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Posts posted by iamzombie

  1. I'd prefer if they either had non-scripted AI so that the missions weren't exactly the same every single time you did them.


    At the very least, have multiple flight paths your ship could take, with different enemy waves depending on which one it was, and randomly pick one each time.

  2. I've only had to contact customer service once, on xmas day...


    After a 20 minute hold time, a polite, semi-competent (seemed to be operating outside of his technical knowledge) fellow resolved my authenticator (problem w/ a ROM update on my android, and assuming a titanium backup would be enough) and had me playing within maybe 5 minutes.


    So while my experience was positive, it was limited. I can say this, I've had worse customer service, that's for sure.

  3. No but they all have day night cycles and combat logs don't they?



    Oh and they all launched with AA and High Res textures. Can't say the same for Bioware and their crack team of story masters


    Does STO have a day/night cycle? I didn't play past my first free month, but I don't recall ever seeing it.

  4. This thread makes me wonder. Are res times different for different classes? Does the time span between deaths make a difference? I'm always the type that likes stretching my limits so I often tackle fights somewhat beyond my capabilities. So I've stubbornly tried to win fights beyond my station on a jedi knight and a sith assassin. In every case 3 deaths=10 min. res timer. Peeps seem to be saying that's not the case for them. So are they just full of it, or is there really a difference?


    the res timer is the same for all classes.


    I am relatively certain that the time span between deaths DOES matter, but I'm not sure of the math involved. I do know that I've never seen a 9 minute respawn timer, and I've had a couple heroic 2+ that I died a quite few times soloing w/ my companion.

  5. -Player built housing and stores


    Agreed, this was really nice, and a great touch.


    -Custom NPC merchants players could place anywhere


    Pretty much included in your first point.


    -Pet taming, you could wander around seeking out fab pets and attempt to train them


    I was a master Creature Handler/BioEngineer until they took BE out of the game. F*** SOE. Taming standard pets was boring. Having a tiny wrix kitten w/ Rancor DNA (RIP Pookie), that was awesome.


    -Resource surveying in maps to find areas to erect harvesting equipment


    Agreed, this was much more preferable to harvesting manually.


    -In cantinas you actually interacted with other players through dancing


    "In cantinas you actually interacted w/ other players through afk dance/music macros" FIXED


    -Item decay that added a purpose to player crafted equipment


    Item decay was garbage, imo. I do not want to see this again.



    I loved SWG when it launched, I loved jump to light speed. I hated the NGE, and shortly after is when I quit SWG.



    In the end, SWG was what is was. This is not SWG II. This is not an expansion pack to SWG. This is a new game, by a new developer with a different idea of what they wanted to make. It has things SWG didn't, and it's missing a few things SWG had. Some of them might be added eventually, others never will.

  6. :( I think it would be a really good idea. You'd fill up the servers again and people would be a lot more forgiving and appreciative of the game if they could set their own price for it.


    Really, ya don't say? You think your own idea is a really good one? Lol


    Anyway, I can't see this working in any way, shape or form. They would never cover their operating costs, let alone the R&D costs.


    People donate money to indie devs, they do not donate to huge, soulless corporations.

  7. I agree that there should be a respawn timer that gets longer to respawn in place...there however should never be any wait timer to spawn back at a med center (which there currently is).




    If you're consistently dying in a certain area, because of the way the mobs are laid out, maybe try coming in from another area and see if the pulls are any easier. Otherwise, come back in a level or two. (or, as has been suggested, l2p)

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