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Everything posted by ALaSZeRO

  1. This Rocket Out/Hydro change seems like a band aid solution at best. Making mobility and critical defensive options mutually exclusive for a class that already sits mid-low tier on current PVP balance seems really lazy. In a meta where stealth classes still reign S tier for being able to dodge entire dps windows with insane CC/damage resist, and healing back to full with multiple vanishes, this rework only makes non stealth classes less viable/desirable to play. If we're forced to take hydro over rocket out, at the very least give us the PT/VG version of the ability with the OG 30s CD.
  2. So after looking through some forums and posts about ranked its past seasons, I noticed that one of the rewards during the 4th season of ranked if you placed in Gold was the title "Infamous" and a whole slew of other rewards. To my surprise I remember being given that title on one of my characters during that season. Come to find out, I had the title equipped but DIDN'T receive ANY of the other rewards. Now obviously, because of this I submitted a ticket in hopes of reclaiming these items that for some inexplicable reason HADN'T been mailed to me during the time. Come to my surprise, CS (customer service) proves itself once again useless, by providing no help whatsoever and expecting the players who encounter these BS problems to hope and wish for a fix to come along for a problem that SHOULDN'T exist in the first place. The CSR (Customer Service Representative) that relayed this information to me had suggested that I post a forum in the suggestions in hopes of getting this BS fixed, I mean being told that because of the amount of time that had passed means that the items that I had been PROMISED by simply placing in ranked means that those items CAN'T be reclaimed? Really disappointing to see how this game practically PUNISHES its playerbase for encountering these sort of problems. I mean objectively speaking, how is it that a reward system that is SUPPOSED to grant the players who place at certain ranks rewards STILL manages to leave players out? Whether this be a sick joke to have those players affected by this have to go out of their way and hope that their efforts finally get rewarded by a system that is supposed to do that in the first place, is just ridiculous.
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