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Everything posted by Jarcen

  1. If ever transfer is allowed, what should be limited are credits and items, especially those that would give someone an edge in PvE and PvP. What I mean by that would be armor, weapons, boosts, etc. Those should not carry over as well as credits. In short, it's just a pure character transfer without any of the combat advantages they would have especially if they're high level characters.
  2. The guild has a Discord channel now as well. Slowly building up the guild. Anyone interested is welcome to join us.
  3. Thanks. What's your ingame name and which side would you be on so I'll know?
  4. Saw that Life Day decors are all over fleet on both sides, but Coruscant and DK as well as the home worlds are almost bare. I would suggest these places to be as decorated as fleet are to make the holidays more felt all over the servers, especially on the home worlds as those places are the first stop of new players coming in.
  5. Already posting there...
  6. Newly formed Free Knights ((Republic side) and Royal Guards (Imperial side) ready to take in members. Whisper or mail ingame Karenath (Free Knights GM) or Mal'ganis (Royal Guards GM), or any of our members, for guild invite. We are a casual, PvE and newbie friendly guild.
  7. No, not that; I've already said my stance regarding transfer and why bringing it up time and again is counterproductive...
  8. I'm still amused that some people are waiting for something that might not come soon. It might be 3 months from now, or even a year from now. Meanwhile I have my third character reach lvl 50 and finish chapters. I'm not waiting--I'm doing something, because doing something beats waiting. As I keep saying, I'm building my legacy on this server and want this server to be successful, and that comes by doing something.
  9. Like maybe a title unique for the server or a flair specific for the server, something like that...
  10. I'm already dreading the jumping ones. Whenever I see a guide that says there's some jumping I just skip it. Maybe I'll try some later when I finish my story quests.
  11. So I restarted my computer and tried to log into the game, but then when it's asking for a security key I type in what's from the app and even if the numbers are correct, it's not working. What's happening?
  12. I never have a problem with transfers. As I've said, you can either keep on whining about it and you can't do anything about it since this is Broadsword's call. What you can do about though is to level your character/s and build your legacy. I chose to do something, and not just wait for something that may or may not come. When you do something, things happen. You whine, not much will change especially for things you have no control of. Many people from APAC have asked for this server, and now it's here what are you doing? It will succeed if you make it succeed, if you put your time on it, not on how much you whine about something. I want the server to succeed, so I'm doing my part by being active on it daily.
  13. Just got this today. I keep forgetting that shards are a thing...
  14. I'm still amused by those people who want to have transfers and say the server died. Meanwhile I have my third character at 41 now and heading to 50 in less than a month. There is someone who posted his legacy is now at 50. It's really up to you whether you continue to whine, or to just play and build your legacy. But as often said, if you take the step now then you would be building it soon. That's how it works here, that's how it works IRL. Whining never produce results. Doing does, and one cannot control server transfers as that's Broadsword's take, but one can build legacy and character. And soon you'll realize you never really need a server transfer since you already have built your legacy on the server.
  15. Jarcen

    legacy 50

    Wow, 50 in just three weeks. Mine is currently at 10 but then again I have a life outside of SWTOR, so....
  16. I was considering putting this in General Discussion, but since it practically a spoiler for those who haven't done Sith Warrior yet, then might as well have it here. Anyway, I thought Jaesa's turn to be a bit rushed. We haven't seen her previously before, only referenced by Darth Baras and her parents. We only get to meet her at the time she would be turned. Compare this with say, Kira whom we meet a few times before she joins you. It would've been better if your character met Jaesa and even fought her a couple of times before she's turned. It would make her fall even more tragic (or delightful, however you see it) than what we have now where she just turned after seeing her master's fall. Even Anakin's fall had more incidents leading up to it than this.
  17. Found it from a Star Wars Facebook group. Now this would be sad if ever:
  18. Since I said Shae Vizla would be my home server, I've been doing things like leveling up and building my legacy instead of just bemoaning and waiting for things to happen, because when you do things then things happen. Anyway, I was able to do some of the easier datacron hunts--the ones that don't require too much jumping. Love the guides from SWTORista and Illeva. Illeva's guides are actually very helpful as he/she shows the paths to where you would go, marking them clearly that I could follow them. Going to hunt more on Dromund Kaas later--actually found the one in the spaceport.
  19. I always expect a drop in numbers after the home worlds. After doing the initial story, or hanging out in the home world, people would go off doing a number of different things. I'll check in a few hours once people have really woken up.
  20. I don't see the big drop. I visit mostly the home worlds to see how things are going. As of now Tython as of this time of posting is quite active, and has the normal numbers for this time. Numbers usually pick up daytime where I live (+8 UTC), so in a couple of hours more population there will get busy again.
  21. Basically it's very new; it's not even a month old yet. It's not yet easy to determine how things are since it's a very new server and it would take time to stabilize. Of course what's needed right now are more players coming into the server. Broadsword should promote it often--as well as the game in general. Pros of the server--possibly the biggest pro is that everyone starts equally. Since transfers aren't allowed yet, if you want to play on the new server you really have to create a new character and work your way up. IMO that is a pro though you'll also see that not everyone's down with that. I'm perfectly content with it since I was able to get two characters to lvl 60 and 50 and now working on a third one towards that, so for me it's not really an issue but then YMMV.
  22. So I was just wondering if anyone took the names, and figured someone must have. Surprised no one took any of the names of the Dreadlords of Azeroth as I think they're perfect names for Sith, so now I have characters named after Mal'ganis and Tichondrius... Actually as you can see, I have a level 60 JC and level 50 JK there as well...
  23. The thing is though in the game there IS a Pureblood Sith Jedi--Praven is Pureblood Sith who has become Jedi and your Jedi Knight character has the option to turn him to it. So it is a thing ingame, so I don't see any problem of Pureblood Sith running around as Jedi when it is part of the story. Also as JK you would have a Pureblood Sith as companion. Maybe not Jedi but then it still opens up that possibility. So the game says Pureblood Sith as Jedi is a reality.
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