVP battles or turf wars. conquest is fine but unless you are in a mega guild there is no chance your going to win and big guilds are jerks filled with randos. small friend based guilds are better
  19. Nope sorry while there are plenty of active guild none are mature.
  20. Did you turn your computer off then back on? ...... oh man ha ha jk. like he said wait for the one time password it takes about 15 min to receive if you don't wait and request a new one the original becomes invalid but you still receive it. it sounds to me thats your problem you get a one time password look in you email don't see it request i new one go back to email see a password(the original thats now invalid) try it doesn't work and repeat the cycle. The security key is buggy i got locked out a few times called support and they fixed it in less then 5 min try them Talk to support an tell them your problem i got lock out of my account because of a bug and they gave me a free month. There good people.
  21. you can post here if it a suggestion if it doesn't feet as a suggestions go ahead and post a new thread it doesn't bother me.
  22. IKD for fun or extra storage space knowing no one would buy it getting enough to buy more if it sold. No those prices are garbage its only worth 200k but ill make you a deal ill buy it from you for 250k... joking aside i would try and sell those items that is the only why to know for sure the prices 75 million is a lot for a decoration unless you are apart of a guild or really love your strong hold it probability worth more to you sold.
  23. Hey so as I said it was like a year or so a go when I wrote this but I had a vague suspicion your question was already answered so i check and yeah it was merovejec already covered the republics heroics here it is... feel free to try those and make a list of your suggestion like you did before.
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