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Everything posted by sharkfishman

  1. Also, if you have been subscribed this whole time, you should have a bunch of things unlocked, such as the HK-55 bonus chapter, the Nautolan species and many other perks. Don't buy them with your Cartel Coins, because you'll have access to them. If you want to create a new character that looks different, you may want to check out the Cathar species unlock or the Togruta (Togruta always hides any helmets). All the rest of the species you can unlock as you level.
  2. Personally, I would save your Cartel Coins until you've leveled your character a bit and have played for a few weeks at least. I was in a similar situation as you, except I only had 7,000 CCs (from security key) when I logged in. The cartel market sells a lot of armor sets, weapons, species unlocks, etc., and it's easy to get carried away at first. However, there are 50% off sales every day, sometimes on the armor sets you really want. So, it pays to take it slow and just buy the things you really want for that specific character. Also, many armor sets are available on the GTN (broker, auction house) for in game credits. Once you know how much stuff is worth, it's easier to spend your cartel coins on things that are hard to get in game and that you really want. Above all, have fun! Also, welcome back. If you're on Satele Shan and need a great guild, let me know.
  3. It could be. I love Monty Python, so maybe it's nesting in my subconscious. "Armaments Chapter 2, verses 9-21..." Thx for the memories. That makes the guild name EVEN BETTER. Lol.
  4. Nothing. I just thought it sounded like a funny name. Bob would work also. Carl. Ed. Doug.
  5. Is that the one where there's a terminal you have to click? You may need to check for a blue terminal on the far side of the public area, near the guy who gives you the mission for the Star Fortresses.
  6. It's ridiculous that they would ban your names while still letting people walk around with things that are OBVIOUSLY inappropriate to anybody, but never get banned. XL'Uke Skyw'ALKERx is totally fine, but Dj'ango Fett isn't, lol. Hey, Exlukis Iwolker is actually a cool name. ScratchingMyButtRightNow is fine, by PooPoo McGoo isn't. Lol. Even the filter is funny sometimes. Fart is filtered in game, but crap isn't. So hilarious.
  7. Personally, if I were going to make my own guild, it would be called "The Servants of Tim" I would be the leader, and my title would be "Tim." Next, there would be 4 lieutenants with the title "Priestess of Tim" After that, I think something like "Prophet of Tim." Next, "Tongue of Tim." Then, "Eye of Tim." Next, "Outer Limb of Tim." I can't remember how many possible tiers there are, but "Lawyer of Tim" seems a logical next choice. After that, "Sales Representative of Tim." Finally, "Tim's Little Helper."
  8. I always liked "Spouse Aggro," especially since it was run by a couple. They were both a lot of fun to raid with. And, of course, who can forget "Blood Bath and Beyond" or "Care Bear Tickle Party"?
  9. Yeah, true. Of course, the OP may get lucky with an obscure general or something that most people have never heard of.
  10. I think it is the rewards personally. Either that or something has changed drastically in the last 3 years. When I PVPed on Bastion, matches were always about playing the objective. Of course, that was when you still needed separate gear for PVP than for PVE, and winning gave you more tokens to get that gear. So, in a way, gearing was like a carrot I guess. I'm not saying they need to bring back separate gear, just that I think a big part of the problem is lack of reward. If you get basically nothing (you get more rewards from running a story mode flashpoint honestly), then why try? I always play objectives, because that's what was ingrained into me for so long... but now I simply don't PVP at all. It's not worth the frustration, and ranked is out of the question since I refuse to spend money on amplifiers. Now snagging deals on the GTN feels more rewarding than anything PVP can offer, lol. P.S., it's possible that my experiences on Bastion were different from other people's experiences, since Bastion was a dedicated PVP server. Maybe we took PVP more seriously than people on PVE servers. Although I thought Harb was supposed to be great for PVP too. (Side note: Does anyone remember Gentleman Gankers or Corellian Death Squad? Fun times.)
  11. It's strange that it's happening so frequently (it happens to me in flashpoints, but only once a month max. What kind of graphics card do you use? Intel HD Graphics or an actual GPU?
  12. I'm not sure if you're referring to me, but if so, please show me where I said anything like that. This would be you repeating the same straw man argument as the other poster. Making an accusation against me (if you're talking about me) without any basis would be an especially nice touch, since it kind of illustrates exactly what I've been saying all along.
  13. The baby's name with be Joel. But every time his toddler jumps in the air or has "corrupted nanites" (you'd be surprised when kids start going to school, lol) Eric will think of Kephess.
  14. It's really not a waste of time to present arguments for or against something that potentially affects a lot of people. The same thing happens any time a thread pops up requesting any other game feature, from a larger ignore list to the nerfing of conquest points a Karagga's Palace. As long as discussions are respectful, there's nothing inherently negative about talking about the options. There really aren't as many "toxic" people in the game as some people like to present, at least not from my personal experience. Most of the groups I have been in have been pretty nice, honestly. I think my friends list is much larger than my ignore list (aside from credit spammers and referral link spammers). Of course, I tend to stay off of discord, so maybe you're talking about stuff that goes on in voice chat.
  15. I understood your point a long time ago, as I pointed out three pages back. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Or you with me. It is nice to show other posters respect, however. It's too bad you decided not to.
  16. You're very much welcome to show what you feel I have omitted. That would make your reply an actual argument instead of a desire to discredit my opinion through insinuation. As for the second part, I didn't call the ToS a straw man argument. I called this statement a straw man argument: Here's are a few quotes as to why it's a straw man: "The basic structure of the argument consists of Person A making a claim, Person B creating a distorted version of the claim (the "straw man"), and then Person B attacking this distorted version in order to refute Person A's original assertion." https://examples.yourdictionary.com/straw-man-fallacy-examples.html "Strawman You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack. By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate. Example: After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenceless by cutting military spending." https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman
  17. Do you mean existing guilds/past guilds or potential names for guilds?
  18. Who said genuine trolls should be protected? This is a straw-man argument on your part. Some people would define a guild leader who uses the /spit emote at people who they consider "traitors" to be trolling. (Just read about that last night, surprising to say the least). Others would say that these posts meet your quoted definition of trolling: Who would you ban here? Are all these people trolls? Is someone who makes a guild group, puts in on master looter and invites a few extra players to it a troll? Is someone who rolls /need on a tactical that's not for their class a troll? How do YOU define trolling? How does the OP define trolling? At any rate, there's probably nothing left to say here. Both sides have clearly expressed their position, and there have been nice posts from unbiased individuals as well. I guess we'll have to see what tools the devs choose to provide for GMs, in the same way that we have to work around things such as /ignore list limits and the like.
  19. I love DoT specs too. My personal favorite is the Dirty Fighting Gunslinger / Lethality Sniper. It's awesome to stack up DoTs that are ticking away gently... and suddenly, bam, major damage. To really have fun with it though, you need to get two different tacticals. One allows you to spread your strongest DoT attack to groups of adds, and the other increases the damage of your main single-target attack. My second favorite is the Vengeance Juggernaut / Vigilance Guardian. The rotation is kind of simple (apply DoTs, spread DoTs, smile) but it lets you enjoy a LOT of mobility. You can weave in and out, applying dots and smashing to your heart's content. Your personal favorite class depends on whether you like ranged or melee, and how comfortable you are with casted attacks (gunslinger) versus burst attacks (juggernaut). Both options are viable for SM/VM raiding (I don't run NiM raids, so not sure for those) and more or less for PVP, though juggernauts are kind of vulnerable to stunning in PVP.
  20. If you want to give a soapbox speech give it. Don't quote me and then say "I'm not implying anything..." You clearly call into question my motivations, which has zero to do with the reasons I dislike this idea. If you care to read my posts throughout the thread, you can get a better idea of them. You don't have to like my reasoning, of course. However, that doesn't change human nature, and my point of view continues to be the same. As I said, it's up to the devs to decide how they want to run their game (or not run it).
  21. What do you mean? Is there a reason the same person wouldn't be able to listed crafted items made by cybertech, synthweaving, artifice, etc?
  22. Ptolemy I Soter The game doesn't let you use single letters, so it could be Ptolemy Isoter or Ptolemy Savior. Or... let's see... Ptolemy MyOle'PT (I made that myself) Elmo Posterity (online anagram generator, but so awesome) Tolstoy Empire (also awesome) Epsom Toiletry (needs no introduction) Motley Riposte (man, why didn't they have online anagram generators when I created my toons?!!!) Toiletry Poems (lol) Omit Polyester (this is the greatest day of my life) Mole Posterity (wow, a play on words and a touch of historical irony)
  23. I hope your wife has a healthy pregnancy and that everything goes smoothly at the hospital. Congratulations on your little baby. Give him or her lots of love.
  24. I resent what you're implying. My arguments rest on their own merits (as do yours) not some emotional desire for revenge. As I have said before, the devs can make the final call.
  25. Yes, guilds can run their guild however they see fit, as far as the devs allow. However, there's nothing wrong with pointing out why investing development resources is probably not a wise use of time. This feature is being used in a way that was not intended, leading to reaching a sizable cap. There are in-game ways to avoid this problem, namely, not using the tool to preemptively ban people that a. aren't in your guild in the first place, b. could easily be handled through normal guild management. Requesting the ability to ban 1000 ACCOUNTS+, in other words, MORE PLAYERS THAN EVEN EXIST IN THE GUILD, is excessive, at least in my opinion. The fact that it doesn't affect me personally doesn't mean I don't care about the health of the game. If huge guilds don't want to deal with the extra effort required to manage with the tools provided, there's an easy solution for that.
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