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Everything posted by Jarcen

  1. Well if you don't have the new expansion, Shadow of Revan, then you won't be able to level past 55.
  2. I have often wondered why Vader is seen as the person who would bring balance to the Force. That is most cryptic given what we've seen first in the OT, and then in the PT. Then just a few ago it hit me: he did bring balance. I first thought of the Old Republic as it was in the events of Ep 1-3, and maybe a few years before it. It was corrupt. Bureaucracy can be bought for a price. The Jedi, being the protectors of that society, could not have possibly remained above such corruption. Perhaps not directly, but even by the mere fact that it is protecting and preserving that society against, ironically, the Sith has made it in contact with that corruption. We have not been told directly, but I think it is at least implied that the Jedi itself has been tainted. Thus the need for a purge. Thus the events that led to Anakin being the instrument to that. When I realized that, it all made sense why he was the one foretold who would bring about balance. So with all that, how come the Jedi Masters, especially Yoda, has not realized that--and indeed what he could only tell is that Anakin's future was cloudy? I have two theories on that: one, the Jedi Masters, and even Yoda himself, has been somehow affected by that corruption. Again maybe not directly nor to a great extent, but nonetheless tainted. So they could not totally see the role Anakin has to play. Another theory I have is that Yoda knew all along all that might happen but decided not to reveal to others to spare them the grief and possibly even attempt on killing Anakin--which would then prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. So from purging the Jedi of corruption, the Sith came back to power. But that would mean another imbalance in the Force, so for the last time Anakin as Vader would have to bring everything full circle, by killing the Emperor and sacrificing himself (with of course the help of his son). So with all that, as it is said, the circle was now complete and balance was fully restored with a leaner, purge Jedi as well as the Sith brought back in control. And so the prophecy was fulfilled.
  3. It's always wise to take a break from anything. I've been in MMOs since 2004 or 05, and after awhile you might get bored with a game and decide to take a break. Or real life might hit you and you need to focus your attention on it more. One can also only go so far with playing games: unless one has the time or money, or even both, at one time or the other we need to turn our attention on other matters.
  4. Certain areas lag more often, or more badly: Coruscant is very bad. Tattooine as well. Some only have a fair amount of lag, but those two mentioned are terrible. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.
  5. Honestly, I don't care if SWTOR is canon or not; what is important is I enjoy the game. That being said, of course I hope the storyline here would become canon. Would love to see Kira be part of official SW lore....
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