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  • Interests
    Photography, Video Games, Conventions and Faires, Science, Drawing, Writing, Extreme Outdoors, Japan
  • Occupation
    Photographer (Nature, People)
  1. Great to know, thank you so much for your quick and informative response!
  2. Hey! I'm not a new player, but this seemed to be the appropriate forum to post this question to, as it's kind of a noob question, haha. So, what, exactly, does ignoring a player do? What are the full consequences? I know you can't see them in chat, and you're not supposed to get grouped with them in group finder. Is that it? Or are there other consequences? Such as: They can't join a guild that you're a part of. I'm asking because I just got harassed by 9 people, and I had to log out for the day. I was on the verge of either bursting into tears or saying some truly nasty things in response to them, and I've got pretty tough skin. (By the by, it's not cool to join in on harassing someone - it just makes you a punk, nothing more. You're not cool, you're not funny, you're not clever. It's not okay to escalate something just because it "strikes the mood", so don't do it.) I have a good guild and if I gave them the players' names, they would have my back. However, if I don't need to bring them into it, I'd rather not prolong the issue.
  3. Omg, YES. Can this please be a thing?! I just got the 100%, and I still have several areas left unfinished and I don't want to choose between decorations. Nearly two years into building this sucker up, and, well, rawr. Lol. I'm so sad! I would definitely be willing to pay a few dollars for additional Stronghold hooks. EDIT: I went and figured out how many more hooks I need for what I had had planned out. 66. That's not too much to ask for.. ;-;
  4. Unless~ They start you off on Voss, and you're training to be a Commando or a Mystic, and then something happens that takes your character off-world. Then, depending on if you chose Light or Dark, that determines if you go Republic or Empire. You'd either go train with the Jedi or the Sith, if you were the Mystic. Or, you'd go train with the Troopers or Agents, if you were the Commando. There are instances of Voss "going rogue", so that wouldn't be totally out there, haha. I think it would be hard to transition a Voss into the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter classes. They could also introduce a unique Voss-only class / story arc that's basically an Ambassador or Diplomat, I'd imagine. That would be kinda cool! Also, Voss is my favorite planet too~<3
  5. Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this~ I haven't launched the game since right before Christmas, so I'm not sure exactly when the issue would have occurred. Anyway, I finally resubscribed on the 7th of this month and every time I launch the game, it crashes. My dad is a software tester so he was able to get in and look at the codes and this and that (obviously I'm not much of a techie) and he found that for some reason my game was trying to launch from a few hours in the future. He fiddled around with it for several days and we're still not able to launch the game successfully. Has anyone else had this happen or have an idea of what we could try? (And we already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the launcher. I'm not entirely sure what else he did, I'll have to ask. I just figured it wouldn't hurt to pop over here and see if...yeah. Anyway, I'll stop before I start repeating myself, lol.) Thanks in advance!
  6. I had the Windows Certificate thing pop up too after running the launcher repair utility~ Thanks for keeping us all apprised.
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