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Everything posted by Aerekplus

  1. Actually figured out a fix, if you /Stuck during this bug it will "kill" you but your character gets knocked out and thrown into a cell, the game assumed that you might die, and dying during that encounter fixes the problem for those who did not know about it. for anyone else struggling with this and looking for answers, I know the bug has not been fixed but your problem has now been solved.
  2. Lol I appreciate the input guys, It's frustrating when you can't directly take action against someone. It is what is though.
  3. I joined a really cult like guild, and their leader was very toxic. Referring to themselves as Empress and trying to force people into roles within the guild. It was really like a vampire cult, what really irked me though, was I dueled this person on Tatooine, 5 lvl difference and I didn't have gear. The guild lead withheld information on me, and lead me to believe I lost because of lack of skill. Then taught me a little about speed running heroics, and doing it his/her way. It was weird how they tried to push people into roles and wouldn't share information. After talking to them about their cult like mentality and withholding of information he/she got super salty and told me there's a way to do things in their guild, I /Gquit pretty fast, they're recruiting a lot of newbies, is there a way to report them or share the name so people know to avoid it? I'm away that's basically witch hunting, which is why I came here to ask. Is it best to just move on, I'm all for saving people the annoyance of accidently joining a cult.
  4. So I dueled this person with max gear who was 5 lvls higher than me on Tatooine, I tried asking them for advice but they wouldn't share, trying to lead me to believe that they were just flat out better. What a tool. Does gear and level still have some sort of effect, like does descaling work perfectly? I have to know. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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