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Everything posted by Myrmicus

  1. My Agent is a loyal but overall nice girl. How does she copes with the backstabbing nature of the Sith ? Well, she serve the EMPIRE, not some delusional Siths who will end up dead sooner than later. So, a Sith Lord view and treat you like a pawn ? Well, you are a disposable blade in the dark, that's part of the job... do it well enough and you will either become someone to be eliminated for knowing too much or someone that can't be disposed off, because of her usefulness. Doing your job well enough also helps the most cunning Sith to come out on top, while eliminating the weak. Overall, the Empire comes out stronger. Any threat to the Empire should be eliminated one way or another... Being a spy IS bound to be an awful job, be it for the Empire or the Republic : you will get your hand dirty, only to wash off other people's dirt... The Republic makes it even more vicious than the Empire, because you KNOW that there will be backstabbing in the Empire. The Republic is perhaps as much full of backstabbing, amoral politicians, but they will deny it. You don't have to be cautious with a Sith, you just are, because you know how Siths are. But a politician ? How could you know if he is guenine about being benevolent ?
  2. DS Jaesa amuse me. I don't feel she is "one dimensional", but more that she is absolute. She was a servant, in a servant family and hated it... then someday, someone take her out of this cage and tell her she has a great Destiny. She dedicates herself to the Jedis teachings with all her heart, knowing nothing else and seeking nothing else. Turns out that it is just another cage made of self control. Then someone comes, kills her parents, kills her trainers and turn her master to the Dark Side. She sees everything she loves being destroyed while unable to do anything about it, imprisoned by her master "for the sake of the Light" feeling the full weight of her chains. When she finally sees her master fall to the Dark Side, all the teachings she was chained to appear as lies. Then her tormentor says : "come to the Dark Side, it will break your chains." No wonder she dedicates herself so much for the Dark Side. All the evil stuff is just her testing how it feels to do stuff no one would in her previous life.
  3. I don't know if he has the same name in VO, but being french, "Lord Malichose" always cracks me up. His name is so ridiculous : "Mali" is like a cut version of "malice" our "mal" which are respectively the french for "mischeviousness" and "evil". Then we have "chose" which means "thing" in french. To me, "Lord Malichose" sounds like "Lord Evithingy" or "Lord Mischeviouthing. It was funny enough to hear about him, but when I finally met him... oh boy, how ugly he was : half bald head, half bald mustach, full of darkside veins. There are other names that sound quite funny in french. Another funny name, not tied to language : Juda Spoilers : As a BH, you have to take care of some information leak about the auctionned list of targets. Then you learn that Juda helped with the auction. I thought to myself : (sarcasm) "Wait, you're telling me Juda betrayed me ? How unexpected..." Another time, was about a dialogue nonsense with my female Sith Warrior... Dialogue option : "I'm listening." What my warrior said : "I don't care." Wait. What ?
  4. It could be the Chiss... I know they are supposed to be of the isolationnist sort, but why the hell not ? All it takes is one inspiring and competent leader. The Chiss are allied to an Empire that could not defeat them in its prime, facing a broken Republic, with some threatening "Eternal Alliance". Preventive strike.
  5. My bet on one of your officers... You know, those to whom you give some boxees to get those wonderful pieces of armor ? They are blindly loyal from start, they are important to the alliance and one of them betraying you is bound to hurt the Alliance far more than Theron or Lana. Since it's not a Hutt, we know one that can't be the betrayer. That leaves three. If I have to take a pick, I'd say Sana Rae : she have visions and works with a room full of bickering Jedis and Sith. She could see more chaos in the Alliance than its worth and decide to end it for the greater good.
  6. It makes me wonder how he never became a Master of Fear with those Oricon loonies.
  7. Oh... Oooooh. Recruit your other characters as companions. Now that would be some Legacy.
  8. To be fair, he is a perfect product of the Sith Empire : an Empire that promote eugenism and strength (that often comes with higher ranks), I find him far more in universe than a lot of other companions. For this alone, I'm happy to have him. However, I do agree that the lack of execution option is infuriating... even with my female Warrior who romanced him, his neck would have snapped (a quick death, out of love).
  9. I didn't thought about it until I read lots of threads speaking about KOTFE and KOTET telling the story was created for Force User characters. Perhaps that's because I was already playing my Imperial Agent as an untrained Force-Sensitive character that the idea imposed itself into my mind ? Dunno. Anyway... Let's see how this could be : - Those chosen to be trained as Jedis must be young... it's not far fetched to imagine that the Smuggler or the Soldier weren't found at an early age and, thus, not trained. - For the Empire, that's different, since any force-sensitive one was forced to go to Korriban to be trained. But... as much as I imagine the number of trained Sith being high, not all Force-Users are good enough to feel untamed Force within anyone. Plus, the perefered Agent choice seems to be a Chiss. This is interesting, because the Chiss Ascendancy haven't any Force related organisation and, while allied to the Sith, isn't part of the Empire. Thus, a trained Agent coming from the Ascendancy as part of a political exchange could be Force sensitive while not trained to use Force. Temple herself said she joined the Ascendancy to avoid the Korriban Academy. Even a non-Chiss Agent could have this kind of backstory, or simply got past the Sith radar. The Bounty Hunter isn't an Empire subject per say, so there's no reason he should have been sent to Korriban. - Another solution is that the non Force-User PC is Force-Sensitive, but not strong enough in the Force for anyone to take notice. Now why would I want non Force-Users to be Force-Sensitive ? Because it make sense. In the Star Wars universe, fighting a Jedi or a Sith is extremely difficult, even for a Jedi/Sith. Yet, the PC slays them as if it was nothing... to the point of being able to beat really powerful Force-Users. Plus, the Heroic Moment skill allows any character to use Force Powers. I know those aspects are pure gameplay, but one can still think there is a reason for this in universe. In addition, Player Characters are all described as the best in their league... and in the Star Wars universe, most "superior" people are revealed to be somewhat Force-Sensitive. It is regularly stated that those with the best reflexes - bordering precognition - are this good because of the Force. The only exceptions to this trand are specifically stated to be "****** Normals" and, as such, exceptionnal people in their own right (the whole Mandalorian race revolve around this aspect). Lastly, it makes sense for a non Force-User PC to be Force Sensitive within the KOTFE and KOTET storyline.
  10. There's one moral choice that is interesting, because from the Republic and the Empire point of view are totally opposite : when you find some republic soldiers who are about to turn into rakgouls (or die horribly from a disease, I think it's on Belsavis). The Lightside choice for the Republic is to let them live, where the Light Side choice for the Empire is to mercy kill them. Now that's interesting, because it clearly shows us a moral difference between the factions. But appart from that... The only mitigating factor can be found into dialogues surrounding the moral choice : my Sith Inquisitor, pragmatic, evil, but not a maniac murderer. A lot of my light side choices to let people live was followed by : "Don't make me regret it, or I'll find you" or "Well, you're useful" (on Makheb, when I chose to save the sith lord who followed me). Then again, not all the choices are handed this way.
  11. My love for her is so high I intentionally degraded her : skimpy dancer outfit, weaponless, bare feets... and she stays in the ship. I only lack the prisonner collar from belsavis to complete the slave outfit... She wants the money ! She doesn't like authority figures ! She is so smart and resourceful ! She likes when you take a job and are smart about it ! She doesn't want you to kill people, except those SHE want dead. Seriously, I mainly play a noble, lightside Bounty Hunter, with a good heart but also an incorruptible nature (ironic, for a gun for hire) : If she can help, she will, but if she is paid to kill you, you will die. No exception. No compromise. No Mako. She agrees with everything I do EXCEPT fulfilling contracts... Why did she decide to become a Bounty Hunter ? And she has the nerve to say, after agreeing with me during the whole quest : "Whe don't have to be as cruel as Tarro Blood to be Bounty Hunters". Really ? Tarro ? The must douchey and unfair opponent in the whole game ? Well missy, I'm a decent person, overall caring, loving and all that... but go dance half naked in that corner please... perhaps you will reconsider what "cruel" is and why killing someone your paid to kill is perfectly fine (in that line of work). If only I could make Skadge suffer the same treatment... on the other hand, seeing him in the dancer outfit would be an horrible sight to behold.
  12. As much as I like the storytelling in SWTOR, I sometime feel the Light Side and Dark Side choices represent fairly well the "Stupidly Good" and "Stupid Evil" tropes. I get that feeling from time to time, but it was the most glaring was during KOTFE : - Mass Murdering Emperor who is known to possess a lot of people (at the same time) within your mind tells you to accept his power... What could go wrong ? But then, refusing him - out of caution, mind you - is labelled as a light side choice ? As it is, the Dark Side choice to accept come out as stupid evil : "Well yes, mister body stealer, I will totally give you access to my mind by letting your power flow through me, because I crave for power and it doesn't matter if it destroys my brain afterward. I don't have any to begin with..." Because yeah, I totally didn't anticipate him trying to take over your body when you have the Eternal Throne. - For the Stupidly Good side, we have a lot of Bounty Hunters missions : "Your mission is to kill this one." And then : "Nah... I will get paid but won't fulfill my contract. What could go wrong for my career if I let my assassination targets if they beg for their lives ?" Or the famous classless : "Destroy this generator, rebels use its energy !" except " I won't do it, some refugees use it too... ah well, let's hinder the war effort. Prolonging a war that made those refugees come here in the first place must be the right thing to do." Lots of LS/DS choices are fairly intelligent, but my feeling is that they are too "extreme" in the moral compass. Even when you make a choice based on pragmatism or even just common sense, a Dark Side choice will be evil in the speech itself : blow the generator ? "Buzz off maggots !" even if you wanted to say "Well, sorry but this is war and you are colateral damage." Plus, most of the time, you don't have a middle choice : be either good or bad, but not neutral. You have to kill a target ? It's either "Go hide while you can, you poor thing !" or "Die you piece of garbarge ! I'll even smack you a bit before I blow your head off !"
  13. I don't see a problem. We should not forget that you spend 5 years trapped into carbonite... During theese five years, both the Sith Empire and the Republic have been brought to their knees by a galactic despot. Saresh crossing the moral event horizon in this situation is understandable. Even more if your Alliance Commander is from the Empire to begin with.
  14. And that's where I can't agree. As much as the Force is a... well... a force connecting living beings, the Dark Side has no teaching, it is the corruptive and overall negative aspect of the Force. It is the "dark side" of the human mind made "flesh" if I can say so. It exists within the Star Wars universe, it is negative (if not evil) and it does corrupt things it touches. Now, I understand (and tend to accept) that the Sith code isn't evil in itself, that it has its virtues and could be used by a benevolent being. But the problem reside in the Dark Side and the corruption it brings. The two, together, are bound to turn anyone into a complete monster. The guy you mentionned as "a Sith that is not evil" isn't even a good counter-exemple in this regard. It's a stretch to say he isn't evil... he just isn't bent on galaxy domination and mass murdering. But, he is a rutheless buisness man. Ruthless as in "will do anything to be successful" (sidenote : a real world big capitalist corporation would be considered sociopath if it was an individual). The only thing I could agree with is that a person's nature is important : while being undoubtedly negative and corruptive, one must "fall" to the Dark Side. It is, as such, a road that someone must take to become corrupted (whether he wants it or not). What do we know in that regard ? The Dark Side feeds off passions, strong (and most of the time negative) emotions, such as fear and anger. Fear and anger are the most obvious choice, because those emotions are badly viewed by most. But, the problem lies in emotions in general. The emotional spectrum is a subtle and complex thing : love can lead to jealousy, which would lead to fear and/or anger. Love could also lead to a whole lot of good emotions, like sympathy, empathy (and that is why both Jedi and Sith keep love in check : to avoid "falling" to the other side). The Dark Side thrive and a negative mental state : using one power for the wrong reason corrupts you... no matter the intention. That's why the jedi code wants you to "be a vegetable", because keeping your emotions in check is the best way to avoid falling to the Dark Side. In the end, the Force, as a whole, is an incredibly dangerous thing : of course, Jedis can do a lot of good things but the existence of the Dark Side force them to avoid doing anything. If a genie told me "would you be Force-Sensitive ?" I would answer "No", because even if I do consider myself a decent guy, I know I couldn't control my emotions well enough to avoid being corrupted by the Dark Side. I'd turn into a Darksiders pretty quickly actually : having a power that corrupts you so completely if you loose your calm from time to time ? Darth Myrmicus, a jedi who fell because of trolls from the internet. Hell, it's a known thing that power is easily abused and corrupt people even without some mystical (and very real within universe) energy that mess with your mind and body.
  15. To answer to Lord_Rezo, I used the exemple of Darth Caedus not to illustrate the Sith, but to point out the corruption of the Dark Side. And I firmly believe makes people at least selfish. This exemple, and the exemple of the majority of fallen jedis as you said yourself, illustrate how someone educated with a peaceful philosophy turns into a complete monster. I don't think being a Sith makes you de facto evil, but their philosophy coupled with the Dark Side is almost sure to turn anyone into a complete monster, a selfish, power hungry monster... The Siths promote passion in their code and anger is a powerful passion. How with such a philosophy and while wielding such a corrupting force, can one avoid turning evil ? I always liked Kreia's philosophy but she is kind of an anomaly. Perhaps the Jedi code is flawed, but it exists for a reason : use the Force for the greater good and avoid the Dark Side at all cost, because it will corrupt you. The Sith code isn't an evolution of the Jedi Code, it is an opposition and, as such, is as much flawed. A Sith would argue that the Jedi are weak, because they refuse to accept all the aspects of the Force out of fear. But a Jedi would probably say that it is only reasonable to stay away from something that poison your mind and body.
  16. The problem isn't just about philosophical differences... even though it's good enough to start wars in real life. The Force has an effect : the Dark Side DO corrupt things. Someone filled with the Dark Side IS doomed to become selfish, power-hungry and, ultimately, evil. Some of the characters who uses Dark Side powers but aren't Darksiders themselves are Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr... Katarn specifically uses a technique to SHIELD himself from the Dark Side Influence.
  17. Solo of course. I'm aware I'd get kicked if I'm not meeting the standards... People and fun, these days... Anyway, I understand very well I'm hindering myself, but I wan't try anyway. The question is "is it worth it ?" but "how could I make it viable somewhat ?"
  18. Now that's a good point I could get behind ^^ I tend to forgive some bad execution in KOTFE and KOTET because SWTOR is a MMO, but yeah, I wouldn't have in a Mass Effect title.
  19. What Senya, what Arcann, I slaughtered them both. Arcann because he turned me into a popscicle, destroyed planets just to get answers and overall tried to kill me. Senya... colateral damage, I guess ? Plus, it was my Sith Inquisitor, master of the Dark Side and, while not Stupid Evil (I made a lot of Light Side choice because I felt they were more pragmatic than just "SLAUGHTER THEM ALL" or just because I saw no gain in killing), nor heartless (after all, the very Passion that fuel the Dark Side needs a heart to grow), she wasn't kind : Arcann was a complete monster, my opponent and it was too much of a risk to even consider letting him live. Even if we admit that he will have a redemption, being a selfish Dark Side user, I could not allow a rightful heir to MY throne, especially since he would be on the opposite end of the Force spectrum. He had to die. Senya betrayed me for his salvation. Motherly love is understandable... but she shown to whom she was really loyal. It was not me, so she died. Either way, all this is to say that having "on man armies backup that makes this choice stupid" not a certeinty. I had no backup for this situation... And even then, the choice isn't so stupid. This is war, against a powerful and mercyless opponent. I had just provoked the most fearsome ennemy I ever met to come and get me, she could appear at any corner and I should spread my forces thin to save one person ? Sure, this is to save myself, but hey, I am the Commander of the Alliance. Even if I approach the situation with self sacrifice, my status makes me important. If I fall, the Alliance fall and, with it, Vette AND Thorian. Should I gamble with the fate of the galaxy for just ONE person I just MIGHT save ? Because, yeah, we end up saving one, but at the time of the message, their situation is pretty dire... either could die while I'm on my way to save them. A sacrifice it is then. As for the choice itself, I'm with the team "Torian is a better political choice". As a selfish Sith, I need influential allies : Torian is one, Vette is not. As a Jedi or a benevolant kind, I need to forget my personnal feelings and go for the greater good. In the end, saving Vette is only selfish... and that's why, I think, BW try to force you to care for her so much.
  20. A question is, what class (except for Inquisitor/Sage) retein most of his powers with no weapon equiped (secondary slot, such as vibroknife or shields can be equipped)... The idea being punching opponents to death... Scoundrel/Operative concealmet are an obvious choice, but I'd like to know if others have interesting options too. The idea is to make a viable build for endgame content (even if not being the most competitive).
  21. To add to what SaveTheMonkeys said, let's not forget that the Empire is ruled by the Sith. And what are the Siths ? A bunch of people who value strength and power above all else... This type of philosophy is enough to drive anyone to commit atrocities. But it doesn't end here : they are also masters of the Dark Side of the Force. And this, my friend, is another thing that will turn anyone evil. Let's sum it up : - Strength makes you worthy of getting what you want. - Weakness is a sin punished by death and suffering. - Through Hate and Fear, you become more powerful. Try to stay a good guy while still following those ideas... And it's not just philosophy, the Dark Side of the Force rewards passions (such as Hate and Fear) with actual power... a power inherently corrupted, that pulls you toward selfishness and sadism. Hell, the Dark Side does not only corrupt the mind, it even corrupts the body. In my opinion, the best exemple of how one could be corrupted through the Dark Side is with the history of Darth Caedus : he was a hero of the republic, son of heroes and some of the most benevolent beings of the galaxy. He was a good guy too... and he "fell". His intentions were honorable : he wanted to restore peace and order. He thought that he could use the Dark Side as a tool, that he could cope with the corruption of the Dark Side. At first, he wasn't so bad... but he became more and more cold hearted. The greater good need sacrifice, right ? Right, we don't make omelette without breaking eggs. Meh... they are just eggs. And I made the omelette. This is my omolette. This chef wants my omelette ? He's a good cook too ? Well, this omelette is mine. Mine alone. I must take him out of the picture. Besides, I need more omelette and those eggs are made to be turned into an omelette. In the end, Darth Caedus forgot about peace and order, he was, in his mind, the rightful ruler of the galaxy. He murdered his own aunt to achieve his goals... And here, it's the fall of a good person, who was taught about love and kindness. No wonders Siths are evils, when they wield such corruptive powers, while following a philosophy of hatred and dominance.
  22. Pointing out that Wrath never loss so there is no weakness to discover isn't quite accurate. Everyone has a weakness... everyone. In the end though, it's a fight about someone who can't be defeated (Wrath) against someone who can defeat anything (Nox). The classic unmovable object versus the unstoppable force. I favor Nox mainly because I'm having a narrative stance and I look at them through a narrator lense : as I said, the Warrior is all about being the best and proving it, while the Inquisitor is all about overcoming difficulties. Thus, the Warrior has a "finite" potential, while the Inquisitor has an "infinite" potential, making the latter more fitted to win the final fight.
  23. I want someone who actually fight with his fists (or knives, in the case of Operative), Sorceror wouldn't (my main Chiss Sorceress never uses her lightsaber and I actually thought about unequiing it, just to look cool. I keep it mainly for minimaxing reasons). Scoundrel/Operative seems like the obvious choice. But, how would it work for other classes : Guardian/Warrior and Vanguard/Powertech (others seems too weapon dependant to work correctly) ?
  24. From time to time, I think about making an unarmed build, but I don't know which class would be best suited for it. Any thought or ideas ?
  25. Ah, I was waiting for "he didn't do anything alone because ghosts" nonsense. Depriving the Inquisitor from his Ghosts is like depriving the Wrath from his lightsabers. If we consider Nox, the Ghosts are slaves, a mere extension of his power. Nox is an Inquisitor, a scholar... the best representation of this is the Sphere he is given once becoming a member of the Dark Council : Sphere of Knowledge. That's what he does : acquiring artifacts, knowledge over the Force and using it for his own gain. And besides, I don't even throw Nox's army and superweapon in the fray. He is a leader after all, troops should be taken into account if we wan't to consider his overall power. Sure, the Emperor's Wrath has authority but, as I said, isn't a leader... To me, a fight between the Emperor's Wrath and Darth Nox should be like this : - Step 1 : The Warrior comes to take the head of Nox. He carves through Nox soldiers, tank his lightnings, resists his mind tricks and, after a long battle of epic proportions, cut him down. - Step 2 : Darth Nox survives the fight... A mere lightsaber strike or Force Choke isn't enough to kill him for good. - Step 3 : Darth Nox lick his wounds and search for a way to defeat Darth Wrath, acquiring a new artifact, a new power or discovering the Warrior's weaknesses. - Step 4 : New fight of epic proportions, with all the cards in Nox's hands. Just to prove a point, Nox mop the floor with Wrath's face. The End. EDIT : I briefly mentionned troops as a part of one's power, develop. For the Sith Warrior : - A robber and idealistic pirate (Vette) : good infiltrator. Not fit for rutheless battles. - A rutheless hunter and commando (Talz) : elite commando, really dangerous in battle. - A Rutheless and efficient troop leader (Pierce) : a good commander, but too reckless for his own good. - A fallen padawan (Jaesa DS) : dangerous warrior and Force user. - A competent and (too) loyal leader (Quinn) : an excellent commander, utterly loyal to the Empire. For the Sith Inquisitor : - A Force-eating monster (Khem Val) : strong bodyguard of a legendary sith lord. Eats Force-Sensitive beings and despise weakness. - A rutheless pirate leader (Andronikos) : excellent pilot and not so good commander. - An archeologist (Talos) : very good at digging long lost secrets. - A fallen padawan (Ashara) : good fighter, strong minded, but not so bright padawan. - A loyal assassin (Xalek) : really dangerous fighter, utterly loyal to his master. When we compare crews, we can see that the Inquisitor's crew is more varied in term of skills, whereas the Warrior's crew is mainly made of fighter and troop commanders (Vette is the exception). The last bit is interesting : since Wrath isn't a leader himself, he has to depend on others to lead troops... while Nox has only a poor leader under his command, because he doesn't need it. In the end, the Inquisitor has a far better crew that can counter and do more different things.
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