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Posts posted by Vallerine

  1. I'm not sure what your native language is, but I bet it has a word similar in meaning to "ignorant' in it, i.e., "does not know" and another word similar in meaning to "stupid," i.e., "unintelligent."


    For some, using "your" for "you're" is ignorance. For others, it's stupidity. I give non-native speakers the benefit of the doubt.


    My native language is English, I'm pretty sure yours isn't. But I will give you some advice. Calling someone or a group of people "ignorant" can be quite insulting because they may think you're calling them "stupid" or "unintelligent", especially if someone doesn't have English as their first language and they are trying their best to learn.


    There was no need for you to call people ignorant. It's distasteful.

  2. Look up "Change this thing just because I don't like it." There is no reason other than "impatience." People can save up the rep tokens and just use them the following week. But wait, they'd have to wait a whole extra week! You're right! That's inhuman!


    Well that's your view on things, you have to accept that other people have different views. Stop being so aggressive just because you don't share the same view.


    Also "impatience" is not the same thing as QoL. Learn this.


    Of course you can. No one is going to believe you can't spare a max of 3 inventory spaces. That is a total non-issue in this "problem."


    Do you have a source on this "no one"? Of course it's your view that it's a "non-issue". I'm pretty sure there's nothing in this game that you have an issue with....:rolleyes:

  3. People write them because they are ignorant and write what they hear, like using "your" for "you're."


    You're saying anyone who spells a word incorrectly or uses the wrong punctuation is "ignorant"? That's pretty offensive to a lot of people.


    There are many people from different countries playing this game and they might not speak good english and I think it's pretty rude to call them ignorant for not knowing. I doubt you even know another language.


    Only if the definition of "everyone else" is "Vallerine."


    Nope, everyone else meaning "except you". Learn to read? Not entirely sure how you came to that definition.


    The argument against the weekly cap is "It should be removed because I don't like it." Fair enough, but not a very compelling reason to change an aspect of the game.


    It's called a QOL change. Look up what that means.


    You can't spare a max of three inventory/cargo bay slots on each of your characters?


    So what if I can't? It's none of your business.

  5. Dulfy.net missed something, or Conquest gone wrong?


    Today was Death mark, or Titans of Industry?


    Lost 4x30 Invasion Forces. Thanks. :mad:


    That's too bad. You should have known the dates would have been wrong if the gree event was extended by one week. It's your own fault.

  6. I'm curious to see the data points when someone tells his friend out of game:


    "Hey, i know you haven't played much ranked PVP Before, but would you mind queuing ranked and play slow and dumb and badly in every game you play, so when I match up against you, I have more chance of winning? Thanks friend"


    I don't think Bioware can tell between a bad player and someone deliberately playing badly. I think it's impossible to tell. Especially when people are communicating with each other out of game.

  7. Hey Eric,


    How do you detect whether somebody is win trading? It's obvious when somebody types /stuck to let the other team win, but how can you tell if a player is deliberately playing badly on his 2018 expertise character (who doesn't care about ranked) to let his friend on the other team win?


    How can you tell a genuine bad player from someone who is deliberately playing badly?

  8. Please note the total player count would be lower as players can use multiple characters to play ranked


    Updated 5/21/15 11:14 am








    Tomb of Freedon Nadd - 1394 players


    10+ wins = 400

    1 to 9 wins = 637

    0 wins = 357


    The Bastion - 826 players


    10+ wins = 182

    1 to 9 wins = 231

    0 wins = 413


    The Harbinger - 747 players


    10+ wins = 150

    1 to 9 wins = 350

    0 wins = 247



    T3-M4 - 562 players


    10+ wins = 98

    1 to 9 wins = 292

    0 wins = 172


    Prophecy of the Five - 540 players


    10+ wins = 61

    1 to 9 wins = 300

    0 wins = 179


    Jedi Covenant - 494 players


    10+ wins = 68

    1 to 9 wins = 279

    0 wins = 147



    The Ebon Hawk - 478 players


    10+ wins = 81

    1 to 9 wins = 217

    0 wins = 180 players


    The Red Eclipse -379 players


    10+ wins = 53

    1 to 9 wins = 195

    0 wins = 131


    Jung Ma - 353 players


    10+ wins = 53

    1 to 9 wins = 192

    0 wins = 108


    Mantle of the Force - 318 players


    10+ wins = 47

    1 to 9 wins = 170

    0 wins = 101


    Battle Meditation - 312 players


    10+ wins = 48

    1 to 9 wins = 185

    0 wins = 79


    Jar'Kai Sword - 263 players


    10+ wins = 41

    1 to 9 wins = 151

    0 wins = 71


    The Progenitor - 257 players


    10+ wins = 35

    1 to 9 wins = 155

    0 wins = 67


    The Shadowlands - 256 players


    10+ wins = 23

    1 to 9 wins = 139

    0 wins = 94


    Begeren Colony - 202 players


    10+ wins = 32

    1 to 9 wins = 95

    0 wins = 75

  9. Hi,

    I am looking on the Developer Tracker right now and I can't see anything discussing PVP and it's issues, the only thing I found was Season 5 rewards stuff which doesn't apply to me because I'll never get those rewards because of how weird the ranked warzone rating is.


    When was the last time a dev or someone told us there would be new PVP maps? Do the PVP team have any updates for this year? I really enjoyed PVP af first but I'm getting bored (new player here). When will PVP get new maps or game modes and such?



  10. No it's their job to communicate updates and schedules. It is not their job to have conversations with the players. Besides, the amount of vitriol they get would make anyone loathe to speak on these forums. Oh he can ask, but they are not required to answer.


    Wrong. Totally wrong.


    The clue is in the name. "Community team". They're the ones who interact with the community, talk about stuff, schedule in game events, talk to us about updates and schedules, talk about their lives, what they enjoy in the game, have conversations with players. They talk to players about their concerns and actually respond to them. They're meant to actually read the forums and acknowledge player feedback in individual threads.


    They're supposed to respond on a daily basis, even more so an hourly basis. A proper community team reads the forums a lot. It doesn't seem that way with SWTOR.

  11. This is why we can't have nice things. Instead of shutting the hell up, all you get are a bunch of naysayers who think they know what's best for everyone. You don't have to buy it if you don't like it ya know?!


    I thought you were branmakmuffin for a second reading that XD

  12. Regarding rarity, no one else is going to pay attention to your throne anyway, so the only person you'd be impressing is yourself.


    There are actually speeders other players will stop and ask "What speeder is that?" The thrones are not among them.




    The entire CM is pretty much based around vanity. I've noticed reading your posts that you seem to be so against the idea of vanity or "epeen" as you say. Clearly you must be playing the wrong game. This isn't Stick Men Online.


    If someone else had a throne that was rare, I'd be pretty impressed, just like when someone rides around a mount from a nightmare ops. I'm pretty new to the game, and I've asked people where they got their mounts from. Just because you're not impressed by other people, doesn't mean nobody else thinks the same as you.

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