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Everything posted by HyperSonicOne

  1. I feel the force has brought us together. Care to try out my lightsaber?
  2. Hello everyone! I love to PvP and that is what I put my focus on. I'm not worried about medpacks and stuff, so I was wondering which crew skills are the best. I'm guessing I need to buy PvP gear with comms, so should I go scavenging, slicing, and cybertech for mods? Or should I go all mission skills? I don't really know.
  3. Before I begin, I had my own guild. Let's just say some stuff went on and it doesn't exist any more. So my question is whether or not is there any benefit to running your own guild.
  4. Hello everyone! I love pvp and i'm wondering what the best way to bring enemies down. I have found that marksmanship is good when you need to come in and finish others off, but isn't great for jumping into the fray. I always find myself running back instead of staying in and dealing damage since a lot of my abilities aren't made for mobility. I would love it if someone wrote up a detailed post instead of "Saboteur FtW." Thanks in advance.
  5. Before I start off, yes, I did use the search function. Anyway, I have looked through both discipline trees and could not see that many differences. PvP is one of y favorite things in the game so that is what I want the emphasis on. I would like detailed posts instead of "Scrapper FtW" Okay?
  6. In-game, I prefer tatooime, bit if I had my way I would have an outpost on Hoth. That would be awesome.
  7. Sorry about the long title, but I think that we should have one or both of these.
  8. Jedi Knights are great, I've got a Sentinel as my main, and the class story is great. The abilities are cool, but a large amount are getting removed from the game in 3.0...
  9. Hey everyone, I'm new to these forums but setting that aside, should there be crystals available to buy directly from the CM? Cartel packs are ridiculous and the GTN prices are way worse.
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