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  1. After talking to a member of my guild and what I have gone through, we had issues with the ability to play the Swoop Bike event due to physical disabilities. We have different disabilities that caused us pain in our wrists, I have hyper mobility in most joints and my guild member has rheumatoid arthritis and gout. We came to the conclusion that decreasing the number of jumps on the courses as well as changing the way the markers you have to hit by placing the AOE ability down to hit are done. Both of these would decrease the pain we got in playing the event. Making some of the story mode flashpoints a bit easier would also help the pain in joints for people. An example of a setting where the joint pain comes in would be on Ilum where you do The Battle of Ilum then The False Emperor one after another. Both of us have had pain after the Battle of Ilum so doing False Emperor was more difficult.
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