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Everything posted by Alexisshade

  1. Spanish speaking guy "NO es bueno doberman haberlo hecho espanol." French speaking guy"Pourquoi no ont-ils pas l' espagnol?" German speaking guy "Sie haben kein Spanisch, das ist traurig. Ich weiß nicht, warum sie kein Spanisch sprechen." Hmm. yeah it is no bueno they do not have Spanish. Spanish speaking guy. Oh wait sorry you don't speak English sorry just a sec. es malo que no hablen español. Chico que habla español. and it is sad. German speaking guy. Oh wait dan I forgot you don't speak English either dang I thought the English fix that when the tryed to conquer the earth dang it oh well just a sec. Es ist ein trauriger deutscher Anyway I think I might Know why they don't have Spanish French speaking guy. It could be a few reasons. Oh God dagnabit ferger.. grumble grumble a a bother not English dude I mean come on remove a few continents from consideration and isn't the the most spoken and important language on earth... wait it isn't oh man but its so cool. Anyway just a sec. 1 they don't have enough traffic in country's that only speak Spanish(alot of Spanish speaking people know two languages thos who don't might not play this game) Or 2 they are lazy I am going with lazy. and the third option is just to horrible to even think about. Oh God dagnabit ferger.. grumble grumble a a bother not English dude I mean come on remove a few continents from consideration and isn't the the most spoken and important language on earth... wait it isn't oh man but its so cool. Anyway just a sec. Quoi qu'il en soit, je pense que je pourrais savoir pourquoi ils n'ont pas de gars qui parle espagnol et français. Cela pourrait être plusieurs raisons. Oh mon Dieu, dagnabit ferger.. grogner grogner, ça ne dérange pas mec anglais, je veux dire, allez, retire quelques continents de toute considération et ce n'est pas la langue la plus parlée et la plus importante sur terre... attends, ce n'est pas oh mec mais c'est tellement cool . Quoi qu'il en soit, juste une seconde. 1, ils n'ont pas assez de trafic dans les pays qui ne parlent que l'espagnol (beaucoup d'hispanophones connaissent deux langues, mais ceux qui ne le font pas ne joueront peut-être pas à ce jeu) Ou 2, ils sont paresseux, je pars avec paresseux. et la troisième option est tout simplement trop horrible pour y penser. un Français. Well I for one think there should be a Spanish server yay.
  2. I agree if it was something you could do my yourself or a small group finding them would be fun i mean have have a small group and we almost never can find someone else to do the boss with us(even having healing stations would be great) but begging like 20 people. "Oh no please please take time of your busy day to help poorly little old me with this big bad moster guy that only a half hour out of your way to get to and I don't have ship transportation for another 30 days" doesn't usually get anyone to help so yeah group finder and quick travel. Would be life savers.
  3. Yeah I didn't really to social points back in my day when I fired played around level 50 being the level cap heroic were the fastest way to make money and this was when the item to buy on the gtn weren't hyper inflated and it still worked. My guildbused them to farm money in the new server we still do. I edited my post and talk a little bet more about new servers so check it out. As for new rewards. Yeah they should add something. there's lots of things that can be done. they can bring back light and dark tokens. Make it so you get them after earning so may light and dark afinty points 100-1000 per token and for each good or bad thing you do you get 50 to 100 points that add up. To promote group play they should make it so you can only earn those point by grinding in any of the group finders but the new heroic queue would be part of that. They can display light and dark point there. Thats just one I have many many other ideas
  4. Its scack religious to remove the referral link. Others may have lost faith. They may have stopped believing in referral link. but I. I didn't(i am comparing the referral in to a belief in God as a joke). Ha ha ha. I haven't thought of anything else to put there yet when I do it will change. Um so yeah I am aware people don't heroic anymore I do but hat groups because it isn't very organized and take forever to find someone so I do them myself but if I had a queue I would group up if it take less then a few minutes. As for organized I mean the transportation items get mixed up so if the leader didn't have to tell me witch item to find and just took the group to the next heroic on his list it would be great. If they take the code from an existing queue modify it a little it should work encapsulating the four players heroic transport item code into a method for the leader to call should be easy to. Now the work involved relatively easy they should do it just to see what happens Any as for solos yeah end game players do it but for new servers with in characters and players the group finder would do wonders i think anyway. Now a few people asked for a noble game. I personally want a consel game and some other dude ask for a Spanish server I like the idea of all three. (I mean I think the moble version for me personally would be dumb to play compared to pc or consel I find them less immersive. But I know my view of the world isn't the only one some people might only play if it was moble I think all three are god because they would make money witch would keep the game alive) If they do any of those the heroic queue would ne super useful.
  5. Um. So ARE you going to buy all the 500 credit med pack? Except your own? Then resell them at 500? Idk now why Longsword(that what I am just going to call broadsword from now on) changed the gtn and I am still getting used to it but I think you can sort by date posted ill look into it you you just need to see when you posted and buy before and after. If not I like not knowing who's stuff is for sell I don't want people to choose who to buy from if the price is the same. Yeah I am back and it does not let you sort by date it does let you sort by duration but only in the sell tab.
  6. Only if people buy them. I don't have the data. I don't. I make them. now people probably do but um I don't think very many. its always on sale. However making it a sub perk would probably make up for that.
  7. Naw we don't need a relationship tracker we need a harem tracker. Ha ha ha 😂 oh man. Jk. um sure it could be cool. They should add romance missions especially for those who missed the opportunity in the story or rest zone conversations.
  8. Opps thought I was in suggestion box
  9. Allow to give a whole stack to companions at once even if its just for subs but it doesn't have to be.
  10. Um just have a legacy sell tab it shows who is selling what and for how much
  11. Allows players to queue heroics by planet and allows group leader to use a group teleport item for each heroic the would transport the whole group.
  12. Its a world boss queue that shows each plant world boss and allows you to sign up when you have enough people allows you to quick travel to location like it does flashpoints and give leader boss summon item if boss has been defeated
  13. By all means please tell the problems it will cause I mean I know you don't like to work but please go on you the first step in solving problems is knowing you have then please please please tell what they are so I can solve them it is really quite great fun. I mean it i like puzzles that why I like cs its super fun. Have you heard of fan fiction. This is a role playing game after all. Haveing diffrent kinds of role play is kinda the point. I know cs programs are tough but with budget around 200 million I am sure they can find someone to pay who can pull up their boot straps and get the job done. I mean they only made a few billion by now. and reinvestment is kinda a good business strategy. As for sexual orientation(sorry for a sec I thought you ment position) changes it add some real life spice to the drama if they break up with your now none preference character. As for question of faith ill look into if after but God(s) or not God(s) allowed choiceies and his devout followers will earn extra brownie points for refusing being gay or whatever in both real life and imagined life if they don't burn in h××× for you know all the other things allowed in this game like coold blood murder. I don't know what you mean by 3 did they have a question of faith of orientation change dang it now I need to add gender changes in the game I have sure the is some kind of fish aliens that can do it. Awe read it. Oh my God you mean if I given them an orientation option they can choose straight and not see gay content at all your right that is a problem we can't have that.
  14. I am glad you use your not work cs skills to judge people. When you at work cs skill could build the program I am glad your think the whole world shares you experience i mean I thought you might be xenophobic or something. Oh you did reply to insults but they were actually in fact constructive criticism for your implied stupidity. I mean come this whole time you've been insulting me. Plate oh my go a printing press, the enigma machine object oriented program make real thing digital its like your whole job. Encryption plate don't tell your trainer did know about my school had a chapter on cryptography and we talked about algorithms use in ancient libraries and then the enigma machine encryption oh ill start it for you Char a = a+1 Char b = b+1 Or If input char = a Input char = b Crap now I have to do that with all 26 letters 26 time my god i know thats to hard for you because you don't have a good work ethic and if then statements are had that they are the bases of encryption. Oh my God your right the person who I hired to prof read doesn't know any jokes they are to dumb I you look to you who has a hard time speaking two languages instead the guy who's is paid to translate language as a specialist. I agree approval of what your the one who said you needed it?
  15. Um I really like what was done to the market but I can't easily check the prices of item that I am selling against other from the sell page mu suggest is like a left click option in the sell tab that open a drop down menu from the item that allows yoy to remove item or auto searches it in the buy tab. You use to hold shifts and have the text jump to buy tab but now you can't this suggestion with fix and make it better with the auto search.
  16. I think they should give the users a potato daily I mean that would be cool but my real suggestion is this have each world have a trainer for each class just one use the currently existing spirits but have the randomly travel through out the world and your job is to find them when you do they send you on a series of quest that allows you to build a weapon or armor the end. But not really this armor/weapon has a flat that acts like a skill that you save to the quick bar the gives an additional ability or attack. It like the artifacts thing that themselves are an active skill. I also like the other battle style thing
  17. Um yeah I'm a casual player and I don't know have the stuff you said about 306. yeah I just skipped that stuff and got like 320ish gear. but I am mad that they took the special powers away too they definitely need to come back. um I think this is the wrong form you really didn't suggest anything.
  18. Dude relax man. I agreed with you. this is a suggestion box not how dare you suggest anything you stupid person box. I mean Longsword(as it will be called now ha ha) wouldn't have a suggestion box if they didn't want ideas. so go easy on people man. Weather oh No!!!!!! A typo the world is ending chicken little the sky is falling. Ha ha ha. I think its funny. look I didn't mean to upset you but I didn't say anything invalid. 35 year geez some car break down by then. thats a looong time in an a feild were things change fast. Have you been keeping up on the latest trends? As you should know computer science is cut throat people burn out because the bosses don't care if you think it can't be done. They reward those who can No starwars the old republic isn't complexs it an over glorified oragan trail game. oh my your saying my choices matter and I can play cutscene and stuff eek. thought I only had to run some super none complex weather models or something on it. Yeah if then check I bet your the type that hate exceptions check because they're boring. so i'll just let the program have an out of bounds error or two. Reasonably. in as few step as possible to retrieve the data to display on screen. my characters stats are stored on a text doc. If I clicked a button it should call my class display method witch should call all the relevant get methods its not rocket science heck that stuffs easy too. As for the story the game has flags to tell when do display missions i just need a user interface that sets those flags is a simple display screen that displays text and asks the user yes or no or witch choice a b or c its all ready done the storys like the shadow syndicate already have an adequate ui now all they need to do is ask the question and set the flags in response to those questions As for your job. Can you make an encryption program with 26 plates that can code each and every message randomly every time and still be readable by the machine that receives it? Because if you can't boy the kids today will kick your butt. that's like a basic school assignment. So yeah think of words as letters being encrypted when you think of language translations. Out sourcing is cheeper yeah your method works good for short stuff but bigger stuff ill go with a program and an editor any day I mean you and many other or more then glad to fix the errors. Approval that easy. A good idea, a diagram and some confidence go along way.
  19. I agree and disagree on the work being a lot or tough. but at the end of the day, it isn't about weather something is easy hard a lot or a little it just matters weather or not it would be worth the pay off. now unless you work at Longsword or EA it not really up to you or me whether it's hard work or a lot of work, they would know better. They see the computer code we don't. (Again, I say this like every time we talk, I write computer code.) there is a lot of different way to do a lot of different things. linked List, vectors, arrays, binary trees, queues and many other hash tables etc.. they all store data in text docs/memory files. it's all just list of information that needs to be sorted and called upon in a reasonable manner. now I don't want to explain those things here I am pretty sure I have done it before. google each of those and check their pros and cons. anyway now I agree with you it's a lot of work, but I don't know how the information is stored if the computer scientists used polymorphism (google that to) correctly it can be super easy to make a few changes. like minutes. if they did it wrong it can take years to fix or change (that's mostly for million or billion lined programs like the windows operating system) this game is no were near that complex. all those Chages he talks about are already coded all it would take is like 10 lines of code of and if then check for each of them I all would need to do is the if then check lines copy it pasted a hundred times, then move the existing code inside it. then all you would need to do is write the code to as for use input that's pretty much done and actually I wouldn't even need to do that I would just need to write a program to goes to memory and overwrites the story data already written Iife they built the setMethod(); correctly I just need to build a method that calls those method and set based on user input any many way to do things some Way better than others. As for translation which is easier for your. Getting an English to German dictionary and reading German. Or correcting badly written English? A computer can check English to German much faster than any person ever will. so all they need to do is write the script in English or whatever language the coders speak. Have a computer translation it then pay a firm anywhere between $500 or $2000 dollars to prof read it. Now is it worth it? To me the translation is the easiest part no problem as for walking through the code and reworking it depends if Ea/longsword were making a remastered to lunch on PC or Preparing to relaunch on counsels. If so then it would be worth the effort. because people would buy the game or a least some kind of collator's content. now if I could have the code reworked with a few minutes of each day when my coders were not busy with other things. then I would have them do it for the players for free
  20. that and make it so we can use the outfitter with not just the player but the comps as well. it wouldn't be hard. in the outfitter tab(not the companion tab) you can switch between the player and comp and apply any of the outfits you created to your comp or yourself maybe add a slot or two just for the comps they can uses your but you might not want to use theirs and it will save a little space for each comp to have their own small outfit list saved to them.
  21. Yes. and maybe make it so you can choose how you're going to romance beforehand as well allowing you to romance same gender comps before knights of the fallen order. they will need to rewrite some of the script but that shouldn't be hard. for the bounty hunter the male romances mako the female romances the bounty hunter guy can't remember his name the script for both already exists so I know which mission and what conversation will have romance. now I don't have any comp romances remembered of the top of my head, but I do remember the Hutt secretary lady Juda. the male bounty hunter can flirt that crap out of that lady the female bounty hunter doesn't even has the chose it the same cutscene the same option 1 2 3 so I just give the female bounty hunter the male options with a few of the correct pronouns. I mean juda calls you guy. girl when appropriate. I.E for the male she calls you smart guy and the female she says us girls need to stick together. now it gets hard to follow but here is my idea. at start you choose between three options 1 No romance this option switches all romance diallage with is none romance dialog. the female bounty hunter will treat mako the way the female bounty hunter would like a sister or friend and a modify female bounty hunter diallage set will be overriding the original male diallage and vs versa. 2 No change to story romance options 3 costume romance. You can be Straight. bi, or same sex. they can even make it so you can romance more the usual add romance diallage options that didn't exist before with a number 4 chat option. now for Juda if I play a female bounty hunter and I flirt with her she will call a smart gal or smart Alick. as a male bounty hunter, she will say. us working folk need to stay together (that would be the platonic relationship alternative) Now this is just an example and its not 1 for 1 switch it will take brain reading and changing the scripted to make sense. lastly you can add race specific dialog Juda is Twi'lek so if you play as a twi'lek she could say us twi'leks need to stick together. And if you're a female twi'lek she'll add especially us lady's anyway, I agree with making the game more immersive and choosing comp customization before had would be great.
  22. If original post is right about wanting players to see the story, they could make it, so each class has to complete it once. that way all the voice actors get appreciation. but honestly that doesn't seem to likely I mean at all just being nice and supportive of other viewpoints and building them up . but I don't think they really care if you see the story. I mean most people start and don't finish. I haven't yet. and I have been playing this game for a very long time. I think they just want to sell boost tokens. There are certainly problems with them. And I have used a lot of both. Back in the days of referral codes (good times they should bring those back before Christmas that would be great) tons. lots and lots and lots. I wrote lots of guides for making money and crafting that took advantage of the pros and cons of each type of boost token. And I agree more should be done. I suggest a new boost token type story reset token. It keeps the player at the level they currently are and allows them to replay story mission from class mission to present. Now for it to work it would need a story counsel to divide the stories into chapters like in knights of the fallen empire and Eternal throne. Luckly for us there already is one on the ship they would just need to rework the flags in the story to allow you to play the stories again it quite complicated they would need to have a double bool check for the mission markers. I would have to see the code, but the computer would need to know when you actually completed the mission's vs when you set a Temporary complete to switch through the chapters. I.E I am playing my class story at chapter two but I want to play the hut mission or eternal throne. so, I jump. Right now, I can't the story needs to be completed to pass information to eternal throne. thus, the auto playthrough. I can be done its just tough. my suggestion is a prescript list for missions you have not yet completed. with the options to play through the story at any point to choose an alternative path and have them saved to your character story. broken down of course into sizes that make sense. now my suggestion for the token is that to reset the story anyone can do it but the new boost token will allow you to jump to current max level, with crew skills of your choice leveled at least to 600. The token would allow you to quickly set the story chooses you wanted up to present without have to play through the whole story and with the updated counsel you still have the option to play it.
  23. The button could look like this... I know it a work I am quite found of it took all of like 2 sec to draw I cant help but feel it would be better on a wight board instead of paint wight boards are a computer scientists best friend. Yay
  24. I should be allowed to pre order stuff
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