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Everything posted by Solomace

  1. Another one. Please think before you not only reply to a thread, but "shouting" and trying to be clever, makes you look foolish. Especially when your totally wrong... /Sigh.
  2. Thank you friend. You and others on here at least understand. Now I know why my friend said to me to buy a tinfoil hat if I make a post on these forums. You'd think that a veteran of U/O, EQ, EQ2, "WOW", STO amd countless other forums, I would know better about the "trolls" out there. Seems I don't. And before the trolls come back and say that I don't like other people's opinions so I call them trolls, nope I call them trolls because they are either insulting (which I admit I have been due to provocation) and don't actually have an opinion just a stock statement of basically shut up.
  3. I would cheer if i saw it on the republic side. At least I would know you can definitely get it...
  4. Aye, was thinking this also, but I can only hope. Maybe a sly update to the patch yesterday that we were not told about:eek:
  5. Okay, can you ask your friend if he wouldn't mind sharing this info as to where he got it from please, as I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I don't believe you. Okay only JK. Would be interested to know what level this can be used at if what you say is true.
  6. Who said anything about you not been able to post? I said your post was trolling as it was simply saying that I suck because I ask for something? Speaking your mind is one thing, trolling is another. It's also becoming apparent to me that you have some big issues too m8. You have come into a thread that wasn't asking anything but a simple question that has 0 effect on you, but you have decided to insult me and others in your post and bringing 0 to the discussion besides this sidebar flame off we are having. As it's obvious to me that we are miles apart in our views, I will just ignore you from now on, which is what I should have done from the beginning. My bad. Take a look in the mirror m8.
  7. Hah, nice try. So once again, how do you know it's most? You don't. And guess what, I haven't misunderstood anything you have said and I think we both know what your trying to get across especially with your insults, which is the only thing your good at. It may not be important to you or it may not be required for you, but tell me, where is the bible that says what is and what is not needed for roleplaying? You know what, there isn't. Let me ask, what exactly are you doing when you play TOR? Are you not role playing anyway? When you picked your class, did you just pick the stock race and look? Surely you don't need to change anything if your so good at RP and you just clicked random, random name and off you went? Nah, I bet you didn't. I'm all for people having different opinion and I would love to debate them with people, however so far in this thread, different opinions just mean insults not learned discourse. It's either why do I care, who cares about colours, or you "suck" from people(yep that's you). So far no one has come up with a reasonable response of why the situation of colours of LS is the way it is. Want to know why? Because there isn't a reasonable explanation. Hence why I am asking for one from those who have made the game. So, once again, why have you posted in this thread when colours of a LS means nothing to you? Why, because you just want to have an elitist attitude or you just want to troll. With you I think it's a bit of both.
  8. And I will say again, if it doesn't have any effect on you, why post. What is it with all these people thinking they know why I and others would like something? Where does it say that I and others have said just hand it to us? Why does everything have to only drop in a raid? Have you seen my name? Solo "MACE" as in Mace Windu. I think my post says quite clearly why I would like it and or would like a response as to why it's not available at low levels and for both factions. Once again, you and all the other trolls and yes I say trolls, are simply coming into this thread to sprout your bile and rubbish for something that once again has 0 effect on you. In the end my money is just as good as yours and I am entitled to ask for something. Entitled doesn't mean I will get a response, but I am entitled to ask the question regardless of you or the other trolls who basically are saying I shouldn't.
  9. And what is an unrealistic expectation? Asking for a response to a question on a forum where Devs are known to answer questions? I am asking for a response to a question that I would like an answer to as a "paying" customer. I am sure that others would like answers to their questions on whatever issue or problem they would like an answer to and once again isn't this what the forums are for?
  10. Firstly, you don't know how old I am so what a stupid way to start your thread. Secondly, what's with the elitist "I am better than you" kind of attitude? So what if I want a purple LS to roleplay with? I also want Jedi robes to rp with too, so in your opinion that means I suck at roleplaying? If your as old as your trying to portray, you post certainly doesn't come across that you are and instead makes you sound like a complete kid tbh. So once again, why come into a thread that has 0 effect on you, but you deem to tell me and others that we suck? Shesh man, have a look at yourself.
  11. Yep, this I can agree with. I'm not an entitlist and I am happy for some quest to get this. Still wouldn't answer the question of why the have gone down the route they have.
  12. Where have I said that I want a response of "we are working on it"? Have you not read my OP? I am asking what the design philosophy in the first place was. "Were working on it" is just as bad as saying "soon Tm" so that wouldn't be a response that would make me feel better.
  13. See I don't get why your still posting. Oh wait I guess I do know, but I will bite. You once again presuming that everyone wants a purple LS when they don't. What people want is the choice of colour for their LS. Shesh, try and think through your responses m8, as someone mentioned above, don't we have a sea of red, green and blue at the moment? But, what if everyone does get a purple LS, so what? How does it effect you? Not everyone is a Jedi you know m8. I await your next foolish comment again which I am sure I will bite at
  14. Hmmm, let me see. Who gave you the idea that I and others think that having a purple LS is cool? You don't have a clue m8. I want a purple LS as I like to RP and as Mace Windu was my favorite Jedi and I want to be able to have the look and feel of him. Do you not understand this? Why does this simple premise offend you and others, for you to post your utter garbage. I understand about "canon" however, I loosely used it in that KOTOR 1 and 2 had purple LS (not the movies), as this game is based on the KOTOR universe where you played a JEDI. It's not an excuse its a fact m8 something that Bioware told us many times that TOR was going to be Kotor 3,4,5,6 etc. Also no where was it mentioned that purple was going to be faction specific and if it is, my questions still stands as to what is the design philosophy on this. I.E. Why make it 50 only and why make it Empire. Why give low level sith NPCs it? Why have it in beta for all but not live? Maybe if I understood this reasoning, I would be posting about this at all. I still may not be happy (not mad like you state) and I still have no plans of rage quitting because of this, however once again, as others on this thread have mentioned, they too would like an answer to this. Isn't this what the forums are for? Haven't they discussed the White Crystal? The Magenta Crystal? Yet I see lots of threads on the purple crystal but they choose to ignore. Oh and btw, were not "Rebels" we are republic. If your going to try and belittle me, then at least get your facts right. Canon/Republic.
  15. Once again that's what you want and not what I want. It doesn't stop me from asking and it doesn't stop you from asking. Why this attitude of what you want is more important than what I want? I am not at level 50 so what your saying is not something that effects me. Does that mean what you are asking for is wrong? Nope it doesn't. It just means it does not effect me so I don't care about it. One thing about all us MMoers is that we are a very selfish bunch of people who only want things that effect us at that time. I don't think it's a wrong opinion, as we all pay the same money, but I don't go out of my way to say fix mine before theirs please. I am not that selfish...
  16. Shesh, Thanks peeps. Way to really derail the thread. Those who don't care about colour of LS, fine, don't care and leave those of us that do to question why we cannot have a colour we desire. Those who are trying to tell others how and why they should care or shouldn't care, are also not thinking straight, as an MMo is about all different flavours of players and how you should play an MMo is different to others. The one thing that I am annoyed about is that in Beta, you could get purple crystals easily and item from vendors had crystals that could be removed. This was stopped at release. Also, didn't I read the the guardian class was based of Mace Windu? Once again they must have had an idea that republic Jedi class be it sentinel or guardian, would want a purple crystal so they can imitate their favorite Jedi? I see the Luke/Yoda fans can have blue and green. The dark Jedi can have red so why not purple for the Mace windu fans, or even just those who like the colour purple (not the film BtW;)). So much for the blurb, "be the hero Jedi you want to be". Come on peeps, stop trying to tell people how you think the game should be played and play it how you want. Asking for things in game is a different thing and me asking for access to a purple LS or the reasoning behind why I cannot have one, is not impacting on anyone else's game play. I trust I am not alone in this.
  17. Let me ask, when you picked your character, did you just roll random or did you spend time tailoring the look that you wanted? Well it's the same for me and my toon and a LS colour that I would like. I am someone who is more into the look of my toon, then they actual stats of my toon. I am not asking for a top level, just give it to me for nothing purple crystal, I am happy to do extra to get this. However I would prefer it at level 10 onwards so even if it had 0 stats on it I would still be more than happy. The bigger questions is still why have they not let Reps have it but Empire can and why make it at level 50 for Empire. I am sure some who play Empire are equally annoyed that they have to wait till 50, PVP or get tier 2 to get it also? Just looking for some answers as to why they have gone down this route.
  18. Yes, I know, not again. Another thread. Yada,yada, yada. Okay, for those bored about these threads, the options are simple, don't read it and ignore it:) For those like me, who are still pissed off that Republic don't "seem" to have access to the purple crystal, some type of response would help. So, let me get something out there straight away. 1. Yes, we all know how Mace Windu got his crystals. 2. Yes, we all know how Sam J got his. 3. Yes we know that 3000 years in the future, they "maybe" rare. 4. Magenta isn't purple. This means nothing, as this game is set in the KOTOR universe where purple (and I am using KOTOR 1 and 2 as a reference), purple wasn't rare. Also, it seems Sith NPCs can have them at every level so once again "immersion" would say they are not rare. So my point is this, what is the design philosophy of making the Crystal either unobtainable by republic or so rare that 2 months into the game, no one on the republic has got one and that the Empire can have them at 50? What did they think, people will still play for months and months just to get a purple crystal if they leave it out for the Republic side? Lets not let any Rep or Empire have it for their toons until 50, so forget about all the days played before? I'm having a hard time understanding their reasons on this. They also deciding to ignore the tons of threads on this which I find also bewildering. Just give us some insight into this please. Cheers.
  19. Ahh I see, so that's when I should use noble sacrafice (if needed). I have it on my tool bar, but it's on the right hand one at the top and is not withing easy distance (because I don't use it often). Thanks friends.
  20. Thanks m8. Some good info. And TBH, your right I don't have a rotation really. I cast , Rejuv, HT and the rush for then Deliv for the big heal. I don't use noble sac as I barely have time to use it. How do we know when we get a free Noble? Sorry, I know people will be asking how I leveled, but I am mainly a Soloer in levelling and it's only PVP where I group up. No wonder my healing sucks. I am stacked out with as much power as I can, with no thought to surge or crit. I suck.....
  21. Hi all, I am currently level 45 and am enjoying the healing aspect of the sage. I was really finding salvation useful in PVP, but since the change, it seems to be a bit of a waste. Is it worth me respecing and getting FIB or do I keep on using salvation? If so, what's a good spec at 45 for healing (not PVE). Also, when gearing at the moment, should it be - Power - Endurance - Willpower? I understood that Power gives me more powerful heals and more damage? Many thanks.
  22. Er read again, he said Republic... We know that Imperials can get it.
  23. Why make purple such a rare crystal or LS, for the republic but otainable (admittedly at level 50) for the empire, when it was so prevalent in Kotor 1 and 2. Not to mention low level sith NPCs have them, so it cannot be exactly rare. Coupled with the fact that the only time it was seen on screen was when a "Republic Jedi" had it, why give it to the Empire? Lots of posts regards colour with you only repsonding (as far as I can see) to a thread on Magenta (pink not purple btw) and the white crystal, but nothing on the copious amounts of threads on purple. In Beta, it was a purple shower and many quests and vendors had purple crystals (so I am told and read on the database). So to sum up, I am interesting in your reasons why republic cannot get purple crystal. Thanks.
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