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Posts posted by Vallerine

  1. I thought of it first, suggestion ninja.


    I think we can all agree nothing like the OP's "suggestion" is never going to happen.


    Um, no, you don't speak on behalf of all of us, and you certainly don't speak for me. If you don't like other peoples suggestions, then just forget about them. "Problem" solved.

  2. There certainly is a bit of an attitude "You can't do this unless you've done it before" amongst some players. It's amusing (in a sad way) to see people LFMing for SM Ops stating "must know fights." If I were to do a SM Op, I'd want to see the story. Some say "You don't have to have done it, you can read a strat guide or watch vids so you can learn it." That's the point. I would want to experience the story for myself, not watch someone else's vid of it. And as for the "You're wasting people's time if you don't know the fights," well, if someone's time truly is that valuable, they shouldn't be wasting it playing a computer game in the first place.


    So my solution is I simply don't raid, because impatient toddlers are impatient.


    Well, if someone is advertising in chat about a SM ops and say "must know tacts", i'm pretty sure that person wants experienced players in the group to complete the ops quickly and efficiently, so they can get their weekly done before the reset, or because they don't want to spend 15 minutes standing around every fight explaining tactics. I love how you call them "impatient toddlers". You must have been kicked from a lot of groups before...


    I find it really weird how you find this kind of attitude "amusing in a sad way". It happens in every MMO with raids, it's pretty common for this to happen. Even when I want a quick ops done, I ask for experienced raiders. You must be new to MMOs.


    Don't expect other experience players to carry you though a story mode ops. That's laziness. It's really not difficult to look up tactics for a fight.


    And If you want to experience the story for yourself, then you can go ahead and join a "story group" or a new player guild, or you can make your own group of 8 people who have never done the raid before and then give it a go.


    "Problem" solved.

  3. The queue times are so long I have waited 3-4 hours before, then gave up. I am not waiting for ages for a match. Hardly anyone enjoys it, so again, removing solo queue would be the nail in the coffin for ranked, everyone would just move to regs.


    That's because of server pops. If there was cross server there wouldn't be a problem.


    And it's another reason to remove solo ranked, because some people may not get to play enough games to even get a reward because the queue pops are so long.. unless they add in cross server of course.

  4. Don't suck? And don't leave out the rest of the quote. If you fail to get AT LEAST bronze level, then it's 60+ games per week because you wouldn't have had any chance to get the mount previously. Silver would be looking at 18+ games because it's a GOLD tier reward. Since you didn't achieve gold tier, you'll have to work harder to get better rewards. Or just play better and get Gold tier and you'll need to play 10 games minimum during the season.


    So if I play better and become better at PVP, it automatically means my rating will go up?


    You do realise that my rating is also dependant on the 3 other people on my team, the enemy team, how good they are, how often pops are on the server, class balance etc...

  5. http://www.swtor.com/blog/pvp-economy-and-ranked-rewards-restructure-game-update-3.3


    As a few examples of the participation level needed for the Gold tier mount, a player who does not place in Bronze or above would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate, earning max medals each match, while completing every daily and weekly to purchase the mount.


    60 games per week? Have Bioware addressed server population and ranked populations? How is someone going to play 60 games per week when their server is dead?


    This isn't going to encourage people to play.


    What happens if a really really good player who has played for years always get puts with noobs in ranked??? He has to suffer for an ENTIRE season and play for hours and hours and hours to get enough tokens yet another player of equal level gets lucky with his groups and doesn't have to play as much but will get gold tier???


    What about class balance bioware? Are you going to fix that?


    There's nothing you can do to encourage people to play unless you fix the rating system, the elo system is a total joke! Why should my rating be dictated by 7 other people and how they perform???

  6. Again they catered to the people that complained that they didn't have the rewards and made a way so everyone can have it. Here kids, gold medals and cookies for everyone! In a way I understand that can be an incentive to people to keep doing rateds. So I'll give them that and agree with this change. Not even close from the best solution, but yeah. Still, it completely destroys the idea of rewards for the most skilled people.


    You've missed the point completely.


    In ranked warzone "most skilled people" has zero meaning. How exactly do you determine someones "skill level" when your rating is based on 3 other peoples performance on your team and the other teams performance?


    In ranked warzones there are literally 8 people including yourself that determine the rating you get at the end of the match.


    Imagine a really good player starting RWZ right now. Do you ever think he will reach the top of the leaderboards? Probably not, because other factors come into place:


    -Everyone elses skill level

    -Their expertise rating

    -Trolls and win traders queuing


    -Class balance

    -Server populations

    -Queue times


    They didn't cater to the people who "complained". They catered to the people who were put off playing RWZ after seeing their rating after their first 10 games. They catered to the people who know they are fairly decent at PVP but can't get a higher rating because of the other factors I listed (trolls and such). They catered to the people who would never get Tier 1 rating because their server is dead.


    The fact is, a solo rating mechanic that is based on 8 peoples performance is illogical. The only way you're going to determine "skill level" or who the best player is for their class if they had 1v1 warzones against the same class they are.


    Right now, if you're at the top of the leaderboards, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a good player. It just means that 3 guys on your team were't trolls, it means you got lucky with your set up, it means your server has a high pvp population, it means you might have been a win trader...all these other factors come into place.


    What bioware have done will definitely encourage more people to start doing ranked, and it will give them a chance to actually get Tier 1 rewards, but it changes nothing with the rating system.

  7. When you're on full resolve, you can't get Immobilize , only slowed.


    So if someone uses an immobilize effect on you, you'll instead be slowed to 50% (if you're on full resolve)


    And If the immobilize effect is an ability that breaks on damage (for example), then that slow will break on damage.


    If the immobilize is 10 seconds, then the slow will be 10 seconds etc...

  8. You're seemingly the one who wants the change. I don't have to deal with anything. If they removed weekly caps, I would not be calling to have them reinstated. There simply is no reason to make the change and remove them.


    I don't want the change, but I would like the change, it would be nice. There's a difference. And yes, you have do deal with something, you have to deal with the fact people have different views and requests etc....


    There simply is no reason to make the change and remove them.


    That is simply your view on it. Other people will have different views and reasons.

  9. "Earned?" You mean like working hard at playing a computer game? :rolleyes:



    Well yeah, "working hard" would be putting time and effort into something, even if it's playing a computer game. After a while, you get an item and you may feel you've earned it.


    Have you even played a video game before? Ever completed one?


    Neither would that be a violation, any more than someone looting a guild vault is a violation. That's why the question of "who delivers first?" is an issue.


    It may not violate the TOS, but it violates the Rules of Conduct.

  10. Tough cookies for them. The game has a weekly cap and that's the way it is. Deal with it or complain about it or whatever helps you feel better about it. There is no reason to change it.


    But that's just your view on it. How about you accept the fact other people have different views to you? Deal with it.


    Someone has an issue with the game, and they come to the forums to talk about it, and you just say "deal with it, that's the way it is, nothing will change".


    You seriously have some problems lol

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