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Everything posted by demonolithic

  1. I hope this has been said already but optimizations and bug fixes FFS. The amount of half-a s s in this games development is disgusting.
  2. It's not if resources go into SWTOR but that they go into more then just the Cartel Market. Hopefully they strike a favorable balance but so far they haven't to me personally.
  3. Hell Yeah! Move it to beside the place we have to type crap in. While they are at it please also make things shift clickable to enter text into the search field FFS!
  4. Same here kinda. Dropped slicing a while back to take diplomacy. I needed to change my dark 5 to dark 1. Now I'm trying to get slicing back up and holy heck it's annoying running around Coruscant trying to find nodes in the mess that shows up because I also have Archaeology and Bioanalysis as well.
  5. Sure would be nice if Bioware could make the minimap icons different per resource or let us choose which resource at a given time we want to look for. Believe it or not there are many of us that make alts that do nothing but serve as gathering toons. Kinda sucks having 3 gathering crew skills and go out to farm up a specific one of them to have everything show on the minimap as the exact same icon. Mouse over is rather clunky especially when you are trying to keep moving. First World Problems!!!
  6. The Helm of awesome! I always thought of it as a bell. Love telling people that ask to "Ring my bell" to see if they got the reference. Yeah.... I'm old!
  7. HAH! had no idea it was even worse on the skinnier models...
  8. Included a good example above to show the issue but more screenies are always welcome.
  9. Any chest piece with a flap that goes over the rear has a very annoying bump to it. The preview window draws them correctly without the exaggerated bump to it so having the game draw it correctly as well on my characters would be lovely. Example
  10. Been suggested since before the game was released. Now that there is a system in place for you to charge for the convenience can we please get it implemented? Pretty please? BTW. Your suggestions forum could use some love.
  11. What irks me is that when you preview any item with a big butt flap the preview window can draw it correctly. Now if only they could fix it to display correctly on our characters.
  12. That first Picture has me thinking your card is trying to use eyefinity across multiple monitors. Wish I could be certain for you but the only certain thing I can say is that the card you have is more then this game needs. I see in your other post many have suggested what I would with heat issues. Have you verified that your cards fans are indeed working? I would also get something to monitor heat levels for your card. My final advice would be to take EVERYTHING off your card. I mean everything. Heatsink as well as Thermal pads and then place it in the oven as flat as you can get it on 350 degrees for 10mins. Sounds goofy I know but I also know from personal experience that this will indeed fix a card by causing the solder to reflow any broken points of contact. There are a few guides if you google "bake your graphics card".
  13. Delusional is the only nice thing I can say as a response to this...
  14. Glad you mentioned this. I had stopped using SWTOR Unleashed due to BSODs.
  15. My favorite is when you use an elevator... Also while your at it implement the lekku language that only Twi'leks can understand!
  16. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815100100&Tpk=AVerMedia%20C985&IsVirtualParent=1 amazon has it at 179 atm.
  17. yummy! bring on the AC change for CC por favor!
  18. Let me check my dude and get back to you. brb. edit: Dark Side V On - http://i.imgur.com/Lz3vk71.jpg Dark Side V Off - http://i.imgur.com/uQcu62b.jpg edit 2: this is color selection 3. Enjoy.
  19. Can we get these fixed? I know it's possible since it's correct when you preview an item. Please. Edit: To provide an EXAMPLE
  20. They did. They started a thread about it to gauge the idea way back in beta. Needless to say the outcome did not at all match the consensus of the post since we are now freemium.
  21. To hazard a guess... Lazy development. Do I blame them. Not really. Star Wars is vast in scope when it comes to species and this game is VERY limited to which you can play already. Cyborgs where just a quick and semi easy way to add one more to the selection.
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