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Everything posted by fujeo-finell

  1. No, doing the same quests with different classes is incredibly fun.
  2. A better solution: Remove the 12xp bonus.
  3. Only for the ridiculously impatient.
  4. That's funny, from your OP one would guess that you've never enjoyed playing this game ever.
  5. Yeah, playing this "game" is such a chore.
  6. I have one level 55. I used the 12x boost to get an operative past chapter 2 for the crit buff to my main. Beyond that I'd rather wait until the discipline revamp to level an alt so I can play the game with a brand new leveling experience, having all the relevant class abilities gained earlier on to make my alts more fun to play earlier in their lifespan.
  7. Let's just get rid of leveling all together. Afterall noone needs to learn their class. Noone likes killing the same mobs over and over again when they could be killing the same mobs over and over again at max level. Noone enjoys the experience of visiting different planets and progressing through story lines. Let's just turn the game into a sandbox of instanced wz's and fp's so people don't have to bother about annoying things like preparation and character progression. Hell let's just turn this game into Phantasy Star Online already.
  8. Surely with 14 characters you can give each of them a different spec/role.
  9. I played an operative past Hoth strictly on class quests to get the crit buff for my Merc. The gear I supplied my operative was all crafted purples that I had already learned the schematics for on my Merc. I skipped every class conversation I had because I would rather do the class story without the exp buff to properly immerse myself in the story, and once I got what I set out to get I stopped playing the operative. Playing a class simply to reach an end goal is considerably more boring and frustrating then playing for the experience because I'm too busy focused on the end goal and become frustrated when I remember that I'm not at that goal yet. This is what happens when Bioware hands out these exp boosts. People become so focused on reaching the end goal that they forget to enjoy the gaming experience the way it was meant to be experienced and then get frustrated at any little tidbit blocking them from reaching that end goal, such as the OP's problem with gear.
  10. Why don't we just get rid of leveling entirely? Nobody likes killing the same mobs over and over again. Let's just start all characters at max level so they can go and kill the same mobs over and over again at max level straight away?
  11. Why on earth would they do that just before an expansion designed to revitalize the leveling experience?
  12. This is the easiest leveling has ever been in the history of the game and you still find something to complain about.
  13. If you were doing every quest you would be spending less time traveling and more time questing.
  14. The only way you are going to achieve any kind of individuality is if you stop worshiping the dogmatic min-maxer mindset and make your own gameplay choices. Bioware cannot do this for you. Edit: You also seem to be forgetting that picking a talent tree is a choice in itself.
  15. A second Tracer Missile talent that uses the old animation.
  16. I find it a bit counter-intuitive to offer a 12x xp boost right before an expansion that's meant to revitalize the leveling experience.
  17. Presently all that is needed to win a Hypergate is for a stealthy to cap the enemy pylon close enough to the time limit too prevent the opposing team to recap it in time, making all the work in the middle pointless. So try this: Both teams have a pylon for the duration of the match that cannot be stolen. Each kill or orb is used to charge your pylon to a set amount to lock it down, after which a lockdown is worth one point. You can also steal charges from your enemy's pylon, dropping their total charge, and any charge stolen from an enemy pylon is worth double a normal charge. The objective is to charge your pylon to lockdown status faster than the opposing team. The first team to get to 5 lockdowns wins the match.
  18. Change Power Overrides to remove the cooldown on Concussion Missile and grant an extra 4 seconds of interrupt immunity. Remove the extra instant cast charge.
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