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Everything posted by Nathan_Hanefort

  1. Hello there, As I have limited amount of tech fragments and I will farm those for weeks to finish my set, I would like to choose my „main“ for PVP wisely. Im going to play both, ranked and regs. Lethality and Anni are dot classes – which one you would go with this patch? I played with both A LOT in lowbies (got to pvp rank 40 on both chars) and yet cant decide. Both classes has stealth mechanics, both has zero to no burst, but anyway – which one you would take to ranked 4x4 dps with you? I have pretty ok knowledge about the classes, but what I do not know - how do they feel fully geared in 75 bracket. I see people complaining about op being OP, but its mostly about concealment burst and not lethality, because I cant see it being so OP, in regs at least? Well, I have noticed that in lowbie arenas I could contribute a lot on lethality – usually most kills, healing and dmg, but I write it down to my skill rather than class subspec.. Can someone please give me a brief breakdown on both specs and how do they feel in compare to 5.0? I remember Anni was 2nd best from marauders and lethality was basically trash in ranked. P.S. Not interested in playing conc or fury
  2. Can someone explain to me what happened to solo ranked? Eveybody knows that dps guardians are off the table, but where are the skanks? They should be strong as before or even stronger. At least I see such speculations in public.. So is it worthy to gear a skank or what? Is it better or worse for guardian skanks in compare to season 11.
  3. Whats your opener in pvp as lethality/ruffian? I find a hard time finding how to use steath to my advantage playing this spec. If an enemy is in combat, you cant sap them and cant use point blank shot from stealth (as you have to postpone it till your dots are on). What are other options apart from dots?
  4. My question is - why skank tanks usually are not allowed to participate in dueling tournaments? Guardian tank with dps gear are the only realistic way to have a chance to win a duel against op, sniper, mara, sorc and merc dps. So in general guardians are banned from any major tournaments.....
  5. A great question about the main - I have the same struggles every time I come back and dive deep into Swtor Usually I do cons and pros for every class to decide which will be the main for my new season and lvl it from scratch (I play all aspects, from story and hardest solo content to PVP and group PVE). Oh, and I play only Republic side and male only characters (as I RP from time to time), body type 3. My main criteria for my main: a) voice actor quality; b) weapon clipping issues; c) novels/media apart from Swtor (as insipiration); d) ranked PVP possibility. 1. Guardian - cant stand the voice actor (in a real life and in Swtor), if played with a skirt (aka Templar) or pants lightsabers do not clip with armor, plenty and more sources do draw inspiration from, serious PVP only in Tank spec. 2. Sentinel - cant stand the voice actor (in a real life and in Swtor), second lightsaber clipps with everything (some models even go inside the right leg ), plenty and more sources do draw inspiration from, all specs good for any kind of ranked PVP. 3. Vanguard - ok voice actor, most riffles clipps with almost all trooper armor (back packs etc), lots of good novels about archetype, was terrible in ranked PVP. 4. Commando - ok voice actor, most assault cannons clipps with almost all trooper armor (back packs etc), zero to none outside sources about assault cannon users (its hard to imagine colonel leading with cannon), very good in ranked PVP. 5. Smugler - good voice actor (except in vanilla class story, where it sounds like Han Solo - it gets better with expansions and more serious), most blasters do not clipp, whole world is insipiration because you can be anything - from a thief or a crime boss to ex military merc), 2 specs viable for ranked PVP. 6. Gunslinger - good voice actor (except in vanilla class story, where it sounds like Han Solo - it gets better with expansions and more serious), most blasters do not clipp, whole world is insipiration because you can be anything - from a thief or a crime boss to ex military merc or cowbow). 2 specs viable for ranked PVP. 7. Shadow - ok voice actor (gets better with expansions), most weapons clipp with anything (some goes even into my ribs), very small amount of outside sources of dualsaber users, all spec are good in ranked PVP. 8. Sage - ok voice actor (gets better with expansions), if played with a skirt (aka Templar) or pants lightsabers do not clipp with armor, plenty of outside sources for inspiration, best healer in ranked PVP. So every time I sit and update the lists, than give points to every con and pros and in the end I see what we have my next season of Swtor
  6. Was away for 5 months - how are the skank guardians doing in PVP? I saw a PVP tier list, dps guardians on the bottom, sadly..
  7. If fury mara goes into stealth before engaging, I cant do anything against it if he opens with cc immunity. At least it looks that way - after he finishes his first burst inside 6 sec window im half dead already.
  8. So after a year playing purely guardian, both dps/skank/tank on all levels (PVP and PVE) I took my SS slinger to 70 asap and tried PVP and PVE. Oh my..Thats not what I was expecting..Like at all PVE - I can clear all solo content, like heroics, without companion, resting and medpacks. Like a breeze. Even Belsavis ones, where i barely manage to proceed with my dps guardian if I make some mistakes using DCDs. Playing only 3 days and knowing only opener rotation, i kill mobs super fast, while keeping melee enemies at range and going out almost in full health (2 healing utilities). And I was so much troubled about slinger's survivability in hardest solo contents that postponed leveling one for months. Its a beast. Shadows and sentinels cant do anything what lonely slinger can do. PVP - after 10 reg matches I almost typed "DELETE". Gods of Valhalla stayed my hand somehow. IS IT REALLY that different from melee dps? Even in matches where I did not die (Voidstar, with 2 healers) I came last in DPS. The only thing I do in there is switching targets because every few casts enemy vanishes or gets LOS or some reflect etc etc. Most of the time I cant finish my casts or have to relocate because 2 maras jump on me. I try to nuke healer (like I do on my guardian) but that doesnt work because healers LOS even more. That feels like a nightmare (maybe because im used to leap/non stop dps). In the same conditions I used to come on top with guardian. And i have seen more than a few slingers who came out with 5k dps.. My questions are: What is my purpose in dps check wzs? Simply sit and cast into anything what is in my sight? Like to hit jug tanks whos always in the mid and gets healing from behind non stop? Or to seek specific targets? I tried to do later and obviously failed. How others get 5k dps? I have seen some jugs who tunnel other jugs in mid instead of focusing on healers for 15 mins....They came out with 6 mil dmg and 0 kill blows. Does it really so much different from melee (never played ranged in PVP) that its just a matter of time to get used to it? Or maybe some players just dont have talent for slingers? (I actually enjoy mechanics of the class). Is sharpshooter/marksman bad for huge PVP numbers? I understand that with static class I cant be the best ball carrier or defender or a support pal who runs along, so I believe everyone expects high numbers from me (like I do, when i see slingers in WZ). If 2 fury maras jump on me - why I cant survive for long? People cry, that slingers are super mobile and can kite forever and are FOTM.
  9. Crap or not, its still a story content - this like i can play for many weeks: doing a chapter, than 20 pvps, some fps and ops and go back to next chapter..Perfect strategy to avoid boredom or game switching I doubt that Ossus will bring more than a couple of days questing at best, no matter how cool it will be. So kotfe and kotet are gold mines for me, still as i done those only once and like a year ago.
  10. Well, than i will have to stop pvp for a time being As i play it daily..even in regs it matters..In full aug 248 i cant smack any 230-240. Thanks for the clarification!
  11. I read there will be vendor on Ossus - any info about the one on the fleet? I have some characters who havent proceed past SOR but have 248 gear already and are used for PVP mainly. So I will have to rush/skip both expansions and start questing on Ossus to get reputation and ruin my story experience? I dont get this. Any info would be nice about that. I cant actually believe the devs didnt think about people who have maxed gear but doing story slowly, so maybe im missing something..
  12. I agree with what you say, but I have to add the fourth type - not sure how big it is, but most players I know belongs to it: 4) Players who often play PVP (non ranked), PVE (master/veteran fps), sometimes do ranked PVP or OPS; they decorate their strongholds; they care about their look and buy fancy stuff to look cool; they enjoy playing solo; sometimes they do veteran fps solo; sometimes they farm mats; sometimes they craft; sometimes they rp in their head; sometimes they rp with friends; they belong to a guild; they do not belong to a guild; they are interested in the story; they care about their companions and dress them cool; they do crafting; they make money on GTN from time to time; actually they try to explore every part of the game. Why come to mmorpg and do only one thing when you have various activities presented to you - it makes no sense for me. We all could agree, that while mmorpgs deliver largest amount of content, it isnt the deepest/best in the market. Pure PVP games deliver better PVP experience/balance, pure solo games deliver better story content, economic simulators brings better crafting/trading experience. Mmorpg gives you all in one and you can stay in the game even after you are bored with one particular sector, its easy to jump to other activities and enjoy those for a next period. P.S. I personally dont mind cartel market - if there are people who want to pay real money for the toys, why stop them? I dont spent much there, like 10-20 euros per month, but i would pay 200 euros instantly for a proper lightsaber (like that of Qui-Gon, with correct beam emitter and perfect proportions).
  13. In total my sub would be like 24 months, but I take breaks from swtor from time to time. But I think I can call myself long term sub.
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