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Everything posted by Wimbleton

  1. Imps play imps all day long.
  2. Wimbleton


    Haha the “right” to play all content. You millennials are fantastic. I think what you meant to say is “opportunity” to play all content. But by all means, test it. Gear up in all 230s no augs and demand the right to be on a nim pve team or a granked team. Tell me how that goes.
  3. And sometimes people get Elo because they are better than their opponents!
  4. Early leave once game has started = loss. What about people who solo/duo queue for a win ratio of >.8? Is that possible from your perspective?
  5. Haha, so the only thing that makes people have an advantage is gear? Noice!
  6. Will be very interesting to come back to this post once lifetime win ratios are accessible. Hopefully this doesn't violate my NDA.
  7. Dear naive hopeful, I promise 100% that whatever matchmaking goes through, it will not make you win more. Love, Bleeeeee
  8. For the record I have seen 19 hacks per game in every game over the last 436 games.
  9. Then by all means, make a flame thread with the guild name in it and label them as hackers. All because you saw something you didn't understand and weren't sure of. Makes perfect since. #MeSeeHackToo movement.
  10. Wimbleton


    Expertise doesn't have to be part of gear, it can be part of bolster.
  11. This thread is why I hope the devs actually never come to this forum.
  12. Please just take her word for it. That should be enough. Cept for Kendra, who can only believe his own screenshots, not yours.
  13. Wimbleton


    I like the idea of a PVP stat. It gives a way from developers to balance PVP without touching PVE or balance PVE and use the expertise stat to keep PVP where it was or any other combination. I'm not sure the argument of whether it makes bads better or they stay bad or its worse for bads when its there even matters. No matter what, bads will queue and no matter what bads will get dumped on. Does it really matter how that happens? I'm not sure a proper duration minimal gear grind is a bad idea but I'd not want a large-scale gear grind to be the norm. It makes people not want to come back. First and foremost, all of our real PVP problems come from lack of population. So IMO, the effects of changes on population should be considered keenly. Our fake PVP problems, such as bads blaming their badness on whatever they feel like blaming it on this week, should be less important.
  14. Well then we withdraw. She'd catch us hacking and we'd be banned.
  15. Bleloch and Janglor would like to sign up.
  16. I have a toon on SF. Played quite a few games, still waiting for some decent ones, they haven't happened yet.
  17. People have been saying relog/change zone etc, but I think its just some bugged game gets out there and the queue breaks until it goes away. So then we can queue another game or two, then it breaks again. Needs a server reset.
  18. You either queue and get an insta pop, click "enter" and nothing happens and the queue indicator stays lit up but never offers you another warzone/arena or you queue and it doesn't insta pop but also never offers you a warzone. There are no warzones active doing /who [warzone keywords] Well job, SWTOR.
  19. I think we are well past the point of those mats needing to be rare so crafters can profit. Just like they did with VMCs, let’s push CMTs out to everywhere. No need to remove them from ranked but make them also rewards from doing daily and weekly rewards across all/most platforms and drops on bosses etc.
  20. Who are you in game? I think you and I should get together and hug this out. Once we do that we can be friends and play together. Also, giggles at the fact that you would screenshots wins against a certain guild and then have discussions on the continued need to take further screenshots of wins over said guild. It could also be argued that the fact that you had a discussion about their relevance means they are, in fact, relevant, especially since that particular guild doesn't even know you exist.
  21. More damage solves most problems, if tangentially. And more damage solves every problem that can also be solved by wet noodle toy nail strat. Difference is, in situations where I don’t need a tank I have an extra dps. In situations where I do need a tank, I have one that can outperform you in all relevant tank categories. When you actually need to do something besides stand there, you cease to be useful to your team.
  22. I’ve been talking regs this whole time. Your perspective of regs seems to be limited by your choice to wholesale dump damage stats for a few extra HP, aka “play style” but nothing posted here has anything to do with 4s. To a toy hammer every problem seems like a toy nail.
  23. Screenshots are not good enough. I’ll need a live video feed of a combat log parser with a news paper in the background notarized by a notary public in the state of my choosing.
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